
Personally, FWIW...
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 544 reads

Since my time is what is offered, that is what I give.  Period.  It is your choice if you need to leave early.  It's that simple for me.  I don't think it's good karma.  On the other hand, you erred on the side of good reputation hobbyist when you do stuff like just pay and move on.  Kudos.


I had a recent experience that I am looking for opinions from both the guys and the gals. Please no questions who I am talking about! Set a two hour date with a gal that has been on my radar for a while. I will say I woke up a little off that morning. Arrived a little early. Walked in to pretty much what I expected. Maybe not quite what pictures portrayed.  After one hour I was pretty well spent and she probably sensed that? She got up and dressed and offered me a shower which I declined. Figuring the fact that she got up and dressed I assumed she was done? Maybe if I would have just stayed in bed she would have came back? I didnt get that impression So I got up and dressed and asked what I owed her. She said what we agreed on ahead of time.  Again not writing this to cause trouble. Im not a trouble maker I may even see her again as I did have a good time while I was there and I wasnt feeling the best when I left that am but didnt want to cancel. I wasnt sick just tired from a long day and night before. It's not that big a deal. I thought it was a expensive hour tho. Would appreciate thoughts. Am I out of line thinking that I may have been shortchanged or even bringing the subject up?

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 4:57:38 PM

Butthole487 reads

Did she initiate getting dressed and the fact she was "done"?  If so it's on her.

If not, it's too bad, but it happens.  You have to account for her time.  Didn't you want a massage or even a BJ? Or just talking?

  Maybe try being upfront, maybe she will work with you, such as switching days, times, or appointment length.

 Hole.  (Goooooat)


Posted By: joemac1234
I had a recent experience that I am looking for opinions from both the guys and the gals. Please no questions who I am talking about! Set a two hour date with a gal that has been on my radar for a while. I will say I woke up a little off that morning. Arrived a little early. Walked in to pretty much what I expected. Maybe not quite what pictures portrayed.  After one hour I was pretty well spent and she probably sensed that? She got up and dressed and offered me a shower which I declined. Figuring the fact that she got up and dressed I assumed she was done? Maybe if I would have just stayed in bed she would have came back? I didnt get that impression So I got up and dressed and asked what I owed her. She said what we agreed on ahead of time.  Again not writing this to cause trouble. Im not a trouble maker I may even see her again as I did have a good time while I was there and I wasnt feeling the best when I left that am but didnt want to cancel. I wasnt sick just tired from a long day and night before. It's not that big a deal. I thought it was a expensive hour tho. Would appreciate thoughts. Am I out of line thinking that I may have been shortchanged or even bringing the subject up?  










-- Modified on 8/16/2016 6:40:53 PM

CuriousSort515 reads

I disagree somewhat with the other comments.  

Even if you were spent, she could have spent the last hour cuddling with you and having pillow talk.  I really enjoy the pillow talk time.  Being with a woman doesn't have to be all sex.  I enjoy just being in her company.  Or you could have asked her if she wouldn't have minded giving you a massage or allowing you to massage her.

Had you said you were done and wanted to leave early that would be one thing.  Then yes, you would owe for the full appointment time.  But it sounds like she cut you short on time without any discussion and that's not right.  She should have refunded the money for the last hour if she felt the need to leave early or she should have stayed for the full time.

Communication is key though.  If you didn't say anything to her and she left early then I wouldn't say she did anything wrong.  You could have expressed you wanted to cuddle.  :)

It's important to talk

I am uncooperative when people want a full refund, especially after time spent ... However I would give money back for the one hour you did not use.   That's how I run my ship.

Great points by everyone so far! It is water over the bridge now but was still curious. And never had intention of not paying! I pride myself in being a gentleman and never try to abuse any situation whether it be time or money.
Thx All

Butthole358 reads

...and under a bridge  

Did you or SHE end the 2 hour appointment after one hour?

