Vampire's delight...
juanstijuana 20690 reads

You've heard of an afternoon delight. Well I tend to like a vampire's delight. I prefer TJ after midnight to the wee hours of the morning.

I took the after midnight trolley to TJ. I was surprised that at this hour it was packed with 18-21 year olds ready to party on Rev.  This wasn't the weekend, it was Wednesday night. Well I'm 18 at heart, although a lot older.

I walked from the border to the zona. I love to walk. The exercise is good and the walk clears my head from the daily stresses of life. At this hour, I tend to walk near someone else when crossing over the bridge. There's always safety in numbers. I also walk very fast and with purpose.

I hit the bars a little after 1 AM and they all were every slow. I didn't go into AB or CC last night but hit many of the smaller bars. I went into Miami Bar, Hong Kong Bar, Valentinas, Hacienda, Las Charritas, Carreta, Playboy Bar, Chavelas, Tropical and a few other bars. Most were pretty dead and the selection pretty bad.

I've found that Wednesday night is probably the slowest night of the week. I used to think it was Monday or Tuesday night but I've found many chicas take off in the middle of the week (Wednesday) to prepare for the heavier weekend when they can make more money.

I drank light tonight and only had three beers. I decided to hit the streets. I know lot's of people that walk aroud the zona. TThe bars were very hot and it was nice to get some fresh air. It was a beautiful evening temp wise in TJ.

The normal SG scene was a little slow. There is a whole sub-culture of chicas that walk the zona. They tend to give great sessions and BBBJ's. (bareback blowjobs) They don't stand in one spot and they work an hour or two at most.

Some of these chicas do drugs and others just come out to make rent money. The only way you get to know these chicas is to hang out a lot because they don't everstand in the same spot. These days I split my time in the bars and in the streets. All you need to do is hang out long enough and someone cute walks by.

Tonight I found this thin chica. She was 21 and agreed to naked and and a half hour BBBJ for $20. You can't beat this. In the room she gave me a long decent BBBJ and some hand action. This topped off a rather mellow relaxing night. Sometimes these slow nights are better than the busier more hectic nights in TJ.

I walked back to the border at 4:30 AM and trollied home. There is something different every night in TJ if you look hard enough.


I've never taken the Trolley.

Do they run all night?

Caribe24785 reads

During the week, they stop running around 1 am but start up again at 4:30ish in the morning.  Saturday they run ALL night with only about an hour break around 2ish.

I've been taking the trolley now for about 6 months and it's great.  Walking into TJ is never a problem and you can either walk all the way to the zona (10-15 minutes) or grab a taxi (5 minute walk) and then it's only minutes to the zona.

The ride (depending on where you're starting) is only a few bucks and if you bus it to the trolley station, get a transfer and the trolley ride is free.

juanstijuana21611 reads

The last trolly leaves from the border at 1:01 AM. Saturday night the runs all night on the hour.  First morning trolley runs at 4:39 AM during the week.  Around 5 AM on the weekend.

Going to TJ, the last trolley time will vary depending on your station.  the last trolley going to TJ will be 12:15-12:45 AM.  Cost will be $1-50-$3 each way or so depending on your station.


Caribe21021 reads

he got kicked off the trolley for gorging on Big Macs and then mouthing off to security guards who asked him to stop, per the rules.

thanks for the info.......

I probably won't ever use the trolleys, at least not in the forseeable future, but you just never know some times

muchos gracias amigos

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