
buck1848 41 Reviews 75 reads

I lived and worked in Montreal in my mid 20s, so this info is 20 years old.  

My experience in Montreal was nothing short of phenomenal!  At the time Sainte Catherine street was the location of numerous strip clubs and kind of a "Red Light" district.  These clubs were nothing like we have here in the Cities.  I can honestly say that a vast majority of the Dancers at the clubs could have been in Playboy or Hustler.  At the time it was also very economical to live and play in Montreal.  Even though I didn't partake much in the hobby at the time, you could go down to Sainte Catherine street and pretty much get connected/introduced to many of the dancers through the barkers/managers of the various clubs.  Now I'm not talking pimps here, they were more of a "conduit" to the dancers, and you could arrange with the ladies to have a nice time in private at the club or in their off time.  You also had a lot of print media (i.e. like a City Pages) where you could connect with providers and you could find ladies that would pretty much meet any need.  The SPVM (Montreal Police) were very cool and if your were not acting the fool they would leave your alone.  

Basically, Montreal had and I think still has a very European feel to it, so they look at things like hobbying very differently then we do here in the US.  I do know that Sainte Catherine street has gone through a revitalization over the past 10-15 years and many of the clubs are now gone, but I think the overall opinion or view of adult entertainment/hobbying still holds true.

Hope this helps.


ss_jenz1736 reads

I've not seen this discussed in the MN forum yet so here goes.

Anyone found advantages to seeking a provider in Canada?
I know there are different laws and that likely reflects different attitudes in the culture and different priorities on the part of the government and LE.  

Not the best example, but Canada (like California) is one of the only possibilities nearby for sexological body work, which is not a provider experience admittedly, but I mention it because it shows a difference in mentality and openness to someone being paid to use intimate touch.

Can anybody speak to the their experiences or knowledge of how the hobby is better, worse or different than in MN, or the states in general?

I wouldn't go up there just for this but may find myself there for other travel and am curious what there is to know.


It seems to be a bit more relaxed in Canada.  
The new law makes it legal to be a prostitute, but a crime to be a customer of a prostute.   However so far I have not heard of any police sweeps of johns (so far).  
I would say it all feels a bit more relaxed atmosphere with the hobby in Canada.  

I lived and worked in Montreal in my mid 20s, so this info is 20 years old.  

My experience in Montreal was nothing short of phenomenal!  At the time Sainte Catherine street was the location of numerous strip clubs and kind of a "Red Light" district.  These clubs were nothing like we have here in the Cities.  I can honestly say that a vast majority of the Dancers at the clubs could have been in Playboy or Hustler.  At the time it was also very economical to live and play in Montreal.  Even though I didn't partake much in the hobby at the time, you could go down to Sainte Catherine street and pretty much get connected/introduced to many of the dancers through the barkers/managers of the various clubs.  Now I'm not talking pimps here, they were more of a "conduit" to the dancers, and you could arrange with the ladies to have a nice time in private at the club or in their off time.  You also had a lot of print media (i.e. like a City Pages) where you could connect with providers and you could find ladies that would pretty much meet any need.  The SPVM (Montreal Police) were very cool and if your were not acting the fool they would leave your alone.  

Basically, Montreal had and I think still has a very European feel to it, so they look at things like hobbying very differently then we do here in the US.  I do know that Sainte Catherine street has gone through a revitalization over the past 10-15 years and many of the clubs are now gone, but I think the overall opinion or view of adult entertainment/hobbying still holds true.

Hope this helps.


ss_jenz83 reads

I am most interested in how things differ regarding LE, cost, quality of provider, and how the differences in law apply to the hobby.

So are we saying that the risks are much more on the side of the seeker vs provider, but that it seems LE is much less concerned with busts and prosecution? As long as you see an escort vs cruising the streets you are basically left alone?

As a provider that travels to Canada frequently, there are a few differences to be aware of.  

The current laws on prostitution are sometimes referred to as the "Nordic Laws" - where it is illegal to purchase services but not illegal to sell them.  Another thing I learned from my friends in the area is that when contacting a provider regarding services, it is illegal to talk about what a provider does offer but not illegal to talk about what a provider DOES NOT offer. Reason being is it provides an electronic paper trail should a client do something to the provider that the provider does not offer nor ever agreed to. Therefore, allowing that provider to safely inform law enforcement that a client did something they did not consent to.  

Basically, long story short - you as the client, take on a bit more of the risk. So stick to the boards that are specific to Canada (you may PM me for those). Don't just go walking up to a person on the street and ask them for service. Also, screening is still a thing in Canada. It can be a bit lighter or it may be just as tough. It's provider dependent.  

In regards to cost, you will find it varies greatly. Colleagues of mine in both Montreal and Toronto have rates ranging from 300/Hr to 600/hr CAD. Take into account the exchange rate and you're receiving near a 20% reduction in cost. In addition, you'll find that agency based providers are just as popular as independent providers. I have found that the quality of provider is much the same as it is here - it varies. There are superb providers at 300/Hr and at 600/HR. A price point is not always indicative of quality, although it may at times trend that way.  

Hope this helps.

LJ, xx

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