
good ideateeth_smile
chazz66 11 Reviews 340 reads

Count me in. If LE wants to attend so what? It's not illegal to talk!!

Posted By: AndreaDavis
So I was reading the meet and greet board and noticed that an all Asian agency was hosting a get together with only Asian ladies plus gentlemen.  
 That got me thinking... Would anyone be interested in having a get together just to showcase the lovely Ebony ladies. I know their are gentlemen that just can't get enough chocolate.  
 So if this would be something people would be interested i, I might just have to start planning a party.  

So I was reading the meet and greet board and noticed that an all Asian agency was hosting a get together with only Asian ladies plus gentlemen.  

That got me thinking... Would anyone be interested in having a get together just to showcase the lovely Ebony ladies. I know their are gentlemen that just can't get enough chocolate.  

So if this would be something people would be interested i, I might just have to start planning a party.  


TCButtman985 reads

And nationwide not many minny gentlemen are going to be running to go to a meet and greet event.

I'd agree with TCB.

Plus NYC is a totally different beast. L.A., Chicago, Vegas, Miami, they're all different from MN. Sadly.

Posted By: TCButtman
And nationwide not many minny gentlemen are going to be running to go to a meet and greet event.

If there is nothing illegal going on and its just a meet and greet. No one can and will get into trouble. I don't get these two responses...?

Or just not reviewing anyone these days? Or retired?

Posted By: Boo2
If there is nothing illegal going on and its just a meet and greet. No one can and will get into trouble. I don't get these two responses...?

loveyourtouch695 reads

toward the side of safety.  True. Nothing is going on, but depending on the logistics of the get together, conceivably LE could be around and there is always that issue of association.  They'd have in one place faces with names.  Again, I think it's just a matter of feeling safe and why take any additional risks?  But speaking purely legalize, you're right.

YOu are correct nothing is illegal about a meet and great.   But LE monitors things and could come to the "meet and great" and put together or fill in pieces for investigations.   Or help build a case type thing.

Again it is all in caution to what has been going on in MN lately.

Now back to original post....

Meet and greats I would possibly be open too if it worked out for my schedule.  Holiday themes are always fun.... Halloween (costumes), ugly sweater party (Christmas), Ducks and Bunny (Easter), etc.

Even if nothing illegal is happening at them, people typically don't want things such as their license plate number, description, perhaps even a picture, ending up in LE's hands.  So, the local M&Gs have been organized strictly via back channels.

There has been tons of meet and greet within the past recent days as Halloween is approaching. I am not even sure if this would be something that I would even host here as it takes a multitude of ladies to make a social work.  

I am just asking if this would interest some of the gentlemen or ladies. Their is nothing in the works or even set in stone.  
I  was just asking about interest

loveyourtouch482 reads

maybe around the holidays or in the new year?  And I like all flavors...  milk chocolate, dark chocolate, mixed...   Keep us posted.  :)

Count me in. If LE wants to attend so what? It's not illegal to talk!!

Posted By: AndreaDavis
So I was reading the meet and greet board and noticed that an all Asian agency was hosting a get together with only Asian ladies plus gentlemen.  
 That got me thinking... Would anyone be interested in having a get together just to showcase the lovely Ebony ladies. I know their are gentlemen that just can't get enough chocolate.  
 So if this would be something people would be interested i, I might just have to start planning a party.  

I just wanted to say thank you to all those who reached out to me by PMs.  

In the future we might have a nice little dinner party get together.  

Thanks again!  


souls_harbor358 reads

LE would just be wasting their time at a M&G. I think a different worry would be exposing oneself to blackmail by other invitees.

"paranoia" isn't healthy right folks?

loveyourtouch352 reads

it all depends upon who is saying (writing) it.  If it comes from you, it's paranoid.  But when it comes from someone else, they're merely words of wisdom.  C'mon, man.....    :)

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 9:47:44 PM


Can I just say a small thing?  Please LYT, pick your battles so your message stays true and valid in their eyes.  

