
polite society
souls_harbor 55 reads

It reminds me of the old maxim, "An armed society is a polite society."

I'm polite with providers.  I think that will keep me out of this sort of drama trouble.  Ideally they'll want me to come back and spend more money.

Unless someone is a stalker, or otherwise poses a danger to escorts or clients, there is NO REASON to out their real identity on social media.  I don't care if they're an annoying troll.  I don't like Ted talon, but I'm not going to fight him in a parking lot or out his identity unless I'm convinced that he will actually harm a provider.  For further clarification, I'm not specifically referring to Ted; he's just an example.  Those of you who are on Twitter know who I'm actually talking about.  If you are involved,  STOP IT. i will personally refuse to see any provider who engages in such unethical conduct.  

It invites retaliation in kind as well as making others, both providers and hobbyist, distrustful of the person doing the outing.

You got that right . And I have the proof  that a local  provider  retweeted  his info out  with his picture . Before she edited her tweet and the original  source   edited that info out too.    Trying to cover their  tracks.  But Charlie  is a step ahead of them .  


If you don't  want your info compromised  , she should be on your personal blacklist.   She d id it once , will do it again.

and I guess if a provider you know all of a sudden is delisted both here and on P 411 that could very likely be the reason why.

I'd like to thank you guys (and gals) who reached out to me yesterday and offered your help and support, TER Admin and Gina at P 411 were also immediately on top of things and delisted many of the offenders.

The biggest losers in all this are going to be the legit providers who would never dream of misusing the private information entrusted to them, after two outings by the Twatter crowd in just a few days, the last one by a "well reviewed TER provider" or a least one who was formerly well reviewed, it's going to get harder and harder to tell the guys "just behave yourself and you have nothing to fear' I hate to break it to you guys and girls, but I was outed strictly because of my board posts, I have never had ANY RL interaction with the BSC hooker who splashed my information all over the internet, nor have I have ever had a session with any of the others who retweeted my information. This was done purely out of spite because they resent my criticism of the Twatter site.

If any guy still wants to see any of those BSC OTHFBs on Twatter, you've been warned. It will be 100% your own fault when something like this happens to you. Charlie and Van are giving out some good advice, I would advise giving it some heed.

There you have it folks , direct from the source.  

If you think he was the only one  they  were going to try this on think again , he was first shot  across bow.  The BSC  followers hookers and mongers alike, and they know who they are, and so do others  of  that twitter handle  were waiting to see how  this played  out before  launching  one on next General Board  big target. It's   no secret who that  is either.   Needed their intel.  

It's  a real shame if your breaking in to hobby, to have your caged rattled  , that  you can no longer trust your private  info won't  be compromised not for being a physical  danger,  but for being honest in what you say .  

See that's  the absolute hypocrisy at play and why Twatter and Twitter are becoming their chosen  medium.  They want to enjoy free liberty, unmoderated speech , while denying you the same.    You can't  say that  about Charlie  . I happen  to like transparency  , and think board  and hobby are better served by it.  

souls_harbor78 reads

Except you weren't outed by an escort, you were outed by a business associate.

Not true Souls   escorts   retweeted that shit out .  

Were they the first  cause no.   And it is a fact one  of them is a minneapolis provider.   Did you see the sanitized   or unsanitized tweets? I have  seen both, by the offenders.    And there is a reason they pulled that shit in middle  of night.   To reach the vampire  hooker audience.  

Man you have drank to much of the Kool-Aid.

souls_harbor102 reads

No GaGa keeps claiming this was info entrusted to a provider that was released.  This is a blatant lie.  This was a business associate reporting a ripoff -- many years ago.  It's true some anti-ter folks retweeted the PUBLIC info -- but it is NOT the case of an escort revealing private info known only to her.   GaGa should stop lying about that.

I was outed by someone right here on TER.  

The same person who outed me outed several high profile TER members several years ago.

SH, I know you don't like me, and the feeling is mutual, but you are fighting a losing battle here, the facts simply are NOT on your side, and quite frankly you are starting to look pathetic.

Yeah not to mention that personal hit list that BSC group is proposing.    For that website  they have been promising.   Its one thing if its session conduct, direct contact with a client.  But speech related,  and you want me to believe they aren't  unhinged hookers and their protectors  supporting this shit.  

So you think all your private data is really safe now?  Think again .  It only takes one to bring  down your little charade from wifey or employer . Imagine if your employers name was linked to a fuckboard , through  your name.   May not play out so well for ya. This is black market  rules your playing with fucktards. Never  forget  that.    

  You know sure as fuck  the word  has spread  to providers , mums the word .

souls_harbor56 reads

It reminds me of the old maxim, "An armed society is a polite society."

I'm polite with providers.  I think that will keep me out of this sort of drama trouble.  Ideally they'll want me to come back and spend more money.

If you are so secure in the fact you are "polite" why do you hide behind an alias?

Being polite is not what is going to keep you out of this kind of thing, some of these women have gone BSC over something as trivial as an 8-8 review. what is going to keep you out of this kind of thing is hiding like a coward behind an alias. I suppose there is a certain wisdom to being a chickenshit like you, but it's still cowardly.

souls_harbor62 reads

What?  You just got outed.  You're screaming to everyone to not give info to providers.   And you want to know why I use an alias.  Can you even hear yourself?

Butthole60 reads

At least 10 local providers are on tinder under their real identity.  Makes ya wonder why ya pay...

If it is a tinder chick, her info is already out there most likely  

 -e-o-  đŸ˜˜

Well I can confirm a  local chick is spreading this dudes  personal information via Twitter

Recently found out I was unknowingly responding back and forth with a provider on a local Facebook group. *mind blown*

I think that what the OP is talking about is also over on the general board…more info there

Yes, some of the details are on that thread.  But the actual shit went down on Twitter.

It's good to see you on the MN board again, GaG. I think the last time you were here was five years ago.  Ridgetucky was  trolling us, and you showed up to give him hell!

but has it really been that long, I thought I was here a couple of years ago, but at my "advanced age" time does tend to fly.

Yeah dude, It's  good  to have straight talking,  no Bullshit voice. The WK's have suceeded in pussyfying the so called  men even more  than their natural tendencies.  

For fuck sakes now we have to put up with fake shills, by dudes , who admit never  got dirty  with , just because they like them .  And may not even be local  
 WFT.  I guess its some bs admin  approves.  

Again full disclosure , I've had  my battles with them and mods.  

I have alot if dudes asking  about who the local was that retweeted,   and word  is getting out on her.

tosee109 reads

I guess I'm missing some of the information. Can you send me your twitter handle?

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