Traveling to Tijuana
TheGreatGasby 17 Reviews 3745 reads

What is the best way to travel to Tijuana?  Best places to stay?  Looking to fly out for 4-5 days for vacation, want to be somewhere safe but somewhere close to the action if you get what I'm saying.

Most stay at hotel Ticuan. Safe area, nice hotel, good food, can walk to Zona Roja or cab it if you don't feel safe walking. I would for sure use a cab at night from Zona Roja back to hotel just a littel safer I feel. Hotel is escort friendly. Have fun post trip report.

Agreed.  I use the Ticuan all the time.  It's a fairly easy walk to the action down Revo, and Revo is packed with restaurants and shops.  Only one marginal block on the walk to Zona Norte from the arch to the alley.  

Also agree to use a cab into/out of the zone at night.

Does Ticuan still require each of your "guests" to check in at the front desk?  This was the deal breaker for me.

Posted By: Bic54
Does Ticuan still require each of your "guests" to check in at the front desk?  This was the deal breaker for me.
Yes they do.  It's actually something I really like.  I don't have to worry about underage chica's since the hotel screens them for me.

Posted By: TheGreatGasby
What is the best way to travel to Tijuana?  Best places to stay?  Looking to fly out for 4-5 days for vacation, want to be somewhere safe but somewhere close to the action if you get what I'm saying.
Traveling: Most mongers make their way to the border on the US side (usually from SD then Uber/Lyfting, driving, public transit down to San Ysidro) then cross there. Take a cab/Uber from the border to Zona Norte or wherever you want to go. I drive down from LA routinely and park at a cheap, secure lot near the border then just Uber everywhere once I'm across la frontera.

Guess you can fly directly to TJ's airport, though not sure what prices are and I've never met another monger that did that (but I'm sure it happens).

Highly recommend using Uber in MX if your phone plan supports it (free for me with AT&T). Way cheaper than any cab fare you'll get (I'm talking like 50-75% price difference) and you can even go to places like Rosarito, Ensenada, easy.

Places to stay: As ppl have mentioned, Hotel Ticuan is an escort friendly hotel that is very comfortable, safe, pretty reasonably priced, and not too far from Zona Norte where Hong Kong and the other bars are. I like it overall.

I will push back and say that when I'm not staying at my gfs place (in an open relationship with a former HK bar girl), I prefer and usually just stay at Hotel Cascadas attached to HK. I find it's very comfortable (even the cheapest Deluxe Single Rooms), don't mind the loud(er) environment [try to get a room on the 5th or 6th floor], is cheaper and quite a bargain with the HK VIP card (20% all nights except Mon/Tues where it's 80% off), safe [most rooms have safes], good/reliable wifi, negates the room fee in taking HK BGs arriba since you have your own room, and I value the proximity more. Most (but not all) agency girls will go to Hotel Cascadas and I enjoy seeing streetgirls as well, whom are right in the alley behind HK.

FWIW, I rarely stay at Hotel Ticuan nowadays, there's just no need for me. But different strokes for different folks. Ticuan is a nice, standalone hotel where Cascadas is a brothel hotel essentially.

I'm somewhat surprised to see you say that most agency girls will go to Cascades, as it's my experience that NO agency will send a girl to Cascades or any other hotel in the Zona.

Clearly if you have gotten them there, then it's possible, but a very clear "NO" has been the answer from agencies every time I've seen the question asked, and some agencies are fairly clear on their sites that they won't send girls into the Zona.

Were you already a regular customer by the time you asked for a girl to come to Cascadas?  I've had most agencies send girls to Cascadas.  I think it's more of a girl by girl basis.  Some girls don't want to be seen in La Zona Norte.  

Posted By: BoatGunther
I'm somewhat surprised to see you say that most agency girls will go to Cascades, as it's my experience that NO agency will send a girl to Cascades or any other hotel in the Zona.  
 Clearly if you have gotten them there, then it's possible, but a very clear "NO" has been the answer from agencies every time I've seen the question asked, and some agencies are fairly clear on their sites that they won't send girls into the Zona.

Nope, it's what I found in my early research on the agencies and asking a couple times, as well as reading on a couple of different mongering forums.  Fairly sure MLB won't send a girl there, nor will CuminTJ (or at least that's what they told me).

If you can get them to go there, more power to you.  I prefer to sleep away from the Zona, so for me it's not a big deal.  If I am getting a room at Cascada's or Rio it's for taking the zona chica's up, not for escorts, and then I'll retreat to my comfy room at Ticuan to sleep or TLN.

Posted By: Bic54
Were you already a regular customer by the time you asked for a girl to come to Cascadas?  I've had most agencies send girls to Cascadas.  I think it's more of a girl by girl basis.  Some girls don't want to be seen in La Zona Norte.  
Posted By: BoatGunther
I'm somewhat surprised to see you say that most agency girls will go to Cascades, as it's my experience that NO agency will send a girl to Cascades or any other hotel in the Zona.  
  Clearly if you have gotten them there, then it's possible, but a very clear "NO" has been the answer from agencies every time I've seen the question asked, and some agencies are fairly clear on their sites that they won't send girls into the Zona.

don't give a shit about their chicas and would send a chica anywhere to make money.  They don't have much work and will do damn near anything to make money.  