Figure it out before you blast someone.  The other Joe didnt last long doing the same thing earlier this year!

Move in to greener like Bel and the GOOOOAT!!!

It sounds like an unfortunate series of events, she shouldn't have walked away half way through date but it also sounds like you were the one who ultimately ended it. There are many ways to spend an hour that don't require a lot of energy. If you left early it's on you and she was owed the full amount. A little good communication goes a long way and avoids the need for threads like this.

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 9:31:40 PM

It has been said already, but in my opinion it was wrong to expect to pay for only an hour.  It was also wrong of her to start getting dressed after one hour.  It has happened to me and I wouldn't even consider seeing a lady that did that again.  I have finished off many visits just talking and cuddling or with a massage or giving one.  I respect your decision not to name the lady, but I wish you would.  I don't want her to pull it on me.  It is one of the purposes of this site.   bigdell

I think you hit the nail on the head. Probably both of us to blame. I think if I said crawl back in here she may have? As far as pulling it on you I doubt it will be an issue as she is well reviewed. Maybe we both just had a bad day?  In Some ways wish I hadnt brought it up but on the other hand the thread was quite informative from both sides of the hobby.
Thx All

Posted By: bigdell
It has been said already, but in my opinion it was wrong to expect to pay for only an hour.  It was also wrong of her to start getting dressed after one hour.  It has happened to me and I wouldn't even consider seeing a lady that did that again.  I have finished off many visits just talking and cuddling or with a massage or giving one.  I respect your decision not to name the lady, but I wish you would.  I don't want her to pull it on me.  It is one of the purposes of this site.   bigdell

Since my time is what is offered, that is what I give.  Period.  It is your choice if you need to leave early.  It's that simple for me.  I don't think it's good karma.  On the other hand, you erred on the side of good reputation hobbyist when you do stuff like just pay and move on.  Kudos.


to affirm that it was ok to leave. Even just hanging out and doing the pillow talk thing. Maybe given another 30 minutes you would have risen to the occasion. In my opinion the signal that the appointment is over, if the time isn't up, should come from you. By asking what you owed her, you politely gave her the chance to acknowledge she was leaving early. At that point she could have offered to give a massage or just stay and chat for the reminder, or prorated the donation.

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 1:19:33 PM

Butthole396 reads

If YOU left early, don't blame her.
 Dumb Newbie thread.

Posted By: Rxyman
to affirm that it was ok to leave. Even just hanging out and doing the pillow talk thing. Maybe given another 30 minutes you would have risen to the occasion. In my opinion the signal that the appointment is over, if the time isn't up, should come from you. By asking what you owed her, you politely gave her the chance to acknowledge she was leaving early. At that point she could have offered to give a massage or just stay and chat for the reminder, or prorated the donation.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 1:19:33 PM

Cmon man! Are you paying attn? I dont think that is called for?

Posted By: Butthole
If YOU left early, don't blame her.  
  Dumb Newbie thread.  
Posted By: Rxyman
to affirm that it was ok to leave. Even just hanging out and doing the pillow talk thing. Maybe given another 30 minutes you would have risen to the occasion. In my opinion the signal that the appointment is over, if the time isn't up, should come from you. By asking what you owed her, you politely gave her the chance to acknowledge she was leaving early. At that point she could have offered to give a massage or just stay and chat for the reminder, or prorated the donation.  
 -- Modified on 8/16/2016 1:19:33 PM

Butthole374 reads

It's a matter of the TIME spent with the provider. If you didn't feel well, or other issues, TELL HER before!
We have quality, wonderful women in Minnesota who will communicate.  You have good WL, why bring this here? Why not work it out with the woman in question?

Much ado about nothing.

Wish TER had rebutle responses.  
If SHE got dressed/left early: HER problem
If YOU have a problem with her, your problem

Get an hour of small talk and cuddling at least!! LOL
C'mon, you should know better!

