Re: I wonder
Bic54 57 Reviews 1342 reads
2 / 14

HIV exists in every major city on Earth.  Wear a condom.  Don't share needles.  TJ is no different.  

-- Modified on 12/10/2015 11:39:46 AM

luckybulldog 29 Reviews 1238 reads
3 / 14

I could be wrong but a lot of providers from San Diego don't like Tijuana as it's so close and it's a better cost for service and the lady's are just as good if not better.  

Well reviewed provider SD 300 1 hr gfe
well reviewed provider TJ 300 overnight 10pm to 6am  

San Diego girls don't like the competition.

Burt2010 9 Reviews 1202 reads
4 / 14

As stated above, US providers HATE Tijuana.  The providers there deliver a true GFE for way less.  On top of that there is a lot of racism in the US and it is common to find racists making negative comments--that usually aren't true--about Mexico.

Remember that in Tijuana, unlike the US, prostitution is legal and regulated.  A provider needs a health card--and no you can't get one with a bribe.  (There are too many people-doctors, labs, etc.--that a chica would have to bribe each month to make that realistic.)  Although the health card system isn't perfect, STDs among TJ providers are far less common than they are among US providers.  

In addition to health cards,  another reason TJ providers have fewer STDs is a lot of TJ providers work to support their kids in contrast to the much higher number of US providers who work to support a drug habit.

A while ago a HIV/AIDS study was done at Tijuana General Hospital.  (That is the "welfare hospital" where the majority of "putas" deliver their babies.)  They tested everyone form mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy (about 1,000 women) who gave birth there for HIV/AIDS.  Guess what?  The rate was about 1/3 less than in California.

If you don't know me then let me explain that I have lived in Tijuana for over a dozen years and have a degree in Political Science.  I don't want to out myself, so I will let it  go by saying I qualify as an expert witness in US courts about a lot of things related to Mexico and to prostitution.  Also, that I have been involved with studies about both Mexico and prostitution that have been published in "learned journals."  With that, for the record:  MEN ARE MUCH SAFER FROM STDs (INCLUDING HIV/AID) HOBBYING IN TIJUANA THAN IN THE US.

-- Modified on 12/11/2015 11:26:17 AM

CuminTJ See my TER Reviews 1256 reads
5 / 14

You are not wrong, when I first started the agency, I advertised at CL San Diego, my posts would get flagged and San Diego providers would post about how dangerous Tijuana was among other things, whatever it took to scare potential customers from crossing into Mexico.

Posted By: luckybulldog
I could be wrong but a lot of providers from San Diego don't like Tijuana as it's so close and it's a better cost for service and the lady's are just as good if not better.  
 Well reviewed provider SD 300 1 hr gfe  
 well reviewed provider TJ 300 overnight 10pm to 6am  
 San Diego girls don't like the competition.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 1209 reads
6 / 14

Why don't more US providers escape law enforcement and advertise in Tijuana and take first time clients?  That would make such a great screening process for them.  Hell you don't need code words like roses or donations.....You can even say what is on your menu

Bic54 57 Reviews 1117 reads
7 / 14

Because everybody knows as soon as you cross into Mexico the cartel is waiting to shoot you (sarcasm).

Posted By: bonitachika
Why don't more US providers escape law enforcement and advertise in Tijuana and take first time clients?  That would make such a great screening process for them.  Hell you don't need code words like roses or donations.....You can even say what is on your menu.  

DipStix88 40 Reviews 1013 reads
8 / 14

I agree with the scare tactics  because of what the media hypes that happens in Mexico. I live in both Otay Ranch eastlake and Playas de TJ. I have witness crime in Eastlake from shootouts at Apple store to home invasion  robberies to suicide all in the suburbs or Eastlake. But the crime in TJ is minimum.  
Now to prostitution in US to to her parts in the world I see the bad wrap tj thailand and Singapore get for legal prostitution. All the places I listed for example have a health care system in place to help girls out and vaccinate them as well. There is no shame either where in US prostitution is done in secrecy and so when girls get robbed attacked raped or a disease they are scared to go to get the treatment they need.  
The money differential is best for US hobbyist and for TJ girls because they will get money that will help them live or drug habit or whatever. Plus the girls in TJ sell you the euphoria and fantasy lacking from the business in the US without payin an arm kin a leg for it. What I spend in TJ I get a GFE where I get laughed at in the states for.
so I the girls over in TJ get a bad wrap for the wrong reasons when the girls in the US have more at stack to lose.

Danny182 911 reads
9 / 14

I understand a brothel with a brick and mortar location would want to stay within regulations. Do web-based agencies like the ones that post on the board stay on top of health cards and checkups?

Posted By: Burt2010
As stated above, US providers HATE Tijuana.  The providers there deliver a true GFE for way less.  On top of that there is a lot of racism in the US and it is common to find racists making negative comments--that usually aren't true--about Mexico.  
 Remember that in Tijuana, unlike the US, prostitution is legal and regulated.  A provider needs a health card--and no you can't get one with a bribe.  (There are too many people-doctors, labs, etc.--that a chica would have to bribe each month to make that realistic.)  Although the health card system isn't perfect, STDs among TJ providers are far less common than they are among US providers.    
 In addition to health cards,  another reason TJ providers have fewer STDs is a lot of TJ providers work to support their kids in contrast to the much higher number of US providers who work to support a drug habit.  
 A while ago a HIV/AIDS study was done at Tijuana General Hospital.  (That is the "welfare hospital" where the majority of "putas" deliver their babies.)  They tested everyone form mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy (about 1,000 women) who gave birth there for HIV/AIDS.  Guess what?  The rate was about 1/3 less than in California.  
 If you don't know me then let me explain that I have lived in Tijuana for over a dozen years and have a degree in Political Science.  I don't want to out myself, so I will let it  go by saying I qualify as an expert witness in US courts about a lot of things related to Mexico and to prostitution.  Also, that I have been involved with studies about both Mexico and prostitution that have been published in "learned journals."  With that, for the record:  MEN ARE MUCH SAFER FROM STDs (INCLUDING HIV/AID) HOBBYING IN TIJUANA THAN IN THE US.  

