
LOL its probably her posting under those aliases! That is so wrong leave the kids out of it. -e-confused_smile
mschambers See my TER Reviews 979 reads


adsumsparkle3061 reads

And I'm posting becuz I'm beyond pissed. THIS IS NOT OK MS STALKER.

adsumsparkle2281 reads

Its all heresay.....and obviously written by someone unstable.

Posted By: adsumsparkle
And I'm posting becuz I'm beyond pissed. THIS IS NOT OK MS STALKER.

adsumsparkle2107 reads

I have been and I will continue to do so. People seem to be under the assumption that I haven't done anything but post on this forum for help. The stuff I'm doing I'm not posting about. I'm not scared...just very angry. I will continue to do my life as I've always been doing it. She can't stop me

It's one thing to go after a provider but to mess with innocent children who have done nothing wrong is inexcusable!!     Simply intolerable, IMO.   I am behind you all the way, Hilary.

cmdryunkle1531 reads

Oh boy more Hilary drama zzzzz

in the content of this post by cmdryunkie is pitiiable.  I have actually seen the letters in question, and I can state, as a psychologist, that the person who wrote these letters is pathologically ill, as well as engaging in illegal/criminal behavior.  There is no self-generated drama from Hilary here--the threats contained in these letters are real, despicable, and Hilary is right to fight against these threats as best she can.  Your comment is uncalled for--if what you label as "Hilary drama" is boring to you, simply don't read her posts.  Adding your verbal attack towards her in addition to what she has undergone in these written threats is of the same type of behavior, just not as extreme.

cmdryunkle991 reads

What ignorance and attacks all I said was more Hilary drama zzzz Hearing about this every 3 days is getting old.  In my opinion she should deal with it on her own not on the public boards.

appears to be formed from a very narrow perspective, and one without many of the facts.  And it was also an overt criticism containing a covert judgment and intolerance.  

As I noted, the content of these threats is very didsturbing, and one of the "tactics" the writer of these letters uses is to threaten to make public something the writer assumes Hilary wouldn't want to be made public.  It is strategically sound for Hilary to make use of the public boards as a part of her means of defending herself against the threats being made; by the very nature of her going public, she takes away the threat of public exposure.  I can guarantee you--if there are any people you love and care about, or you love and care about yourself, and you received these kinds of letters with their pathological content, you would be extending yourself through any means available to protect yourself and those you care about, and counter the threats.   And whether or not some stranger on TER considers it to be "drama" or "old news" wouldn't really be of concern to you.

And I reiterate--if you find it to be getting old, there is no one compelling or forcing you to read any given post or threat.  I myself look at some of the threads on this board, and have a negative response to much of the content and form; I rarely post any comments regarding my negative response.

that Hilary hasn't done anything wrong, either.  By all accounts, she does EVERYTHING right. :)

my$.021464 reads

If she spills to the IRS and you haven't been paying taxes on all of the income the feds can verify.

adsumsparkle1382 reads

I PAY my taxes. Where the HELL did that come from???????????

Posted By: my$.02

If she spills to the IRS and you haven't been paying taxes on all of the income the feds can verify.

HHOUDINI1166 reads

What taxes do you pay? Sales Tax? Property Tax? Income Tax?
How do you state your (mostly cash) business to the IRS?

Posted By: adsumsparkle
I PAY my taxes. Where the HELL did that come from???????????
Posted By: my$.02

If she spills to the IRS and you haven't been paying taxes on all of the income the feds can verify.

justified thie content of this post to yourself, but what business is it of your's, or anyone's, regarding whether or not someone/anyone else is paying taxes?

Is list cash received as additional income.  As long as you claim ALL your income, you will be fine with the IRS.  

my$.021098 reads

Not all gals are as intelligent as you. Back taxes, penalties, possible time in federal prison for not doing so.

First you accuse Hillary of tax evasion and when that falls flat, you shift gears and infer she's some how responsible for other providers taxes.. That's my $.03.. Because I have more then you.

Posted By: my$.02

Not all gals are as intelligent as you. Back taxes, penalties, possible time in federal prison for not doing so.

As I told you before Hilary, if you need anything, you have my contact info. This is MAJOR BS!!!

adsumsparkle1155 reads

I guess that's ALL they want....entertainment.....

73-Jake923 reads

You are a jerk.  She is opening up about a very emotional event that most of us could never imagine experiencing.  Meanwhile, you sit in your parents' basement and throw out callous anonymous comments from the peanut gallery.  My heart goes out to her, as no person deserves this.

