
Fake reviewsangry_smile
EmmaGray See my TER Reviews 2534 reads

I have tried to settle this with TER support but it seems as though I have no choice now. My new review from BBC123456 is a fake. I have never seen this gentleman nor have three other ladies he has reviewed. Per TER's guidelines, I PM'd him asking for clarification.  

He mentions zero details about our session, does not mention me by name, and all his reviews are nearly identical. This user did respond and gave me a generic description of a white male and supposedly we talked about "hobbies". He refused to give me any information to verify that we met.  

TER support told me that he had no obligation to provide me with proof, which violates their own rules. I am very upset because I work hard to provide my clients with the best possible experience. Yet some stranger can come by and jeopardize my reputation either on purpose or for some free VIP days

Lol yeah I was just reading through some of his reviews and saw that they all sound the same.

-Walk in and talk
-Says "WOW" somewhere
-Likes CG and boobs
-Leaves with smile on face

I think I hit his main generic copy and paste points.

Frankly, I think anyone who has met you can likely see that this review is strange at the very least... and likely fake. (Or perhaps just not a very good writer so he continues to write the same rather boring reviews.) It's also far too complementary for a 6. Is there any chance that he made a typo and meant it to be a 9, and perhaps does not even realize that he scored a 9?

Either way, don't let you get you down!

To answer your question, there was no typo regarding the score on the part of the reviewer. The review was backdated to November. If you look at my calendar, I toured frequently in November and of course there was the Thanksgiving holiday. That means there was only 11 days out of the whole month that I accepted appointments in the Metro area. I am a low volume provider and I only saw regulars during that timeframe. I never saw this person and they provided no evidence to prove that we met.
This user is, dare I say, meticulous about leaving out any and all personal details of both the provider and "himself". "He" has written reviews in the past so "he" knew the criteria for eligibility for extra points. Yet this is clearly left out of my review. This review was conveniently posted after the new performance ratings took effect to ensure that my score would be low. I am one of the only providers that does certain language lessons (ahem) in Michigan so because of the new rules, I'd be one of the only ladies still eligible to get a 10 for performance. I am getting closer to 20 reviews so I can be on the top 100 list in Michigan. Clearly this person wanted to affect my performance score for the aforementioned reasons.    

This has become a HUGE problem in the Detroit area. I also posted about this happening to me on here and wasn't able to get anywhere. Fake reviews could be other providers trying to take away competition, a guy who was denied and angry or a guy wanting a free membership here and there's nothing that can be done. Even if a guy gives 10's and you contact the admin it will not be removed. Hopefully a new system for this is made since the problem is growing.

Nice post Bella, and sorry Emma.  

There is a flawed system here. The scoring system here also puts you ladies in a bind. To get the highest scores it appears they want you to offer services that some may not comfortable offering. I know the numbers are all subjective.  

I like this site overall. It's helped me connect with a few ladies.  Unfortunately,  men do crazy or desperate things to either gain clout, get attention,  pout about something, or lie to earn free membership.  

I wonder if any other ladies have complained about this guy. Is it ok to try to reach out to them?  Maybe if enough like complain about him???

Posted By: Bella Moore
This has become a HUGE problem in the Detroit area. I also posted about this happening to me on here and wasn't able to get anywhere. Fake reviews could be other providers trying to take away competition, a guy who was denied and angry or a guy wanting a free membership here and there's nothing that can be done. Even if a guy gives 10's and you contact the admin it will not be removed. Hopefully a new system for this is made since the problem is growing.

I wouldn't take it personally. The fake reviews are usually easy for us (guys) to see. If it's lacking anything specific, I don't regard it at all. Nor do I put much into a single score.  

I have a few friends that for a while really got bothered by it. But, I swear some of the reviews they hated were the best for me as a reader. In fact, you might find it is better to not have all 10's. It makes one wonder why no guy thought you were a 9.9 :) Which... I can appreciate, but, guys are different. There's this review this guy wrote and gave a '10' friend I see an '8' for performance; she was 'too into the appointment' the guy said. And he described it all in such a way I found hot. The '8' did more for me, and I often find it to be true because I think it's honest.  

