
Ladys correct me if I'm wrong here but…
ericforemanmn 5 Reviews 1390 reads
1 / 15

This seems to be a common question when I visit someone new. While it is mostly harmless small talk, it does seem to have its perils. I guess the answers can help the provider get to know me and my preferences, but too much talk of previous friends seems to get a bit gossipy.
What's everyone's preferred  response?

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 914 reads
2 / 15

If you weren't asked for references prior to booking and she asks you during the session instead
 I don't see it as gossip because that happens a lot, it's just another form of screening for a few people.
Not the best ice breaker in the world but, it helps a bit to ease the nervousness one has when they meet new people.

Posted By: ericforemanmn
This seems to be a common question when I visit someone new. While it is mostly harmless small talk, it does seem to have its perils. I guess the answers can help the provider get to know me and my preferences, but too much talk of previous friends seems to get a bit gossipy.  
 What's everyone's preferred  response?

VixenBijou See my TER Reviews 807 reads
3 / 15

is when, almost immediately after a session, someone asks for recommendations! I never take it personally, but it amuses me, to be sure. Since, sadly, I don't know many other providers with similar offerings/attitudes *personally* it leaves me with few options (Ladies, who want's a night in at my huge house for gossip and bubbles and cuddles!) but I'm happy to share what I know.

SpankmeBaby 662 reads
4 / 15

There is so much backstabbing and hypocrisy with the women, it's exhausting to even try and keep up with who has a problem with whom. Even if they appear friendly in public forum some are quick to tear someone down in private. Just bring some wine along to loosen them up and you can hear all about it. There is plenty of drama to go around, after all they’re women what else would you expect. If I hear too much gossip from someone I usually stop seeing them.

belindabell See my TER Reviews 669 reads
5 / 15

"Suck my dick"

That is, if it was asked during my time.   Why not enjoy each other's company without gossiping
about other people?   Some men are worse than the women, IMO.  

Asking for references prior to an appt is something entirely different.  

-- Modified on 11/18/2014 2:41:46 PM

brilove See my TER Reviews 646 reads
6 / 15

No need to discuss more about previous friends. Cute side note: I have had several guys gossiping about other providers during sessions .... The question gets asked in reverse as well. "What other providers do you know" can be harmless especially if they're looking for or have interest in doubles but that's not always the intent.

-- Modified on 11/18/2014 1:53:29 PM

TheProfessor 542 reads
7 / 15

If she want to know who I've seen she can check that out before we set up the date. I do edit my Okays to the ladies I which to be known.

kasper_woods 10 Reviews 500 reads
8 / 15

I don't so much mind if I'm asked as it's another form of verification, though it's odd when it happens during a meeting instead of before.  I would be uncomfortable if more questions were asked about my previous engagements, but that hasn't happened (yet).

Niceguyonwheels 5 Reviews 490 reads
9 / 15

At least in my case with so very easy research you can get all the juicy gossip material you wanted about my sessions/who I've seen :-) it's a matter of record. Because I'm more than happy to write reviews for the lovely ladies that I have fun with and you have to be at least somewhat descriptive of the session with those things to even get them approved that should tell you everything you need to know about who was seen in the past when it was, what we did, what she wore you could probably even tell whether the section was mutually enjoyed or not based on my reaction. I guess what I'm trying to say is if the provider really wanted to know the juicy details of my previous sessions she could just do a little research and I would know a thing about it and she would have all the juicy gossip material her heart desired (I personally could care less :-) so I guess what I'm trying to say is ladys if you ever want to know anything about my sessions before we meet by all means gather up your friends put on a pair of your favorite slippers pop the cork on your favorite bottle of wine read my reviews and gossip to your hearts content :-) but just remember when you're in a session with me don't ask questions that you don't want answers to :-)

PS I know I'm a smartass but I just couldn't help myself all in good fun though :-)

Steelhand 43 Reviews 583 reads
10 / 15

By asking about a providers friends, I was introduced to a group of girls that had entertained me on numinous occasions. sorry to see they have fallen off the radar.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 551 reads
11 / 15

As usual Vi is completely right.  I've been asked who I've previously seen at the majority of the massage appointments I've had. I have always considered it a last form of screening, especially for massage providers, and a natural icebreaker at an otherwise potentially awkward moment.  Never bothered me and I'm always up for talking shop if the situation warrants.  As others have mentioned in this thread shop talk can lead to all sorts of recommendations and suggestions. How could that be a bad thing?  If I find the conversation devolves into gossip I'm not interested in that's a great time to get mouths busy doing something more productive.

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 636 reads
12 / 15

Exactly, I don't mind telling a gent who my girl crushes are...

Posted By: brilove
No need to discuss more about previous friends. Cute side note: I have had several guys gossiping about other providers during sessions .... The question gets asked in reverse as well. "What other providers do you know" can be harmless especially if they're looking for or have interest in doubles but that's not always the intent.  

-- Modified on 11/18/2014 1:53:29 PM

VixenBijou See my TER Reviews 533 reads
13 / 15

I have a HUGE house, with some rather...interesting accommodations in the upstairs foyer and bedroom (former owners are friends of mine and kinky as hell!)  

Girl pile!

Jackieblu See my TER Reviews 397 reads
14 / 15

I try to screen my best and get in touch with some of the nicest providers for references at times. Other then that our time together is OUR time together, and its not of interest to me who you have seen, I want the focus to be on the attention to each other and YOU the clients desires- talking about previous meetings with others is a buzz kill for me. JMHO

sweetromantic 142 Reviews 498 reads
15 / 15

I usually always ask who the girl knows and always get amazing answers and we always have mutual friends. The very best answer came from a girl I first saw in Sept and actually went back to see her friend who is so under the radar only about 3 people actually know about her.

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