
Do new Pics equal more business for the ladies?? (Sorta Long)
Crapgame 1 Reviews 8802 reads

Hello All,

Just a question for all out there, ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies, when you publish new pics either on your websites, like Catherine, Misty and Madison have all done in the past few months do you see in increase in business?  A Lot?  Some? or Not much at all?  Is it temporary or longer lasting?  How about on Eros, like TJ has done this year or Crystal who has recently done so?

Guys, do the ladies new pics get you off the couch and fired up to see them?  I know from my own personal experience that Crystal, for example, wasn't even on my radar screen until her new pics appeared on Eros the last week or so.  Now she is a definite blip on the screen!

Just curious how this aspect of our hobby drives business.

Thanks all.


Iprefer a provider to provide current photo's.  Not ones that show when she was in her prime 3 yrs ago and was 25 lbs lighter.  I myself will walk out the door if the provider does not resemble her picture.  I believe that is false advertising.

Crystal as an example, I appreciate her current and seemly more acurate phot.  It matches her stats more closely than her previous photos. Before you banter about that most guys do not know womens sizes, some of us can call it pretty close to being right on the money.

I prefer an accurate photo, honest lady that will give you good value for the cost of the service provided.

webslavedude9517 reads

Having taken quite a few pictures of the providers and private individuals, I've heard that they can both bring in new, more steady business, but that they can also cause a drop in business.  They can suddenly attract better or worse clients, or they have no effect at all other than stopping some one from asking for description.  

Here are my observations as a photographer:

1. the type of picture you post influences the type of client you attract.  I apologize of this seems too obvious, but every guys is looking for "a type" of some sort.  Particular types of guys may respond to particular types of photos.  For example, I am more of a PSE guy.. I personally like highly revealing, almost amateurish photos.  

At the same time, if I see that these photos are too amateurish, I wonder how ghetto the provider is.... how much they care about quality.  But in some primal way they might attract me.  Now other friends I have, want more elegance....

2. New pictures can drive business away particularly if they aren't done well, or reveal weight gain, an unattractive face or other features.  But having accurate pictures is much better for establishing long-term business for a provider and a satisfied customer.  

3. Accurate pictures does not mean untouched up photos.  To be honest most people do not scrutinize a live person as they do a photo.  The skill is in how much to touch up the photo to create an image of how the person looks in real life.  This is because harsh flash emphasizes both wrinkles, fat, bones, and greasy skin.  But there is a line here.

4. A bad photo may still be better than no photo for bringing in business.  No photos will definitely reduce business.

5. (somewhat biased) A recent photo shoot will always bring in more inquiries.

Smile4U8506 reads

Jackieblu is the one who needs new pictures. She is really beautiful and and soft in person but her pictures make her look hard and cheap.

I am relatively new to the escort business so I don't have alot of experience with the effect on business when old web photos are changed. I do agree with webslavedude that changing pictures certainly does bring more inquiries.
There is one important thing that I have learned in my short career as an escort; A good photo will certainly help get the first date but getting repeat business requires providing consistently good service.


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