If it's real of course.  As I said, if it's fake, it's likely easy to spot. If it's out of the norm... and has no details... it's not stopping anyone from an appt.  

But, it is not perfect. I wonder if they wait until a few people flag the same guy.

Posted By: EmmaGray
To answer your question, there was no typo regarding the score on the part of the reviewer. The review was backdated to November. If you look at my calendar, I toured frequently in November and of course there was the Thanksgiving holiday. That means there was only 11 days out of the whole month that I accepted appointments in the Metro area. I am a low volume provider and I only saw regulars during that timeframe. I never saw this person and they provided no evidence to prove that we met.  
 This user is, dare I say, meticulous about leaving out any and all personal details of both the provider and "himself". "He" has written reviews in the past so "he" knew the criteria for eligibility for extra points. Yet this is clearly left out of my review. This review was conveniently posted after the new performance ratings took effect to ensure that my score would be low. I am one of the only providers that does certain language lessons (ahem) in Michigan so because of the new rules, I'd be one of the only ladies still eligible to get a 10 for performance. I am getting closer to 20 reviews so I can be on the top 100 list in Michigan. Clearly this person wanted to affect my performance score for the aforementioned reasons.    

But, anyone who has ever met you or even looked at your pics and read your website will know that the one outlier is likely BS. Don't let it get you down!

I had a guy do something similar with me. I knew I hadn't seen him by the things that he was saying in my review...mentioning services I hadn't done etc etc.  He had also reviewed other ladies that I happened to have been friendly with, so I contacted them as well and come to find out, none of them had seen him either.  

The review did get taken down, but it wasn't easy to get them to do it. Basically all of us ladies had to contact TER and let them know that we had not seen that guy.  This was years ago and maybe things have changed....but when we worked collectively, it was a lot easier than just me complaining.  

I am not sure why TER would want fake reviews up.  From what I understand, free VIP membership is given to guys who write reviews on ladies. Now obviously, this is meant to encourage guys who see girls to write reviews on them...but unfortunately, it also seems to encourage guys to lie and say they've seen girls when they really haven't, just so they can get a free membership.

In my case, the review was really nasty. In fact, none of the reviews on the ladies were nice. I am not sure if it was a spiteful client who I refused to see or what....or maybe he thought TER would believe him more if it wasn't just all "fluff" but either way, it's BS.

I think reviews should be looked at as a whole.  If you have a majority of good reviews and one or 2 bad ones, most likely the problem isn't you.  Now, if a girl only has a few good reviews and mostly bad ones, those are probably the ones to stay away from.

There are a lot of guys who try to use reviews to hurt ladies...and that's not what they are there for. It's a form of manipulation and revenge. What most of them don't realize is that if they write nasty reviews about the ladies they've seen, future ladies are going to steer clear of them because they don't want a bad review written about them. On more than one occasion I've refused to see a client simply because I did not like the way he talked about ladies in his previous reviews.

Hope all of you ladies can work together and get this worked out.

What good is an information board if it's not accurate info?  I am really hoping TER will work with you.

This stuff happens from time to time. Stupid. Any other lady who received a review by him should report him.

Wow... that guy had balls because I would guess most fake ones would be 8's. Guys get drilled for information 10's if they aren't detailed. I appreciate knowing there's that check.  

8's probably just get through.  

That took some balls to write nasty fake reviews. I wonder if it is possible it was really a woman who wanted to read her own reviews and impact her competitors.

