
Schedulers not Responding
Ergo54 4541 reads
1 / 52

I have used ME ever since they introduced it. I have seen several providers using it - but over the last year, about half of my emails are not receiving responses. Main ones are Lilly Grace, Sage, Paige, Allie May, Bella, Blair, Kacey - just to name some.  
Cannot think of any reason I would've been blacklisted. And I do provide references right off the get go, but still no reply.  
I see many reviews for them all - and the reviews seem legit - so is anyone else experiencing this radio silence? Did I do something wrong? Are they just that busy?
Disclaimer: I am NOT being negative towards the named providers above. Thought it best to provide specific examples.

twinkie_mayne 2 Reviews 38 reads
2 / 52

I completely gave up on reaching out to providers on ME. None have replied(a couple of them being ones you listed.) my guess is that they are just bombarded with emails from fellow hobbiers. 🤷‍♂️

OldRanger 62 Reviews 25 reads
3 / 52

Maybe you should DM the introductory reviewers. They may be forthcoming about the reasons. If they do not respond check with Miggs as he occasionally seems to have special insight on the inner workings of at least one of the agencies.

jt593 12 Reviews 35 reads
4 / 52

With all of the scams on MNE and them ignoring clients I think it’s best to look elsewhere. From what I’ve heard most of their reviews come from the schedulers anyway. The stories you are reading are most likely mocked up. With that being said, its not like you’re missing out on anything. Plus more than one of their past providers who got away from the groups have told me some pretty bad stories about the places and how they operate. I myself don’t want to give people like that my business.  

I’ve had great luck finding independents on AL and AS. Make sure they’re reviewed and ask for screening to avoid any scammers. I messaged you a few independents I see. There’s other higher end sites as well if you want to see someone traveling or more upscale. Message me if you want more site suggestions.  

jt593 12 Reviews 35 reads
5 / 52

AS= adult search  
AL = adult look

Maxthedude 36 reads
6 / 52

Iv tried several  times on Minnesota  erotica never get a response  never but if you notice all the hot girls on Minnesota  that belong to a agency there first reviews are  by tour members packet and pan the goat  something fishy  your better off  using  independent  providers  eros mn ect

lockstock 201 Reviews 28 reads
7 / 52

Sometimes it's me that writes an early report. And Pan is a real reviewer, albeit a bit more generous than average .  
Never spoken to Packet.
And the idea that's there's something fishy going on because you aren't getting a reply doesn't make complete sense.
Perhaps it's just because they are getting plenty of business.
(As for Eros, it has plenty of it's own problems.)

IJMiggs 42 reads
8 / 52

I still find it interesting that being in a small market of local high end girls and Harper recently joining the big league only to be put into retirement like Porsche, Alex Lanae, Krissy, and Nicole(forget her provider name) the timing of their negative reviews coincide with the recent forum resurgence of a local porn actress and another high price blonde escort(both older than Harper) who recently had a baby and is back working.

ultimatebfe 2 Reviews 46 reads
9 / 52

Can you explain Porsche please? Loved her. Thought she genuinely did retire. Thought Alex was still active. Feel free to PM. Thanks.

karllokia 9 Reviews 41 reads
10 / 52

Who is this high price blonde? And who is this porn star you're referring to?

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 41 reads
11 / 52

I wouldn’t believe anything Miggs says. He was the first one that was banned from the group and one of the reason they do this.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 36 reads
12 / 52

What is your agenda against those providers who have left the agency and then your relentless dragging the same providers into threads when they were not part of the thread. Guess any provider who may get dollars from a potential agency provider is on your hit list .

lockstock 201 Reviews 31 reads
13 / 52
IJMiggs 113 reads
14 / 52

You claim Harper didn’t offer certain services such as DFK and BBBJ where everyone that has seen her knows that is FALSE. Why would you make up these lies and post it on a public forum?

vorlon 119 Reviews 28 reads
15 / 52

I still find it interesting that you think people are deceived by all the crap you spew.  Your pursuit of these vendettas is disgusting.

mickyjohnson2019 42 Reviews 38 reads
18 / 52

I've messaged numerous women on MNE.  

All I get are crickets. I sometimes think these are fake ads backed by LE?

vorlon 119 Reviews 31 reads
19 / 52

It's hard to arrest people who don't show up.

