
Porn during sessions......
buck1848 41 Reviews 2649 reads

A question for both the ladies and hobbyist.  

While I’m not an aficionado of pornography, I do appreciate it for its visual stimulation and yes many time humor.  I’m wondering if any ladies like to watch porn during sessions or have that option available during sessions?  For you guys, do you like watching porn during a session.  Does it add a little something extra to the experience?  



I prefer to focus my attention on the lady (or sometimes ladies) I'm with.  They're all the visual stimulation--and stimulation of other forms--I need.  The way I see it, why watch someone on a TV screen when I have a sexy woman or two in the room with me?  :)

...female masturbation and girl on girl vignettes playing on my laptop during a session.  It's not that we actually watched it but it was like the music that I also had playing in the background; it was just there. My partner enjoyed it and commented on it. There are a couple of scenarios I'd like to try it out on. First, after round one and a breather I could see how this might aid in getting me going again in a shorter amount of time. Second, I would use it as a tutorial. It's common in porn to see a couple using chairs, couches and tables to achieve certain positions which look like fun. At times when I've tried to recreate those I've failed miserably. It'd be fun to use a porn video to help reenact those positions.  

I think that most every provider would perceive this a very mild kink and would be more than happy to accommodate it.

It doesn't do anything for me but unless it is too loud and therefore distracting I don't really care.

I've had a couple have some on during the session but didn't pay much attention to it.  I did see a provider who had done some porn before the hobby and watched some of her films with her.  That was kind of cool.

then I'm all for it! Sometimes it's also fun to share links and look at what we both like- it's all about the fantasy, fun, and feeling good, and sometimes we can learn about individual and mutual interests that way!

Saw a provider not so long ago who said the porn was for her to keep her in the mood.

I am fine with it when I am alone, but not on the clock.

I like Cam models.  I've wondered what it'd be like to have sex while doing cam-to-cam with woman remotely encouraging and masturbating.  

But that's just me.  

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