
50 yard line.....
buck1848 41 Reviews 565 reads

...of Alumni Stadium on the Boston College campus.  Snuck in one night with my girlfriend at the time after a little too much drinking.  BC had the old school astroturf  when I was there so we both had some nice rug burns in some pretty unique places.  The funny thing was, this happened on a Saturday night, and while going into get changed for practice on that next Monday I over heard one of the grounds crew guys say that they found a bra and panties out on the field.

...place you've ever done it???  

Esquire magazine had a recent article on this.  It also was posted on the TER General board recently.

...of Alumni Stadium on the Boston College campus.  Snuck in one night with my girlfriend at the time after a little too much drinking.  BC had the old school astroturf  when I was there so we both had some nice rug burns in some pretty unique places.  The funny thing was, this happened on a Saturday night, and while going into get changed for practice on that next Monday I over heard one of the grounds crew guys say that they found a bra and panties out on the field.

Same girlfriend as above.  She was nuttier than squirrel turds, but man she was fun to be hang around with!!!!

Nicole Ruby's incall - you never knew what the hell was going to stick you as you waded through the trash to take a ride on that busted up futon.


I was just thinking about her the other day. I wonder where she went. Seemed to have a good following.

I had sex in a coat closet in a bar in downtown Chicago. The place was hopping but luckily it wasn't coat season.

Another time I was down in a Chicago Suburb listening to a band and this beautiful woman asked me to dance. As it so happened there was a little hallway right next to the bands stage, It was super crowded so we danced in the hallway and noticed a door, outside the door was a closed outdoor atrium. The light were brighter in the bar than outside so we could see in and they couldn't see us. She knelt down and gave me an awesome blowjob right there! It was super erotic!

so was far out there and living a very fast lifestyle.  I hope she made it through it.

In a Restaurant Closet...paid the waiter for privacy.

Tried to in freefall but penetration was minimal.....It was a blast trying.

It was dark outside, and we were underneath one of the larger waterfalls, but there were definitely people wandering around. Sigh... to be 22 again...

On a walking path at Como Zoo.  

In my apartment in Japan with one GF going down on me while another was knocking at the door to see if I was in.

On the sixteenth green at Theodore Wirth golf course.

in a public park (a train tooted as they went by) and in a car in the lot at the Mystic lake Casino (security guard drove by, shined his light and then kept going). Fun times!!

I too have had sex in Mystic Lake parking lot.   Didn't have the security flash us.... but had my buddys watching from the outside.   Fucking pervs....LOL

After a movie date I drove my 16yo GF to a deserted rock quarry not far from town. Parked & left radio playing while I folded down the back seats of a station wagon. We climbed in back & made out quite a while (clothes on), when during a pause she said "if you have protection, we can 'do it'..."  Well, I did. So, we did. Soon after she reminded me we'd promised her dad she'd be home by 11pm.  Tomorrow was a Sunday & church is at "9

Disclaimer- I grew up anxious to lose my good girl, nerd, persona....

While they sound far fetched I truly did these things & I'm proud to know I'll have some awesome memories to replay whenever I want...
As I plan on living a super long life.

Here it goes:

I lost my V to "Jo" he drove a "souped up" black Camaro fastest car in town & he raced it sometimes too  

I snuck out late one dark night, I lived way back- in the WI woods....
 I met him on the snowmobile trail we drove to rest stop, got out onto the top of his hood, still warm from that big engine ;)
Right at the... ehem ...perfect moment it started to lightly rain, that warm summer kind of rain....SOOO cool!! Great memory!

One night I was pissed at Jo been flirting w/ another.... it's a long, hot, dull summer -down the road is the tiniest creepy little white church with an old cemetery.... I -having always had a fascination w/vampires & magic.      -suggest doing it in the cemetery under/against (yep more than one position) a tree....that guy was nice but I got back w/Joe.

One night Joe & I went for a walk to the middle school dug outs and did some bump & grind on the benches...that was a first for that nice cozy position..... mmm mmm good.... We cleaned up all evidence.  