Tango123144 18 Reviews 36 reads
20 / 52

I agree with LockStock on MNE, and Eros ads are highly deceptive, they are not midwestern, most of them are eastern European, Russian or whatever,  who cant even speak English or pretend not to know English to avoid services that you pay big money. Any day any week MNE over foreigner older and eros girls probably carry deadly mutated STD. Stay away from EROS

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 37 reads
21 / 52

Don’t pay attention to anything Miggs says. He’s a known liar on the board.

IJMiggs 51 reads
22 / 52

Most of the men soliciting your services are professionals and are married. If I were married, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole!

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 41 reads
23 / 52

lol. Look who’s lying? Jordan has never shared any personal info of anyone. Jordan only shared screenshot of the stupid DMs you sent her through Ter. That only had your Ter handle, which proved what everyone already knew about you. And you do that to yourself everyday. And you act like de facto protector of independent providers. Harper has no clue who you are and said to stop bringing her name up every time for your troll posts.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 33 reads
24 / 52

In this case he managed to wait at least eight hours to take his shot at a provider who is only on this do  to him bringing her in off topic in the first place. Great post though for someone like him who is out asking for Incal and door code. (sarc) Whoops think he got that thread removed.

-- Modified on 5/1/2024 10:16:36 AM

Throwaway999 8 Reviews 38 reads
25 / 52

Ultimatebfe - not vip at the moment but sorely missing Porsche🥹 if you find any info lmk ?

Tango123144 18 Reviews 41 reads
26 / 52

Some providers (may be east European) has mutated STD that spreads through skin-to-skin contact. There are outbreaks in Hartford, Denver, all places these provider service. I would recommend stay away from foreigner provider. At least MN locals has STANDARDS…

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 43 reads
27 / 52

I’ve never exposed a client on Twitter, I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Can you post proof?

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 28 reads
29 / 52
Throwaway999 8 Reviews 41 reads
30 / 52

Do you mean herpes or hpv?  This is nothing new…if an infection can spread from skin to skin contact outside of the genital region it’s no longer an std.  simply a communicable disease

IJMiggs 41 reads
31 / 52

..that she actually does and hundreds on this forum know this and were honest in their reviews. I saw Harper for a few visits and just like all the other’s reading this know that what CuriousBoy tried claiming in his negative attack of “lack of services” is BS.

I never asked this liar for Harper’s address.  I only DM’d the scumbag because I knew he was full of shit! He came back with more lies and I called him out. I asked for him to prove that he had seen her by providing the buzzer number which he could not provide and exposed him.

Should a client(or non-client in this case) on here not be held accountable for making up these lies and posting it on a public forum? Especially when the subject(Harper) who had already earned her stripes with several pages of positive reviews state something totally different?

vorlon 119 Reviews 37 reads
32 / 52

There's a strong correlation between Miggs acting out in a thread and said thread at least being partially deleted.  Coincidence?  I think not.

Searayman186 3 Reviews 36 reads
33 / 52
OldRanger 62 Reviews 36 reads
34 / 52

The Harper discussion came on this board due to a totally outrageously scored review and narrative. It was not his review and do not remember anything derogatory from his post or posts. As was not in the room no idea what services offered and as the reviews are gone and you apparently got the tread pulled can not quote but stating what he received is different then saying she does not do X. In fact there are too many cases on this site where services claimed did not happen causing providers to leave.  
Lastly even asking for the access number is total BS.  
Then to top things off out of nowhere you brought two other providers into the thread.

lockstock 201 Reviews 30 reads
36 / 52

Tango, your post belongs in a new thread.
And it is xenophobic, and illogical.
We are all in one big pond, and there are plenty of Minnesotans who are Eastern European. If you count Finns and Swedes, maybe a majority...  
Tango, you sound like a foreigner too. (Unless your last name is Johnson, or Olson)

vorlon 119 Reviews 37 reads
37 / 52

That he basically blew you off proves nothing.  Indeed, not replying to you is a very understandable reaction.

IJMiggs 46 reads
38 / 52

Fact: Harper had many pages of positive reviews over the years that she offered services such as DFK and BBBJ.

