Gag me with a silver spoon. Zorro, now you're too good for all of us?sad_smile
ABeautifulMind 22092 reads

Hey, Zorro, how much did it cost to buy into that COUNTRY CLUB.

Okay, I agree that Juan's post was a bit on the petty side.  But he did bring up a valid economic and ethical argument that wasn't really defined in his post.  This argument is not about thrifty hobbyists denying cabbies an extra taco platter or case of Tecate.  It is about these unscrupulous Libre cabbies extracting unjust premiums through unfair business practices.  The people being ripped off are not the "snookered" hobbyist. Rather, it is the fairly competitive cabbies who are being robbed of their fair share of tacos and Tecate -- not to mention diapers, formula and books.  It's an argument for fair business competition in the Zona.  

Zorro, once again you bring up this thing about your potential for being a "leader" of the TER TJ crowd. I smelled this early in the post even before you mentioned it later on in the passage -- it only confirmed my suspicions that your pungent post was laced with an agenda.  And if not that, then with comtempt for anyone trying to stamp their own style of adventure in "your playground."  We don't need no leader and we are not interested in your aspirations of dominance and deluded glory.  This is everyone's playground.  

BTW, I thought we were of the same generation (x-generation) that shunned the errors of the ways of the YUPies right before us. But then, I did a quick calculation and if you are 33 y.o. as you state, then I think you missed the x-generation by a year or two.  This explains alot.  My cousins in their mid to late 30's are all YUPies and they irritate me with their obsession with herd consumerism, the "image is everything" mentality, and bad habits of conspicious consumption they picked up in the 80's.  

As always, the mighty ZORRO (sarcasm) is the one that stirs the TER drink (compliment intended).  

Peace out, homie. :-)

-- Modified on 7/30/2003 2:11:56 AM

-- Modified on 7/30/2003 2:22:17 AM

juanstijuana23481 reads

My post had nothing to do with cab prices.  It had nothing to do with paying less than $5 for a cab ride or depriving cab drivers of their hard earned pay.  It had to do with gringos getting scammed over and over again in the zona because we are foreigners and perceived as wealthy. (not all of us are but I assume it is relative as compared to many who struggle in TJ)

Taxi Libres did not exist a year ago.  Somehow, someone got licensed to run a fleet of metered cabs in TJ, called Taxi Libres.  Eventually I hear there will be a 1,000 of them.  They are the white cabs with orange writing.  They ALL are metered and the meters ALL work and are supposed to start at 6 pesos. (.60)

The Taxi Libres have wrecked havoc with the TJ yellow and green cabs.  These Taxi Libres have hurt their income since the Taxi Libres cost only around $2.50 to the border with the meter on.  Many guys that have been overcharged by regular cabs are thrilled with the cheaper Taxi Libres.  I could care less.  I just report what is going on in TJ since I am there so much and live there part time.  I walk the majority of the time.  I like the exercise.

A Taxi Libre costs about half of a $5 cab ride.  The Taxi Libre has hurt the normal TJ cab driver.  Every monger who takes a cab now has a choice of how he wants to ride.  You can also take a bus from the border for around .50.  Is this also depriving the cab driver?)  

It's almost expected that a "gringo" pays more in TJ. It's a wrong, perception but like I said many Mexicans think every American is rich.  I speak enough Spanish and talk to people in Spanish all the time in TJ.  I suppose it is all relative as far as what wealth is since America is considered by most as a first world country and Mexico is still considered a third world country by many.  

The bottom line is that if you select a metered cab, the meter should be on. (it isn't broken)  If you select an umetered yellow or green cab, pay whatever you negotiate with the driver.  A normal border run is $5.  A metered cab telling a gringo that his meter doen't work is lying and he is setting precident.  He will do this over and over with every gringo.  A local Mexican would not stand for this.  He was hired to drive a metered cab just like a colectivo driver is hired to drive a route taxi.  

This isn't brain surgery, it's principle.  It's just like some of the smaller bars charging gringos higher prices for drinks and ficha (chica) drinks  even though the prices are right on the wall on the signs.  I suppose this is also an acceptable practice?  Hey these corrupt waiters are only overcharging a $1 or $2 even though the correct prices are right on the wall.

It has nothing to do with how much?  It has to do with principle and fair business practice.  Being in TJ several times a week, I could post scam after scam but maybe I would offend some of the richer higher than thou type of guys.  If someone overcharged these same guys regularly for something in the US, these same guys would be screaming.  


As someone mentioned in the thread below (before you honored me with my own thread in your tar and feather attempt, much like some other loser did on the Los Angeles board a few weeks ago), Juan is nothing more than the Ugly American.

He doesn't mind that he is receiving pussy at about 20% of the price he would pay in San Diego or Los Angeles, but heaven forbid that Juan pay an extra $1.50 in cabfare so that some cabbie may have the opportunity to feed his family that week.
For that, the cabbie deserves to be reported and lose his job.  Well, with a little luck, that same cabbie will resort to robbing Juan and others like him, in their future times of desperation.