You, me, and a bunch of peeps know the truth, where this shat "show" is going.  The board police know they can cir-cum-vent the message if we don't be milktoasty at this point.  Emphasis on toasty if you get my giggity drift.


The argument goes on, the message goes on, just caution with your phrasing, timing, et all going forward

you don't say?  

hehe :-)

souls_harbor298 reads

I can never tell which one of you is the sock puppet and which one is the top.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
it all depends upon who is saying (writing) it.  If it comes from you, it's paranoid.  But when it comes from someone else, they're merely words of wisdom.  C'mon, man.....    :)

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 9:47:44 PM

If that sort of thing was a real risk, the whole idea of M&Gs would have crashed and burned long ago.

come on, V.  you been to one lately?  this year?  there's an easy way to get a m&g set up no probs, no issues but the provider subset would have to get on board.  it's not a client issue, look to the curvy and smells great side to see if a M&G will ever happen.  there is the possibility of Karly's free love and get along.  but...

To be completely honest more than a few men and women have nothing personally attached to their hobby persona. If someone wanted to investigate and blackmail people showing up to a m & g it's entirely possible. Maybe not practical but for a big enough name very possible. I wouldn't but a provider on her way out or a John that could have different personas easily????  
        Assuming everyone has the same risk/reward could bite you in the ass is all I am saying.


Posted By: vorlon
If that sort of thing was a real risk, the whole idea of M&Gs would have crashed and burned long ago.

This is the wrong hobby for that.  And I figure big names usually hang out in different circles and better security.  But you never know when someone might not understand the M.A.D doctrine.

Why not bring other race providers in also and just make it a big meet and greet?
I think it would be fun to get together some early afternoon for a few drinks and get to meet a few new girls.

I agree with you baby girl💋

Posted By: AndreaDavis
So I was reading the meet and greet board and noticed that an all Asian agency was hosting a get together with only Asian ladies plus gentlemen.  
 That got me thinking... Would anyone be interested in having a get together just to showcase the lovely Ebony ladies. I know their are gentlemen that just can't get enough chocolate.  
 So if this would be something people would be interested i, I might just have to start planning a party.  

Lily you are stacked.  Nice

I went to my first M&G in CA and it was a blast. We ended up organizing more events including a co-ed golf tournament. They were a ton of fun and we never peaked the interest of LE. There is literally nothing to bust at these events.  

We had one where the guys showed up with yellow highlighters so that people knew who in the bar was in the hobby. 20 guys and 20 girls talking in a big, busy bar is hardly noticeable. Granted the guys are in average older than the ladies, but that isn't even that usual these days.

LE always goes for the pimps. They don't have time to track down John's and the courts are sick and tired of punishing the girls. A public M&G is safe. You don't have to be at, say Kieran's, for the event, but you just had fun talking to the lovely ladies.

I'd be down for a chocolate or mixed swirl M&G. There is very little planning involved. Pick a time, a big, busy place and post it.  Find some way to identify each other and have fun.

The only rule, do NO business at the M&G. Talk about anything but $$ and service. Weird sex stories are A-Okay

souls_harbor327 reads

It would be nice to see someone ahead of time and start the imagination running. That's the normal way we start lusting after someone. Unfortunately I'm not the chatty type so groups aren't my natural habitat.

a M&G in and of itself can be no big deal to pull off with no significant threat to any of us except...ourselves.

I only see potential issues in two areas.  Getting a group of providers together to a M&G where there is no business conducted (where's the payoff?) and the asshat clients that would show up and pretend to be some board character they aren't (the ultimate alias).

Someone figure out a way to mitigate those issues and you can have Wong in the flesh.  I actually see the need to move certain things to a face to face, less board driven, real world accountability if the local scene is to continue in a positive direction.  I'd be more than happy to back and forth it here on via PM with reputable handles.

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