TJ Hangover #1
rockhard 140 Reviews 11427 reads
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OK, OK, I've had many requests for some trip reports. Here's a freebie. I posted this on Juan's Tijuana where you can read tons of trip reports. Mine isn't as interesting as some of the others are.

I think most of us have done it, indulged too much and you get a hangover the next day, feeling like shit. Well, I am burning the candle at both ends and in the middle too. Sleep deprivation makes you do and think all sorts of weird things. But as the Nike commercial says: you can rest when you're DEAD.

I seized the opportunity to once again head South to TJ last night. I got there later than I expected because of some detours I needed to do and got in the Zone at 10:30 PM. Adelita’s was hopping, much better than Sunday night. Lot of chicas and lots of new faces. BUT I took quite a few laps around the bar and didn’t see anyone that I really had to do. I decided to walk the Zone since on the TJ paysite I’m a member of, they were going to meet some place last night. I never did hook up with the guys since I don’t know what they look like. The owner of the site was going to be down and I kept looking for him so I could have him point out the others but never did see him.
It was almost 12 and I still hadn’t picked out a chica for #1 and was going to pick one of two girls when Rosalinda (who I saw last Sunday) spotted me and ran over to say hello. I was happy to see her and asked if she wanted to go upstairs to my room. She was in the middle of her tequila and she doesn’t shoot it but sips it so I hung out with her at the bar amidst all the screaming, yelling, bumping along with the high ear bleeding decibels of the music. My kind of atmosphere. The club has a subwoofer right at the back of the club. If you want your guts to shake, all you need to do is stand within 10 feet of it.
We got upstairs and had kind of a disappointing session compared to my first one with Rosalinda. She seemed a little different and I found out at the end of the session, she apologized and wanted to head back downstairs instead of sit and chat like we did prior. These are money nights as she explained and after 3 am, the club is practically deserted and she needs to try to hit the club. I can’t ask her to stay longer than she feels warranted and gave her a few goodies and sent her back downstairs. I did ask about this Sunday, doing a birthday celebration but she kind of skirted the issue. I said I was coming down yesterday and was going to finalize arrangements but I didn’t make it down so I assume she went to Plan B and got another guy to take her out for her birthday. Oh well……not meant to be this time

I had gone to the doctor because of an infection and inflammation in my leg and as usual, I asked for some boner meds and asked if he had any Cialis. He did and I got two sample bottles.
Since I am in the sleep deprivation mode, I have a difficult time getting wood for a second or third time in a short period. So I popped a Cialis, worried that I might have a bad reaction like I did when I took V in TJ years ago. Instead it worked out great.

I did circles around AB and then though the Zone, Las Chavelas was mainly full of locals, dancing up a storm and the same for the bar across the street, Tropical. Not too many Gringos in these bars. You do have to speak fluent Spanish to get any decent action in the clubs, other than Chicago and Adelita’s. I did go through Chicago but it has gone down quite a bit from about 3-5 years ago when it was the top tier club in the Zone. The street girls were all lined up and I saw a lot more new faces. When you walk the sidewalk, they will grab your shirt, wrist or what ever they can snag, or whisper Sssssssst! to get your attention. As per usual, I need to turn off the switch since many reach out and grab me unexpectedlly. While I was going into Chavelas, a BBUC (Big Big Ugly Chica) was asking me for money and then grabbed my wrist pretty tight. I of course, kept walking in and yanked my hand from her Vise Grip lock.
Almost instinctively I was going to twist her arm and crank her shoulder but was able to turn that instinct off.

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