Posted By: Bic54
Were you already a regular customer by the time you asked for a girl to come to Cascadas?  I've had most agencies send girls to Cascadas.  I think it's more of a girl by girl basis.  Some girls don't want to be seen in La Zona Norte.  
Posted By: BoatGunther
I'm somewhat surprised to see you say that most agency girls will go to Cascades, as it's my experience that NO agency will send a girl to Cascades or any other hotel in the Zona.  
  Clearly if you have gotten them there, then it's possible, but a very clear "NO" has been the answer from agencies every time I've seen the question asked, and some agencies are fairly clear on their sites that they won't send girls into the Zona.

I too would recommend staying at Cascadas.  However, be very cautious with your belongings while staying there.  On multiple occasions, I have returned from making a lap in the alley to see things having been moved, like a bottle of Coke that I left on the bed, now sitting on the night stand.  One time, while I was about to take a nap, I heard a knock, and before I could even respond, a towel boy had unlocked the door and popped his head in.  He acted surprised and apologized, but the thing is, there's no turn down or towel services available (you have to specifically request them and, inevitably, pay for them...and they know which rooms are occupied.  I've never felt as if I were in any physical danger, but don't expect any valuables to be there when you return from the bars.  I wouldn't trust the room safes either...

@BoatGunther -> looking at your review history, seems like most of the AGs you've seen are from MLB, which I've never used, so maybe their girls tend to not want to go to Zona Norte? I definitely have had AGs come to Zona Norte, though I'll be honest I don't see AGs that often and haven't for a while so maybe things have changed. I think Bic54 is right overall though - seems to be more of a girl-by-girl basis as to whether she wants to be seen in Zona Norte or not.

@Bic54 -> As of the last time I stayed at Ticuan (sometime in November 2016), they still required guests to check-in at the front.

I probably have a false sense of security with the room safes, but (knock on wood) I've never had anything moved in my room without my permission nor stolen in Cascadas, and I've been careless at times come to think of it, like going to the nearby Oxxo for some supplies while my laptop is running on my bed.

I've only had what you described happen ONCE in my entire time at Cascadas (room opening while I was inside and the person then excused herself) and that was very recently, but guess that one time is enough to make me more cautious from now on.

I too became a little too complacent walking around the zone so much.  It wasn't until the recent slight uptick in incidents that I started to remind myself to be more aware.  When you start paying attention to the small things, you definitely realize your not in SD anymore.  For example, it's amazing how fast i can go from feeling as if I'm walking alone on the sidewalk, to suddenly there are four 20 year old dudes right behind me.  Always watch your back down there.  

Posted By: Bic54
I too became a little too complacent walking around the zone so much.  It wasn't until the recent slight uptick in incidents that I started to remind myself to be more aware.  When you start paying attention to the small things, you definitely realize your not in SD anymore.  For example, it's amazing how fast i can go from feeling as if I'm walking alone on the sidewalk, to suddenly there are four 20 year old dudes right behind me.  Always watch your back down there.  
Thanks for the reminder, much appreciated.

On the other hand, I'm sure both you and I still chuckle at the fear and wild stories many gringos have heard about TJ or MX in general, haha. It's a place I've come to really enjoy and appreciate more every time I go.

So landing in San Diego Airport - Everyone agrees uber to the border, cross the border, take a cab to hotel?  Then take hotel to clubs?  How much cash you think is needed for a good time throughout the week?

Depending on what your looking for SG can be very cheap, BG can get pricey if your spanish isn't up to par and or your negotiation skills are weak. Escorts, great value to be found look on the sites you'll get a clue on price and length of stay. Food should be cheap very cheap, cabs very cheap by US standards, and hotel you should already have a price from priceline or what ever else you use. Convert dollars into pesos and get smaller bills some like cabs, clubs, and ladies won't give you change.  

I fly into SD also and have only done weekends Arrive Friday and leave Sunday But you say your going for 4 or 5 days ?  
It all depends on what kind of fun and play time your looking for.

For me a weekend looks some thing like this.
Hotel 2 nights master suite hotel ticuan $256 cash + tax weekend rate
Over night dates/TLN 2X 300 per=$600 if you take your date out for fun ad another $100 Ad another $20- $50 if you tip your date.
Day time fun bar and street girls food and drink $ 200 per just food and drink $30 per day
Taxi and train to and from SD airport $20 each way = $40

Hotel Ticuan does not have a room fridge. Down the block is a OXXO market you can get a cheap cooler for your room for drinks and such in your room. I keep on hand water and beer and wine for myself and my TLN dates. Across the street from Ticuan is a little department store. I pick up extra toothbrush and some nice body wash for my dates to use you can also get vitamin V there also. (If needed)  

So for me a weekend stay is around 1600. Friday to Sunday. That is the high end if you just plan on seeing street and bar girls a lot cheaper. Down grade hotel room to just a regular room even cheaper. Eat only from street carts even cheaper.





