
Just a start
HoundDogger 40 Reviews 4491 reads

Everyone seems to think you are great for apologizing and have forgotten what you said.  The apology is a good start but it will take a long time of responsible posting to get an "atta boy" from me.  It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and just an instant to lose it.  IMO you lost yours and are in the rebuilding stage.

I have been away from my computer since posting my review of Little Sue.  I was surprised at the reaction this created, but now understand how insensitive my review, and primarily my description of her looks, had seemed to her and others.  As always I had intended an accurate review for the benefit of other hobbyists.   I missed that mark completely and I am sorry to all. Although the review reflected how I personally felt about the session, I will not waste any time with an attempt to defend it, but I will take responsibility for being tactless.  

It was not my intent to be mean spirited or to cause Sue such distress.  I did not think my review to be negative, but I do now understand that some of my comments could be read that way and if I could undo it I would.  However, TER doesn't give you a way to delete or edit a review after it has been approved.  I will send them an email requesting that however.  

Again, Sue.  I am sorry.

As for the other onlookers here, I hope you will also forgive this one's lapse into letting thoughts I would never dare speak go into the keyboard.  I will take my lumps and try to regain your trust over time.

TymberLee4163 reads

Thank you from me...she's a real good friend of mine and she was
real hurt...It is real stand up thing for you to be doing this.

Thank you as well.

She is a fine fine lady, and someone that I protect and cherish.

You are a big person for indicating your concern for her.


-- Modified on 10/6/2005 1:39:49 PM

Fornic8ter, Great job on stepping up to the plate and apoligizing. Job Well done!  Part of being human is realizing a mistake has been done and taking steps to correct them.

Good Job!

I join the rest in complimenting you on having the character to admit your mistake in which you were hurtful to Sue.  I must say that when I read your review I couldn't help thinking that there is a difference in "how a provider acts" and "who she is".  If she acts in a manner that is abbrasive to you it is fair game to include it in your review IMO.  However, I felt you were very satisfied with how she treated you.  As far as "who she is" is concerned, that is where I felt you made a huge mistake.  Obviously, Sue is very popular among us and we are very pleased with how she looks.  None of us can change who we are.  In fact, it is a sign of being well balanced if we can be proud of who we are.  Not everyone likes the same thing, and that's good.  You have a right not to like a certain look but it was wrong for you to make that a part of your review.  As you could see, it was hurtful and insensitive as you have admitted. Now, the part about forgiveness is the really tough thing.  I used to tell my kids that when we forgive each other it is as though it never happened.  It's like washing a black board instead of just erasing what was on it.  Forgiveness takes the tell-tale residue away forever.  That part may be an impossibility in your case.  We all make big mistakes in our lives and the sign of a quality person is to be able to learn from them and move on after having made the appropriate apologies.  The rest is out of your hands.

Finally, I think it should be noted that Sue showed that she is a really authentic person with all the feelings and emotions that are a part of people who care about how they are received.  I'm sure it was not easy for her, IMO, to come on the board and make a request of us as to what we think about those appearance comments.  She deserves credit for her courage in speaking up when she was offended and damaged in her feelings.  I am really quite encouraged to see the honesty and the inner feelings of the provider in this case and I am also encouraged to see the humble statements of the hobbyist once he realized the insensitivity of his words.  Maybe we have all learned something here.

Peace to all!  Let's move on and enjoy each other to the fullest! There is plenty of hard feelings out there.  We have a choice to not be dragged down by bitterness.

P.S.  Here are some photos of a really hot chic!

Everyone seems to think you are great for apologizing and have forgotten what you said.  The apology is a good start but it will take a long time of responsible posting to get an "atta boy" from me.  It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and just an instant to lose it.  IMO you lost yours and are in the rebuilding stage.

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