Fact: Once Harper went independent and joined the local small market of high price providers there were multiple fake reviews by a few brand new reviewers trashing her. Harper responded on the forum and immediately we saw the resurgence of two “competitors” who to be honest, have showed their true colors over the years. They have now suddenly responded after not posting in over a year in one case in response to the accusation.

Fact: CuriousBoy responded to the thread(since deleted) and attacked Harper for not providing DFK and BBBJ. I saw Harper a total of three times and experienced this just as everyone else did who reviewed her and are reading this. I called him out and busted him for making up a dumb lie to ruin a sex worker’s reputation. She quit over fake reviews and non-client douchebag lying about her.

-- Modified on 5/3/2024 12:25:24 AM

lockstock 201 Reviews 36 reads
39 / 52

...went into a bar.  Coincidence? I don't think so.
Your facts are not facts but distorted constructions designed to annoy.  
None of the connections you make are connections.
Most importantly, Harper seems well and happy and the actions she took had little or nothing to do with the things said  on the board or the "facts" (by which I mean BS) that you present.
As for the two BS reviews, they were of little significance to her.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 37 reads
40 / 52

I don’t view these women as my “competition” and I’ve said that before. My account was locked for over a year. Someone reviewed me and TER let me back on the boards. You are such a dummy.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 38 reads
41 / 52

Even if he had provided the door buzzer code, you know those can be changed, right? Dummy.

vorlon 119 Reviews 37 reads
42 / 52

Which were almost immediately flagged by reviewers on here (not you) as likely fakes.  In the ensuing discussion, it was you who, without any evidence, tried to accuse Jordan and Jennie of being behind them.  And you are still trying your same old tactics of repeating the same lies over and over again in the apparent belief that if you repeat them often enough, people will eventually buy your crap.  We all know you are the biggest liar to be found here and you can continue to expect to be called on your BS when you spew it.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 44 reads
43 / 52

Fact : Harper had a number of good to great reviews that included BBJ and DFK. Totally agree.
As I remember  CB95s post there was nothing derogatory and what went on behind the door -you nor I know.
Fact : There were at least two bad reviews and one so blatant should never have surfaced -most here that posted agreed - think all but one poster - but you used that opportunity to again bring up two providers one who I feel you were involved with  getting banned from this site .
Fact: in recent months there has been a recurrence of more then the two piñatas who are high rated and without any PROOF have chosen to attack. These tow were in your shit list before so as relentless as you chose them. Where is your proof.
Fact : For such a friend and ally of Harper I see no review by Mr. Miggs.
Think you miss you old Friend Snafu .
Goodbye for now.

IJMiggs 69 reads
44 / 52

I will go back and find out private communication that you posted on Twitter and Reddit if you want. Everyone on here can see you shared on the TER forums publicly that I reached out to you about BBFS. Very professional stuff, Jordan.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 31 reads
45 / 52

And did you READ what those messages were saying to me? I feel that putting assholes (such as yourself) on blast is appropriate and justified. Those “clients” have no place in our space.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 35 reads
46 / 52

You love taking shit out of context. I was ASSAULTED BY A CLIENT on Wednesday night and received harassing text messages saying I “deserved it.” You don’t think those types of garbage human beings should be put on blast? Serious question.

IJMiggs 44 reads
47 / 52
JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 34 reads
48 / 52

He was not the one who assaulted me, but if you read through my tweets and follow along you’ll see I was getting several harassing messages via text the day after. Not to mention, he used a TextNow number, so there’s literally no way to trace him. Is Jason even his real name? Who gives a fuck. What he said was inappropriate, uncalled for, and people like that do not deserve space in our community. Assholes deserve to be called out. I don’t care if it’s “unprofessional,” don’t be an asshole and you won’t get put on blast, which is something you seem to not understand.

karllokia 9 Reviews 32 reads
49 / 52

You should report this to the police

karllokia 9 Reviews 69 reads
51 / 52

My name is Karl

OldRanger 62 Reviews 30 reads
52 / 52

It has been a week and you still have not answered the question as to where is your proof that the two fake reviewers were JM and JK ? You are out there spewing allegations with zero backing beyond your hate trying to destroy the lively hood of two well regarded providers.  
Seems on another thread you are neglecting to answer Jordan’s question directly .

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