
Changes Providers might want to make to their websites
miasutra See my TER Reviews 5497 reads

I received the following information the other day when TER decided to remove their ad section. I agree with most of the information and thought some of my fellow providers might find this information useful.

Here is a list of solutions and direct resources to assist you.

It could take from 90 days until 2019 for SESTA and FOSTA to go into action, so keep calm and use that time to change things.
We’ve always been smarter and we will survive!

Build your Escort Website on Wordpress and host overseas in a Switzerland, Netherland or Australian based web host where sex work is legal. Netherlands hosting reviews. We recommend Excelnode.
It is the best offshore adult web hosting, prostitution in the Netherlands is legal and regulated.
The price is very low, only $2.99/month. You will get a free cPanel, 24/7 support, they solve all problems within a minute.
99.9% uptime, and they offer free migration.

Do not use .com, .net, or .org.
Regardless of where your site is hosted, US has total jurisdiction over those domains.
ICANN.Org has a comprehensive list of alternative top level domains that the US doesn't control. (pick a domain in a country where sex work is legal)
We will do the same.

For your domain names use a registrar outside the US.

Encrypt Everything
Google might be under pressure to crack down on consensual sex workers. This applies to both regular accounts and Google suites accounts.
Use ProtonMail for email. Make 2 accounts, one primary and one recovery.
Encourage clients to do the same so your communications are encrypted.
Use a TOR browser.

Don't use iCloud or Google Drive for your images.
Do not store your content on Google Drive. This is a violation of their TOS and they may delete your account without warning.
Google is legally allowed to hand over your data to the police whenever they wish, or LE can purchase your data from them like any other customer.
With the patriot act, the government can request any of your private information.
Also, it's generally not a good idea to accept google gift cards from clients because if they dispute the charge or report the card stolen, it can make you unable to claim cards in the future.
SpiderOak is an encrypted photo cloud service.

Boxcryptor allows you to encrypt files before uploading them to your cloud service and works with Google Drive and iCloud.
It protects your data in the cloud with end-to-end encryption.

Encrypt your website, make sure it has SSL (secure socket layers)
Anyone who owns a domain name can use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a trusted certificate at zero cost.

Install a VPN an all of your mobile devices and computers.
Use VPN servers to hide web traffic.
TunnelBear has a free/cheap and very easy to use VPN.
Never use your personal phone.
Use a burner phone for work calls and text only.
Don't publish this number online unless you don't mind disposing of it.
If it's published, don't travel with this phone.
Clean up your websites and social media of any key terms and abbreviations (gfe, pse, incall,...etc) be vague.
It may lose clients, but better safe than sorry.
Don't post nudes or anything detailed about work on social media, try to make your account seem like a "normal" one.
Get certified as some type of consultant (happiness, sex, relationship, life,...etc) and market yourself as that.
Don't brand yourself as an escort.
Be careful of where you advertise.
Rewrite your ads, especially on sites based in the US. (the safest is to remove your ads from US based websites)
Avoid trigger words and anything sexually explicit.

Consider locking your website for screened clients only.
If not the entire site, then donation pages.

Have a warning contract at the enter page to your site. Make it more detailed than just requiring viewers to be 18 plus.
State that money is a donation for your time only. That your site isn't a solicitation for prostitution in any form.
That they will not use your site or ads as a mean for entrapment or arrest.
Make sure it's clear that it's a contract that they agree to by contacting you.

Pay your taxes! Register your brand as a LLC so it's a legal business.
Communicate what is going on with your clients and friends so they are aware.
Strongly advise them to only communicate with you through encrypted methods such as ProtonMail.
Never store your money in online US based accounts.
Do not post cell phone pictures from the hotel you are staying at unless there is nothing that identifies that room.

And please, don't panic. Be extremely careful, don't show your face right now, use a VPN at all times.

Wow that's a lot of work.wouldn't it be easier to find a couple bartenders In some Bloomington or downtown bar to refer clients to you like they do in Vegas and other large cities.Seems like lost art in this town.

I really can't see that many providers wanting to funnel their business through bartenders and the like.  Also, there's nothing to stop LE from working to bust these people and then making a deal with them to get the providers using them.

Thanks for the information. Just discovered this morning even our verification sites are gone :(  It feels like China has already taken us over.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do all that.  

Thank you Mia,

Much of this applies to us "hobbyists," too. Using encrypted email, a burner phone, and a VPN are cheap, easy ways to keep communications private. It might take a while, but I hope to see a lawsuit challenging this due to First Amendment violations. Here's to hoping.

Keep it secret, keep it safe!

Do not use WordPress! They were starting to shut down sites as of the 26th...

Don't you mean Wix? Wix and Squarespace sites are not to be used for adult websites. They have shutdown many sites. WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog.

Here are some Wordpress guidelines

Mature Content
We do permit mature content on WordPress.com, including text, images and videos that contain nudity, offensive language, and mature subject material. However, blogs that contain such content must be marked as Mature in our system.

A blog or website that is marked as Mature is excluded from public areas of the WordPress.com service. This means:

It will not appear in the Reader or other tag listings
It will not appear in Top Blogs listings, recent posts, or related posts listings on other blogs
The blog’s users cannot use that URL as a link in their WordPress.com Forums profile
Mature blogs and their owners are permitted to utilize all other aspects of WordPress.com. We do not suspend blogs solely for the presence of mature content and there are no interstitials or other “age gates” on WordPress.com.

However, there are limitations to the mature content permitted on our service. Please don’t:

Post visual depictions of sexually explicit acts (such as, but not limited to, images, videos, and drawings) that can be considered pornographic;
Post links or ads to adult-oriented affiliate networks, such as pornography site signups;
Post links, text, or images promoting or advertising escort or erotic services;
Post images of extreme violence or gore without associated context or commentary;
Post images of child pornography;
Post content that promotes pedophilia, such as blogs with galleries of images of children where the images, content surrounding the images, or the intent of the blog is sexually suggestive.
Blogs found to be hosting the above material will be suspended. In cases of child pornography, we will report all incidences to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and fully cooperate with law enforcement.

There are two flavors a of Wordpress. One where they host the site, and one where you use the software with a different hosting company.  They can easily control the first, and should. As for the second, I doubt they give a hoot.

Really, this is all about companies protecting themselves.  

I cannot believe we spent decades listening to people scream that the Second Amendment was under attack, only to have the current crop of assholes attack the First.

What are other websites to put my profile on?

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