Wupee 96 Reviews 255 reads

I know a lot of women that will come to TJ from Colombia, Guadalajara and other locations for a week to a month and return home.  Several work undercover in TJ and go back to their own cities without disclosing to anyone they worked in TJ.  For this reason, I love going to HK on Spring Break or at the beginning of Summer when the colleges let out.  It's an easy way to make money working with a known agency, as an independent, or working at some of the clubs.  Then there are those that live in TJ and make escorting their job.  I know a few that have been doing it for a long time (see the top performer in TJ as reference).  Others try it and get the wrong client and give it up pretty quickly.  The timing is as varied as their reasoning for being an escort in the first place.    

I have two stories that are related to this issue.  

The first involves a young lady (still my friend) that told me she tried it for a month and one guy that lived in San Diego (so he was out of reach to her brothers!) got mad and outed her on Facebook by writing to her mother, brothers, friends and sending them screen shots of her agency pictures and telling her family that she was an Escort.  It destroyed her personal life and she still hasn't recovered.

A second story involves a young lady that I also kept track of and she moved to another city.  She was struggling and asked me to wire her some money.  I sent her $200 and a few months later, I saw a post on Instagram from some of her friends that she had gone missing on the exact day that I wired her the money.  To this day, I wonder if she had been attacked for that small amount of money or what the heck happened to her.  She has a young daughter and she would never leave her so it makes me even more certain that something very bad must have happened to her.  

The third and final story is about a local Escort that I still see advertised to this day.  She really is very pretty and has a great body so I finally decided to book her for an appointment.  From the moment she entered the room I could just tell something wasn't quite right.  She wore a mini-skirt that I thought was maybe just too tiny because half of her butt was hanging out in the back and I could just about see her vagina in the front as she entered the room - and she wasn't wearing panties.  As she entered the room her actions were very strange and the first thing I could think of was that this chick appears to be on some kind of drugs!  I'm not an expert on the types of drugs or symptoms but she just didn't appear to be "all there" as she sat down and I tried to converse with her.  Her scatter-brained responses and unprovoked giggles for no apparent reason was unsettling to me.  I wish I could remember more of the details (been a couple of years ago) but I was wondering if she had been trafficked or was being drugged up and forced to be an escort or maybe she was only able to escort by being on drugs.  Either way, her condition made ME feel dirty for having contributed to her being in that condition because I was a customer.  Some of those might be a long leap from why she was actually so loopy but my brain couldn't swap from those thoughts of concern to wanting to have sex with her so I had to pass on doing anything with her.  

The risks of being an escort are real so the longer they stay in the business the more likely it is that they run into the wrong people/person.  I applaud those that the option to only stay for a short period of time, or come have a wild weekend and go back to their regular lives.   As a dude, it seems like the ultimate fun to work at a place like HK and if you are interested in someone then you can seduce them into sex AND they will give you money.  If you don't like them, ignore their requests and keep walking!  On the flipside, it's tough to think about the girls that DON'T have an option and need to feed their children.  They have to have customers (and I'm always horny!) so I try to be the best customer possible and ensure I treat them with respect and also try to ensure that we're BOTH having as good of a time as is possible.  

Just out of idke curiosity (ok, boredom), just now I was bouncing around reading some Tijuana reviews from before the TER shutdown, a few of them were as old as 5 to 6 yrs ago. If course, not only are many of the reviewers long gone from TER, many of the escorts are too.  It occurred to me that there might be some of you with knowledge or experience in how long a woman stays with an agency in Tijuana. I know that it varies greatly from one woman to another, and that the reasons for staying or for leaving are just as varied.  Thanks in advance for joining the discussion.

I know a lot of women that will come to TJ from Colombia, Guadalajara and other locations for a week to a month and return home.  Several work undercover in TJ and go back to their own cities without disclosing to anyone they worked in TJ.  For this reason, I love going to HK on Spring Break or at the beginning of Summer when the colleges let out.  It's an easy way to make money working with a known agency, as an independent, or working at some of the clubs.  Then there are those that live in TJ and make escorting their job.  I know a few that have been doing it for a long time (see the top performer in TJ as reference).  Others try it and get the wrong client and give it up pretty quickly.  The timing is as varied as their reasoning for being an escort in the first place.    

I have two stories that are related to this issue.  

The first involves a young lady (still my friend) that told me she tried it for a month and one guy that lived in San Diego (so he was out of reach to her brothers!) got mad and outed her on Facebook by writing to her mother, brothers, friends and sending them screen shots of her agency pictures and telling her family that she was an Escort.  It destroyed her personal life and she still hasn't recovered.

A second story involves a young lady that I also kept track of and she moved to another city.  She was struggling and asked me to wire her some money.  I sent her $200 and a few months later, I saw a post on Instagram from some of her friends that she had gone missing on the exact day that I wired her the money.  To this day, I wonder if she had been attacked for that small amount of money or what the heck happened to her.  She has a young daughter and she would never leave her so it makes me even more certain that something very bad must have happened to her.  