Posted By: eve delight
I had a guy do something similar with me. I knew I hadn't seen him by the things that he was saying in my review...mentioning services I hadn't done etc etc.  He had also reviewed other ladies that I happened to have been friendly with, so I contacted them as well and come to find out, none of them had seen him either.    
 The review did get taken down, but it wasn't easy to get them to do it. Basically all of us ladies had to contact TER and let them know that we had not seen that guy.  This was years ago and maybe things have changed....but when we worked collectively, it was a lot easier than just me complaining.  
 I am not sure why TER would want fake reviews up.  From what I understand, free VIP membership is given to guys who write reviews on ladies. Now obviously, this is meant to encourage guys who see girls to write reviews on them...but unfortunately, it also seems to encourage guys to lie and say they've seen girls when they really haven't, just so they can get a free membership.  
 In my case, the review was really nasty. In fact, none of the reviews on the ladies were nice. I am not sure if it was a spiteful client who I refused to see or what....or maybe he thought TER would believe him more if it wasn't just all "fluff" but either way, it's BS.  
 I think reviews should be looked at as a whole.  If you have a majority of good reviews and one or 2 bad ones, most likely the problem isn't you.  Now, if a girl only has a few good reviews and mostly bad ones, those are probably the ones to stay away from.  
 There are a lot of guys who try to use reviews to hurt ladies...and that's not what they are there for. It's a form of manipulation and revenge. What most of them don't realize is that if they write nasty reviews about the ladies they've seen, future ladies are going to steer clear of them because they don't want a bad review written about them. On more than one occasion I've refused to see a client simply because I did not like the way he talked about ladies in his previous reviews.  
 Hope all of you ladies can work together and get this worked out.  
 What good is an information board if it's not accurate info?  I am really hoping TER will work with you.

The fake bad ones happen more then they should. As shocking as it is but it happens. I just had a guy do it a few months ago because I wouldn't give him an ok on p411. Before I declined him he was emailing me like crazy about how great I was then as soon as he was declined on p411 he posted a review here on TER that had about everything you can think of mean in it and gave me 5's. Well that's a first, lol. The review system is definitely not perfect since there's trolls all over the internet but as a whole I think it's a good system. I think it depends on what mod answers your messages here as well. I've sent messages on things and gotten very nice helpful messages back. There's been other times I've messaged and received very unhelpful short messages. Who knows!

Good choice on that guy!  
I'm sure it hurts some that are new, etc., but I'd probably have been laughing what the guy put in your 5's, Bella. I'm sure it was very obvious to all that one grade was not like the others :)

Posted By: Bella Moore
The fake bad ones happen more then they should. As shocking as it is but it happens. I just had a guy do it a few months ago because I wouldn't give him an ok on p411. Before I declined him he was emailing me like crazy about how great I was then as soon as he was declined on p411 he posted a review here on TER that had about everything you can think of mean in it and gave me 5's. Well that's a first, lol. The review system is definitely not perfect since there's trolls all over the internet but as a whole I think it's a good system. I think it depends on what mod answers your messages here as well. I've sent messages on things and gotten very nice helpful messages back. There's been other times I've messaged and received very unhelpful short messages. Who knows!

I think most reasonable people will throw out the outliers. If a lady has all 8/8 and above with most being 9s and 10s, and they see only 1 or 2 mediocre 5/5, 6/6, or whatever... anyone with any basic understanding of statistics would ignore the oddity of the outlier.

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 1:58:38 PM

It was even worse on NR when they had their new rating system.

Lots of people assumed the reviews were more accurate bc I had to make contact with someone to review them. Well, most of us ladies had an auto response set up so all a guy had to do eas say hi and it got his foot in the door to review a lady.  

I knew a few different ladies that got screwed that way. One guy gave a lady a score of 1(out of 5) because she refused to see him.  

Reviews are so subjective anyways. Heck...even the way guys review.  I wish they had a questioneere and it was more factual...such as 1) did she show up on time 2) did you get the amount of time agreed upon 3) are her pictures real and do they accurately represent what she looks like in person. 4) did  she try to upsell?

One guys shithole hotel is the next guys mid level. One guys perfect body might be the next guys too fat or too skinny. One guys too young or old is tbe prefect age for the next.  Things like....is the girl.in the pic going to be the one showing up....are you really going to get your appt at the rate advertised ot is that just to walk in the door....or is the girl even reliable or should u plan on her being a flake...those, imo, are things that can really help others guys out...