Posted By: Rxyman
to affirm that it was ok to leave. Even just hanging out and doing the pillow talk thing. Maybe given another 30 minutes you would have risen to the occasion. In my opinion the signal that the appointment is over, if the time isn't up, should come from you. By asking what you owed her, you politely gave her the chance to acknowledge she was leaving early. At that point she could have offered to give a massage or just stay and chat for the reminder, or prorated the donation.  
 -- Modified on 8/16/2016 1:19:33 PM

Butthole350 reads

YOU got sick, YOU left!!
And if she is a respectable provider, YOU caused/ruined time for US!
Dont "play dumb" with US Joe ;-)

She wanted you out, and you paid!  




Posted By: Butthole
 It's a matter of the TIME spent with the provider. If you didn't feel well, or other issues, TELL HER before!  
 We have quality, wonderful women in Minnesota who will communicate.  You have good WL, why bring this here? Why not work it out with the woman in question?  
 Much ado about nothing.  
 Wish TER had rebutle responses.  
 If SHE got dressed/left early: HER problem  
 If YOU have a problem with her, your problem  
 Get an hour of small talk and cuddling at least!! LOL  
 C'mon, you should know better!  
Posted By: Rxyman
to affirm that it was ok to leave. Even just hanging out and doing the pillow talk thing. Maybe given another 30 minutes you would have risen to the occasion. In my opinion the signal that the appointment is over, if the time isn't up, should come from you. By asking what you owed her, you politely gave her the chance to acknowledge she was leaving early. At that point she could have offered to give a massage or just stay and chat for the reminder, or prorated the donation.    
  -- Modified on 8/16/2016 1:19:33 PM

Once you are there, I'd say it is definitely too late to want to get a smaller donation because you didn't feel up to the 2nd hour.  But she shouldn't have ended the session like that either.  That was still your time.

But I will say this.  If I had been in your shoes, if she had offered a refund of all or part of the 2nd hour, that would be the sort of thing that really would catch my attention and make me more likely to return.

From what you've said (op), I'm a bit confused as to who ended the session early. From the details you've given, sounds like you said you were "spent" and were  "calling it a night" and the lady got dressed following your lead. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that better communication would have sufficed extremely well in this case, as with most cases in our hobby. However, even though you were "calling it a night", if I were the provider in question, I would (and have) , at minimum, offered a discount on our next meeting. Hopefully satisfying all parties... tired or not.  😉
Just my two cents.  

Passionate kisses, Sadie

-- Modified on 8/17/2016 12:28:56 AM

And if that's what happened, I think the client should have spoken up if he wanted to continue the session, even if just cuddling, massaging, or talking as was mentioned above.  By acquiescing to the provider's actions without letting her know he wanted to continue, he was in effect telling her he was finished with the session. And he owed her for the full time agreed to, since he was ending the session early.  

But also, the provider should have been more direct in her communication, and rather than just getting dressed should have said something like, "We have about an hour left, what would you like to do?"

I get the strange feeling there's some things left unsaid about what happened.

Unless she expressly told you to get out, you should have stayed and gotten your full time's worth.
Just because a provider puts some clothes on, doesn't necessarily mean the appt is over.  Since you
booked 2 hrs and you chose to leave early, you owed the 2 hrs donation.

Had she told you to get out at the 1 hr mark, I think you would have been justified in giving her a 1 hr donation.

You made the appointment. You owe her the full amount.
If she asked you to leave that would be a different story IMO

in the world of DIY massage circa the dinosaur era...

I paid for an hour.  If I get 30 min and the gal walks out...

I stayed in there until my time was up and did what I wanted to.  Mini nap...sure!  Snooping around and hiding the lube for the next appointment...sure!  Hidden pop shots....sure!  Opening up and spitting in all those luke warm tiny little water bottles they offer you...sure!

Flippin communicate and if the communication is a one way street then screw it, go home and write an honest review.  It used to be that easy but alas things have changed..

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