Posted By: TheGreatGasby
So landing in San Diego Airport - Everyone agrees uber to the border, cross the border, take a cab to hotel?  Then take hotel to clubs?  How much cash you think is needed for a good time throughout the week?

Is it possible to buy the VIP membership card before arriving?

Posted By: TheGreatGasby
Is it possible to buy the VIP membership card before arriving?
No, you must buy the HK VIP card in person in HK. There is no need to have it beforehand anyways -> you pay for your hotel stay when you check-in, etc.

My first trip there mid-last year I spent around $1500 for a 4 day/3 night trip seeing a bunch of chicas/3some/stocking up on V/etc. Since then, I have done a same length trip for ~$500, sometimes even as low as $400 or less. Just depends on what you're looking for, how upscale you eat or where you stay, and if you get lucky with some OTC time/overnights with chicas you connect really well with in the bars, which of course you can't predict but is always awesome when it happens, haha.

Buena suerte, amigo.

Posted By: JoJo15783
Posted By: TheGreatGasby
Is it possible to buy the VIP membership card before arriving?
No, you must buy the HK VIP card in person in HK. There is no need to have it beforehand anyways -> you pay for your hotel stay when you check-in, etc.  
 My first trip there mid-last year I spent around $1500 for a 4 day/3 night trip seeing a bunch of chicas/3some/stocking up on V/etc. Since then, I have done a same length trip for ~$500, sometimes even as low as $400 or less. Just depends on what you're looking for, how upscale you eat or where you stay, and if you get lucky with some OTC time/overnights with chicas you connect really well with in the bars, which of course you can't predict but is always awesome when it happens, haha.  
 Buena suerte, amigo.

I just bought my plane ticket today.  Is it better to show up in the hotel with no reservation?  I am arriving on a Wed evening and fly out the following Tuesday.  Flight lands around 7 p.m. in San Deigo.  I arrive March 1st.  Figured, uber from airport to crossing, walk across, I'd be crossing around 7:45-8:00, jump in a taxi to Hong-Kong and then get the VIP card then go get a room.  Which room is best, single deluxe or a master suite?  I figured I'd bring $2,000.00 cash.  What do ATM's charge to pull more out?  Do the rooms come with safes?  A lot of the reviews I have seen say to exchange for peso's to save money.  Obviously when I go out, I'd only bring what I need with me.  

Is the rate of the hotel negotiable since I'm staying for a week?  If there are any really experienced mongers who may want to go with me during the time, I'd be happy to pay for some drinks for your time and help getting there.  

The 'reservations' at Cascades are simply a courtesy as far as I can tell.  You'll get an email saying that they have your name down for the room, but it's pretty common to hear that late arrivals have had the room sold out from under them by someone showing up at the counter with cash before you arrive.

Having said that, sending them a reservation request can't hurt, and I would do it if I were you.  You still pay on arrival as they have on real online booking/reservation system, it just emails them your request.

If you know anything about the history of the boards then you know I am well qualified to answer questions about Tijuana escorts.  (Years ago I wrote The Newbie Guide to Tijuana Mongering, I made the first post about them on the largest TJ hooker board, I created the Escort Forum on the largest TJ hooker board, and although I don't write many reviews because I am a "secret shopper"  I have seen a lot of escorts from all the major agencies.  Plus I live in TJ, personally know a lot of mongers,  and I am well plugged into the gravevine.)

Few of the escorts from any of the agencies are willing to go to hotels (including Cascadas) in the Zona Norte.  Why?
--Most want to fly below the radar and that cannot be done when a sexoservadors sets foot in the ZN.  (Almost all of them know a taxi driver, waiter, etc. who they fear would spot them if they set foot in the ZN.)
--Most escorts are used to "doing the deed" in far better hotels.

If you are planning on seeing escorts I would not stay at any hotel in the Zona Norte.  I'd use the Ticuan, La Mansion or any of the other places that are escort friendly.

If so, yes -> make a reservation online through their website. There is no reason not to, as you're not giving them any CC info. You can always make adjustments to your reservation by emailing them, no problem. I've done that before.

You CAN show up with no reservation, but like mentioned above, there's no reason not to have one, especially if you're trying to get something like a Master Suite. I usually just get a Deluxe Single as that's enough for me for a short stay, but for a longer one like yours, it's worth getting the Jacuzzi, Master Suite, or Penthouse. Depends on your budget.

Especially since you are staying a while, rates ARE negotiable, so I've been told by other mongers, especially the higher end room you go. They can give pretty significant discounts so give it a try via emailing them.

Haven't used HK ATMs so can't comment. You shouldn't either. Withdraw $$ in the US and exchange for pesos at the border.

Rooms come with safes for the most part, make sure to request one with one.

May be in TJ around that time, I go every few weeks, so hit me up closer to the date. Would be happy to show you around, have done so with other mongers before.

Yes, I think from what I read and have seen, it makes more sense to stay in the district rather then travel to and from.  Is there any other perks or benefits I should try and attempt to negotiate as I am going to be there for a week?

I don't know about PERKS, but definitely try to low-ball them when negotiating the room rate and see how low you can go. Worse case scenario they say no and you'll pay the stated rate

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