I had no idea about NR, that's a crazy system! There's certainly a fine line between having reviews honest from a guy's perspective and a woman getting shit on.  

Did you know the TER review does have a lot of those questions? I think the upsell one below is the only one they don't have that's mandatory.  

About the only thing missing here is a stronger Discussion forum. It would be nice to see something like that, but, I think largely the only ones that provided any value were the old boards that had honest reviews and private boards, and those of course come with their own problems.  

But, I think it's probably the best system still. Most will be honest in the notes if it's a little mismatch, and, even if they're not, I don't think it stops anyone. If you've got 1 questionable review for every several, it's not going to be a decision maker.

Posted By: eve delight
It was even worse on NR when they had their new rating system.  
 Lots of people assumed the reviews were more accurate bc I had to make contact with someone to review them. Well, most of us ladies had an auto response set up so all a guy had to do eas say hi and it got his foot in the door to review a lady.  
 I knew a few different ladies that got screwed that way. One guy gave a lady a score of 1(out of 5) because she refused to see him.  
 Reviews are so subjective anyways. Heck...even the way guys review.  I wish they had a questioneere and it was more factual...such as 1) did she show up on time 2) did you get the amount of time agreed upon 3) are her pictures real and do they accurately represent what she looks like in person. 4) did  she try to upsell?  
 One guys shithole hotel is the next guys mid level. One guys perfect body might be the next guys too fat or too skinny. One guys too young or old is tbe prefect age for the next.  Things like....is the girl.in the pic going to be the one showing up....are you really going to get your appt at the rate advertised ot is that just to walk in the door....or is the girl even reliable or should u plan on her being a flake...those, imo, are things that can really help others guys out...

As the last decent board in the Metro area I hope TER removes these reviews. I've had legitimate reviews rejected by TER for lack of details or the date happening too long ago. So I find it disappointing that these weak reviews were approved.

Posted By: eve delight
I had a guy do something similar with me. I knew I hadn't seen him by the things that he was saying in my review...mentioning services I hadn't done etc etc.  He had also reviewed other ladies that I happened to have been friendly with, so I contacted them as well and come to find out, none of them had seen him either.    
 The review did get taken down, but it wasn't easy to get them to do it. Basically all of us ladies had to contact TER and let them know that we had not seen that guy.  This was years ago and maybe things have changed....but when we worked collectively, it was a lot easier than just me complaining.  
 I am not sure why TER would want fake reviews up.  From what I understand, free VIP membership is given to guys who write reviews on ladies. Now obviously, this is meant to encourage guys who see girls to write reviews on them...but unfortunately, it also seems to encourage guys to lie and say they've seen girls when they really haven't, just so they can get a free membership.  
 In my case, the review was really nasty. In fact, none of the reviews on the ladies were nice. I am not sure if it was a spiteful client who I refused to see or what....or maybe he thought TER would believe him more if it wasn't just all "fluff" but either way, it's BS.  
 I think reviews should be looked at as a whole.  If you have a majority of good reviews and one or 2 bad ones, most likely the problem isn't you.  Now, if a girl only has a few good reviews and mostly bad ones, those are probably the ones to stay away from.  
 There are a lot of guys who try to use reviews to hurt ladies...and that's not what they are there for. It's a form of manipulation and revenge. What most of them don't realize is that if they write nasty reviews about the ladies they've seen, future ladies are going to steer clear of them because they don't want a bad review written about them. On more than one occasion I've refused to see a client simply because I did not like the way he talked about ladies in his previous reviews.  
 Hope all of you ladies can work together and get this worked out.  
 What good is an information board if it's not accurate info?  I am really hoping TER will work with you.

I'm glad to hear that they took down the fake reviews. But, it's a shame that it was so difficult for you ladies to get them removed.

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