I started having a fantasy of going back to the creepy church, getting inside of it & getting to do it on the alter...
Yes I was raised catholic, can you tell?  LOL.... It never did happened.  

I've wanted to get fingered on a roller coaster like in  a movie I saw when was younger (not sure what that movie is)  

I've done it outside many times- on the hood of car a couple other times,
in the park when it's dark with a very good looking guy- mmm that was cool....

The most uncomfortable spot was onetime "Joe" had come to see me even though I was grounded...things got heated but we heard my mom pulling up we ducked into an area she wouldn't be near and finished on the stairs (not standing) duh...super uncomfortable but it worked...

I like the movie theater fingering that's pretty awesome too....

Okay, okay sorry to blab away sharing some slutty memories, it was fun, great topic...thanks :) :

I think you are referring to the movie "Fear"

In a lot of what you wrote, did his breaking your heart (?) have anything to do with you becoming a provider?

have been some of my fav partners.  They always teased. But when they want more, they're kinky once unleashed. Maybe we can share a story or two. Are you up for play?

was in a church with a gf, she started feeling frisky, started chasing me around the church. I ran up into the choir loft, gf in hot pursuit, she finally caught me by the organ.

Hole #8 at a golf course.....left the condom in the hole after we were done......was fun....but the bugs where bad.....wont do it again

On a train in the mountain area of Laos, with a couple chickens sitting in the next seat.

Some of those chickens:-)

Posted By: arunee
On a train in the mountain area of Laos, with a couple chickens sitting in the next seat.

An old GF of mine....  we were at a club and she was wearing a skin tight dress and no panties.   She was grinding on me and reached back and unzipped me.   Then she lifted up her skirt and she let me enter and ground me to completion right on the dance floor with everyone around

But, neither of us got to finish because the people around us started to notice that I was on top of him, bouncing. HAHA!

And, one time I got a flat tire on the side of the hwy with an (ex) boyfriend of mine. And, I looked at him and was like- let's do it in the backseat. First thing out of his mouth, was no the cops are going to show. Of course, as soon as I convinced him and we got to it.... Guess who shows up....  

LOL - so I guess neither of my stories were all that "successful"!

In the passenger seat of a pontiac fearo on the I-5 @ 70 mph with my gf sitting on my lap & her friend driving.

Hieronymus429 reads

Under a beached catamaran at dusk on Wrightsville Beach, NC. Got a few interesting looks from those still on the beach when we finally crawled out. Was in town for a friend's wedding, staying at a beachhouse, when I hooked up with a member of the bride's wedding party. Great memories. Got to get back there some day!

Hieronymus385 reads

The more I think about the more I want to do it again. Any ladies want to crawl under a catamaran on Wrightsville Beach for a little fun? Let me know. It would be fun.

loveyourtouch412 reads

Years ago. Just married and heading back to my USMC base in CA. Being  a young  guy (and a marine) means spending a lot of time at attention.  While on an endless, boring, nothing-on-the-horizon  stretch of highway in NM, she climbed over and faced me and rode me while I drove (both the car and her).  Was an old Plymouth  Fury, so  there was plenty of room.  Still vividly recall that trip nearly 40 years later

We're experiencing turbulence from inside the plane. Would the hot RED chick please return her companion to an upright position immediately...

Very nervous that security would show up after seeing her enter .  But, it all " worked out", er "in" for that matter! :)

I have had so many, but the one that sticks closest to mind is when I was a featured guest at a biker rally and went on stage for a bikini contest to show off my boobs. They wanted to see the hardcore Amber, so I grabbed a guy friend and we had some fun on stage in front of around 5000 people.  That was crazy hot!!!

Ive never done it,  but always thought about it every time  I rode that ride.   Anyone ever tried it?

victoria secret's changing room at the MOA.  Weekday just after opening, my friend was trying on panties and asked me to come back.  I said no and she asked me again.  Clerk just shrugged her shoulders and walked away.  That was my yes.  Exciting and nervous and popped quickly.  left a tip for the clerk.

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