Have some class.

And I simply note that you are using highly dramatic language yourself.  So I'm imaginig--because we all do still get to do that--that there is some drama inyoursheets.

cmdryunkle1006 reads

Your white knighting isn't really helping HHs cause.  Her responses to those against her were humorous and showed a little class for being able to take some criticism. Take your own advice and let everyone voice their opinion whether you agree or not.

So they can beat up on a provider who is going through some very rough things that not only affect her, but also her family. Whoever you people hiding behind your "aliases", all I can say is karma's a bitch.... As the old saying goes "what goes around comes around". Not that I'm wishing this on anyone. (Well, maybe a little.)

This kind of abuse is uncalled for. Its actually shameful, in my opinion.

You can call it "white Knighting," but I call it being supportive to a wonderful person when she needs it most.
Hang in there Hilary, you have mine and I think this community's full support.

cmdryunkle883 reads

I didn't beat up on her at all.  I stated I was bored and tired of the HH board drama.  Some people here are throwing shots at me and implying I stated things that I did not.   I'm gonna go to sleep now and avoid the rest of this thread.

Hey cmdryunkle...   You knew exactly what you were doing and it takes a touch of cowardice to not go on the record with any of your statements.  Hilary has many friends on this board that are concerned for both her and her family.  Whether or not you care does not matter to the majority of us.  She is also seeking advice from those that know her on how to make it all stop.  The real reason trolls use aliases is because they know nobody will want to see them based on their hateful comments.  Is that helpful enough for you?

There was a time when it was not uncommon for someone using an alias that had never been seen before to come on the board and launch all manner of vicious and unsupported attacks on people.

And as far as the person behind the alias goes, most people don't repeatedly post in a thread that does not interest them.

Why do we have to turn EVERYTHING into it..
If you dont like what someone has to say dont read it.. Its really that simple.

"If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"

HH sorry this is going down a path that is not acceptable.  
Just wrong.

This is why I hate aliases. People can take shots while undercover.
Grow a set and stand behind your thoughts.

I don't hide. My user name is foxy3223.
Yes I'm mocking the pansies with aliases.

HH sorry this is going down a path that is not acceptable.  
Just wrong.

This is both unprofessional and cruel. This person has been breaking all the rules of our little culture. I hope that you do everything you (legally) can about it. You have my deepest sympathy, and support (what little that is worth). One would think any hobbyist who would gets involved with a provider who pulls this stuff needs to have his head (both the little and big ones) examined.

Oh_My859 reads

Will eventually be exposed!  This scenario could easily be anyone of us put in this same situation of needing to protect our private lives and our loved ones.

ThreeCupsPlease1122 reads

I agree with the way you are handling this.  Clearly, the preferred strategy is to make it absolutely clear to your tormenter that you are completely enraged by this person's activities and his/her intent is being completely fulfilled.  

I wouldn't change a thing.

Get a clue.. Maybe Hilary WANTS her stalker to KNOW that she's not afraid to post in PUBLIC about this... DUH.... So, yes it may be The Preferred Strategy.

Posted By: ThreeCupsPlease
I agree with the way you are handling this.  Clearly, the preferred strategy is to make it absolutely clear to your tormenter that you are completely enraged by this person's activities and his/her intent is being completely fulfilled.  

I wouldn't change a thing.

ThreeCupsPlease944 reads

For my future posts  I could PM you with an "easy reader" version, iff you would like,

Your post makes no sense to me.... I'm done with this....

-- Modified on 5/12/2012 10:19:03 PM

-- Modified on 5/12/2012 10:42:08 PM

ThreeCupsPlease1325 reads

Don't give up! I understand that these discussions can be confusing.  I don't consider you to be "dimwitted and not worth the effort.'  That's why I am reaching out to you with an offer of "special" help so you can follow the discussion.  "Dimwitted" is such a judgemental term.  You're still a person deserving of respect and a helping hand.

I can see what you're doing in your round about way. I don't NEED or want any special help from any one, especially you. I'm judgmental only to a very special few, and you happen to be one of them. So sit behind your computer and go find someone else to try and kick around. This board is getting worthless, with all the trolls on it now. Its not even worth being on it anymore. Too many useless posts, like this one... ha ha. IMHO.

inyoursheets1301 reads

You can't hold a candle to this lady you are accusing. She has NO motivation to threaten you. You are NO competition to her. This is a "pay attention to me HH dramatic episode" Damn it! Where's my popcorn when I need it?!

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