The third and final story is about a local Escort that I still see advertised to this day.  She really is very pretty and has a great body so I finally decided to book her for an appointment.  From the moment she entered the room I could just tell something wasn't quite right.  She wore a mini-skirt that I thought was maybe just too tiny because half of her butt was hanging out in the back and I could just about see her vagina in the front as she entered the room - and she wasn't wearing panties.  As she entered the room her actions were very strange and the first thing I could think of was that this chick appears to be on some kind of drugs!  I'm not an expert on the types of drugs or symptoms but she just didn't appear to be "all there" as she sat down and I tried to converse with her.  Her scatter-brained responses and unprovoked giggles for no apparent reason was unsettling to me.  I wish I could remember more of the details (been a couple of years ago) but I was wondering if she had been trafficked or was being drugged up and forced to be an escort or maybe she was only able to escort by being on drugs.  Either way, her condition made ME feel dirty for having contributed to her being in that condition because I was a customer.  Some of those might be a long leap from why she was actually so loopy but my brain couldn't swap from those thoughts of concern to wanting to have sex with her so I had to pass on doing anything with her.  

The risks of being an escort are real so the longer they stay in the business the more likely it is that they run into the wrong people/person.  I applaud those that the option to only stay for a short period of time, or come have a wild weekend and go back to their regular lives.   As a dude, it seems like the ultimate fun to work at a place like HK and if you are interested in someone then you can seduce them into sex AND they will give you money.  If you don't like them, ignore their requests and keep walking!  On the flipside, it's tough to think about the girls that DON'T have an option and need to feed their children.  They have to have customers (and I'm always horny!) so I try to be the best customer possible and ensure I treat them with respect and also try to ensure that we're BOTH having as good of a time as is possible.  

Thanks, Wupee. That's a great response. The coincidence is that just about an hour and a half ago, I had a session with a lady from an agency, and in post-coital chit-chat as we were getting dressed to leave, the topic of agency vs independent came up. At the time, I completely forgot that I had posted this question here, heck, who thinks about TER Discussion Boards while knee-deep in pussy, lol? it wasn't until I logged on just now and read your answer that I made the connection between my post and what happened in my session.

She asked me if I had seen any other women from her agency, I told her that it was my first time with her agency, she was the first and only one I had seen there, and that I had specifically selected her because she's the oldest out of all of them. (I tend to gravitate more toward the oldest escorts than the youngest.) She then asked me if I have experience with women from other agencies besides hers, I told her that I certainly have, but that I've only rarely used agencies because my overall preference is for independents. I've seen far more independent escorts than agency ones. I said it's mainly because I don't  know what percentage of the donation an agency takes from the women, but I prefer that since she's the one on her back doing the work, I think she should be the one who gets the money. (Yes, I know that not every "independent" is TRULY independent.) I see it as someone getting rich off of one woman's work.

She explained to me why she prefers agency over independence. Number one, agencies do all the preliminary work for the escorts in advertising, initial contact, screening (if any), fielding questions about menus or looks or preferences or comparisons between women or availability, keeping track of off-duty schedules and who's on vacation or on hiatus, also handles all the session dates and times and places. Agencies also give clients recourse on last-minute substitutions for cancellations and no-shows and wrong hotels and traffic delays and Aunt Flo visits. An independent usually has to do all of that herself.

For safety and security of both the escort and the client, agencies are a third party that have at least some insight into both parties.  A third person knows some of the who, what, when, where, why and how of these two people meeting each other for a session, so if something goes wrong, someone knows at least a little something about both of them. She also said that due to the years she has been with the agency, management knows her well enough to vet certain clients from seeing her, based on her preferences or dislikes.  

While never a sure thing, agencies are less likely to pit two complete strangers in a one-on-one setting where no one else knows they're getting together. Many clients go incognito due to significant-other concerns or LE concerns, so a cash-and-dash or a pimp hiding in a closet with a Glock or some other planned event can befall us. Escorts never know if the client is a robber, woman-beater, kidnapper, ax-murderer, serial killer, etc. That independent is taking as much of a chance as an undercover client is taking.

So now I have a little better understanding of the protections an agency can offer an escort (and the client too), and why splitting the donation makes sense for those women who choose that route instead of going independent. Agencies do more than I thought they did.

Your points about the traveling providers makes sense, especially the weekender types. Making their arrangements through an established agency guarantees more sessions with fewer administrative hassles.

The woman who got outed by the coward is a horrible story. Scum like that can drive the hobby out of existence. The laws of supply and demand come to mind. Male demand will always exist, but dry up the supply, and Rosie Palm will be the only option.

The woman who disappeared reminds me of the hundreds or thousands to whom that has happened in Mexico for the past few decades. Like you, I hope her fate was not along those lines and that she'll turn up some day safe and sound with nothing more than a weird story about being away.

Posted By: Wupee
Re: Varies

I know a lot of women that will come to TJ from Colombia, Guadalajara and other locations for a week to a month and return home.  Several work undercover in TJ and go back to their own cities without disclosing to anyone they worked in TJ.
The risks of being an escort are real, so the longer they stay in the business, the more likely it is that they run into the wrong people/person. I applaud those who opt to only stay for a short period of time, or come have a wild weekend and go back to their regular lives. I try to be the best customer possible and ensure I treat them with respect and also try to ensure that we're BOTH having as good of a time as is possible.  

Agree with the use of agencies for a number of reasons.  My primary complaint against independents is that a high percentage of ads were outright fakes or the chickas used "extreme" Photoshopped pictures or they were using pictures taken 20 years ago (hell, if I looked like I did 20 years ago I'd probably not have time for Escorts!).  Reputable agencies ensure the pictures are representative of the ladies in those pictures.  Also, every time I've had an independent immediately grab the money off the table upon entry, turns out that they don't do BBBJ - even if advertised that they did.  I usually ask for a refund for the second hour and let them leave with the money for 1 hour (I like 2 hour dates at a minimum).  

Typically, after meeting an agency girl, if we hit it off, I will always attempt to get their direct number so I can ensure they get all of the money on our next visit.  

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