Juan points out that "gringos" are charged more than locals for things in Mexico.  OK...SO THE FUCK WHAT???  Last time I checked, our universities were charging foreign students about triple the price as they were charging U.S. citizens.

Bottom line, I think that Juan and others that go to Mexico really have no interest in the well-being of those that serve them and allow them the opportunity to have cheap sex with beautiful women.  Personally, I will not hesitate to give a cabbie a $10 spot, even when he asks for $5 or $6, and will not hesitate to give the waiter $10, even when he charges me $8 for a couple Dos XX's.  In the end, those extra few dollars mean NOTHING to me and may make the difference between a tolerable existence and a miserable existence for these Mexicans.

ABM, you really should bite your tongue.  You have already proven yourself to be a sucker beyond comparison.  I guess you could use the brownie points that this post may chalk up for you to help alleviate the self-induced damage to your image that will not soon be forgotten.

Peace out, sap. :)

-12 entries found for sap. 4. Slang. A gullible person; a dupe.
Courtesy of, and originating, possibly from "sapo", a word, if said to other Mexican kids would likely end up in a fistfight.

This post sounds like a bit of the clash of the egos....

I say both of you guys meet at a neutral club, don boxing gloves and duke it out to see who's the King of TJ.
Maybe it can be at the Caliente in the alley.

Hell, block off the alley and have the match in the street!
Betting with odds at Caliente.    

The hottest street girls would be the ring girls.

I'd pay money to watch this.

ABeautifulMind21350 reads


It's one cabby stealing from another cabby.  Comprende?

Fuck the $5 spot.  Or the $10 spot.  You're right, the marginal effect to the average Americano is miniscule.  The fact is that that $5 bill going to a deceitful Libre cabby could have gone to the cabby driving the yellow cab, but it didn't because the gringo thought he was getting a better deal with Libre, only to be hoodwinked. It's essentially false advertising. The theft is not from the gringo but from the honest cabby.  Comprende?

By the way, "my girl" still has affections for me and promises to be with me "all night and all day" next time we meet.  No charge.  Who's the sucker now?  If any of you TJ hobbyists were in AB at 2:30 pm on July 5th, 2003 and saw a gorgeous blonde passionately kissing a hombre (standing up) in plain view of every mofo in the joint, that hombre was me.  I may be a sap, but chicks dig that shit sometimes.  Boo Yaa!!!

Peace out, hater :)

-- Modified on 7/31/2003 1:22:27 AM

-- Modified on 7/31/2003 1:23:53 AM

GFE_HUNTER22036 reads

ABM, is wack, i've followed his so-called tj adventures, he can't even f**k more than 2 chicks in a FULL day in TJ. WTF, i'VE F**KED AT LEAST 5-6 IN A FULL DAY 11AM-2AM. HEy ABM, TAKE A V COCTAIL.

GFE_HUNTER22965 reads

I'm not hating on you, just posting what you "report" to us, come on I been In TIJUANA, you need to up the girl f**king. LEts monger together I'll show you how its done.

ABeautifulMind23737 reads

You believe all the bad things I write about myself, and the good things you say are b.s.  Take the good with the bad -- I have no choice but to take what life dishes out and I report as much of the detail as I can -- even if it does tarnish my "image."  

If I get my heart broken to bits, I'll tell you I cried like a baby.  If I get the ultimate GFE, I'll tell you how good it felt.  

My TER persona doesn't care about its "image" -- unlike some people.  What's the point!?! None of you will ever get to met me in person to know that you did.  Maybe you might sit next to me at CC and we might even chat.  But I will never, ever tell you that I am ABM.  

I only tell you the truth about what went on in my little "adventures."  Anyone can make up a story.  I prefer to live mine and tell it like it was.  


-- Modified on 8/2/2003 2:20:54 AM

I have no clue Zorro is being attacked in the posts above, but paying the taxistas $7 for a safe quick ride back to the border does not bother me in the least.  

BTW, I also tip my waiters, bartenders, and strippers according to their service.  In return, I get treated like royalty by them so you have a choice to make:

Be a cheapskate and create resentment
Tip properly and receive great service.

I believe how you treat others will always come back to you in life.  I never stiff anyone even if I did not like the service I got.  It is, after all, the way that they make their living and I appreciate that it is not easy.

ps:  I used to be a taxi driver.......and it is definitely not an easy way to make a living, no matter where you work.

Caribe22029 reads

has to be nipped in the bud NOW before he starts flooding this site with his typical, "I am right, you are wrong" posts and starts steering newbies in the wrong direction re: TJ and how to operate down there.

Bottom line is that Lakers is VERY disliked in TJ and on the boards.  Even the friends he "thinks" he has talk about him.  In the last few years he's moved 3 times to be closer to TJ but the ironic thing is that most of the chicas that knoe him HATE him.  He's lucky that there's always a new flock of FOBs (Fresh Off the Bus) for him to try to get sin condom sessions with.

The only truth is he does resemble (a poor man's) Chuck Norris.

Lakers...keep your dribble to your own site!!!

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