
might be intended; poetry?confused_smile
bfw 9 Reviews 310 reads

it might be AutoCorrect's fault; but it might've been intended poetry. As i read it a couple times she may be implying many providers are cold, robotic, mechanical, machine-like, so not breathing/living beings when providing, unlike her.

guessing it should be 'breath taking'.  Auto correct probably changed it for spelling error.

NoBS1372 reads

What makes you think she's educated enough to use such a big word?

Posted By: handytohave60
guessing it should be 'breath taking'.  Auto correct probably changed it for spelling error.

it might be AutoCorrect's fault; but it might've been intended poetry. As i read it a couple times she may be implying many providers are cold, robotic, mechanical, machine-like, so not breathing/living beings when providing, unlike her.

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