-- Modified on 12/11/2015 11:26:17 AM

Bic54 57 Reviews 1064 reads
10 / 14

Highly doubtful.  

Posted By: Danny182
I understand a brothel with a brick and mortar location would want to stay within regulations. Do web-based agencies like the ones that post on the board stay on top of health cards and checkups?  
Posted By: Burt2010
As stated above, US providers HATE Tijuana.  The providers there deliver a true GFE for way less.  On top of that there is a lot of racism in the US and it is common to find racists making negative comments--that usually aren't true--about Mexico.  
  Remember that in Tijuana, unlike the US, prostitution is legal and regulated.  A provider needs a health card--and no you can't get one with a bribe.  (There are too many people-doctors, labs, etc.--that a chica would have to bribe each month to make that realistic.)  Although the health card system isn't perfect, STDs among TJ providers are far less common than they are among US providers.    
  In addition to health cards,  another reason TJ providers have fewer STDs is a lot of TJ providers work to support their kids in contrast to the much higher number of US providers who work to support a drug habit.  
  A while ago a HIV/AIDS study was done at Tijuana General Hospital.  (That is the "welfare hospital" where the majority of "putas" deliver their babies.)  They tested everyone form mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy (about 1,000 women) who gave birth there for HIV/AIDS.  Guess what?  The rate was about 1/3 less than in California.  
  If you don't know me then let me explain that I have lived in Tijuana for over a dozen years and have a degree in Political Science.  I don't want to out myself, so I will let it  go by saying I qualify as an expert witness in US courts about a lot of things related to Mexico and to prostitution.  Also, that I have been involved with studies about both Mexico and prostitution that have been published in "learned journals."  With that, for the record:  MEN ARE MUCH SAFER FROM STDs (INCLUDING HIV/AID) HOBBYING IN TIJUANA THAN IN THE US.  
 -- Modified on 12/11/2015 11:26:17 AM

Burt2010 9 Reviews 925 reads
11 / 14

Some do. Some don't.

Burt the ones who don't are typically low mileage non-drug users on top of which the overall STD rate in TJ is lower than in SD.  

I stand by my statement  "MEN ARE MUCH SAFER FROM STDs (INCLUDING HIV/AID) HOBBYING IN TIJUANA THAN IN THE US" and the study I cited above proves this is based on facts, not guesswork or personal opinion.    
Posted By: Bic54
Highly doubtful.    
Posted By: Danny182
I understand a brothel with a brick and mortar location would want to stay within regulations. Do web-based agencies like the ones that post on the board stay on top of health cards and checkups?  
Posted By: Burt2010
As stated above, US providers HATE Tijuana.  The providers there deliver a true GFE for way less.  On top of that there is a lot of racism in the US and it is common to find racists making negative comments--that usually aren't true--about Mexico.    
   Remember that in Tijuana, unlike the US, prostitution is legal and regulated.  A provider needs a health card--and no you can't get one with a bribe.  (There are too many people-doctors, labs, etc.--that a chica would have to bribe each month to make that realistic.)  Although the health card system isn't perfect, STDs among TJ providers are far less common than they are among US providers.      
   In addition to health cards,  another reason TJ providers have fewer STDs is a lot of TJ providers work to support their kids in contrast to the much higher number of US providers who work to support a drug habit.    
   A while ago a HIV/AIDS study was done at Tijuana General Hospital.  (That is the "welfare hospital" where the majority of "putas" deliver their babies.)  They tested everyone form mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy (about 1,000 women) who gave birth there for HIV/AIDS.  Guess what?  The rate was about 1/3 less than in California.    
   If you don't know me then let me explain that I have lived in Tijuana for over a dozen years and have a degree in Political Science.  I don't want to out myself, so I will let it  go by saying I qualify as an expert witness in US courts about a lot of things related to Mexico and to prostitution.  Also, that I have been involved with studies about both Mexico and prostitution that have been published in "learned journals."  With that, for the record:  MEN ARE MUCH SAFER FROM STDs (INCLUDING HIV/AID) HOBBYING IN TIJUANA THAN IN THE US.    
  -- Modified on 12/11/2015 11:26:17 AM

CallofBooty 822 reads
12 / 14

Not if the standard overnight rate is 300 dollars. Ladies might as well get a vanilla job if you're taking home 300 dollars for 24 hours of your time.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 892 reads
13 / 14

I don't think anyone is offering $300 for 24 hours.

akat77 8 Reviews 698 reads
14 / 14

What is going on is what is going on worldwide and that is a concerted effort at massive birth control by this scare campaign.  The chances of a man getting HIV from a woman during straight sex are slim and none, even if she happens to be infected.
  TJ has a huge gay male population that engages in all sorts of unhealthy sex practices and drug use.  I was walking through the Revolution area on the way to the zona about a month ago and had to detour around a huge gay pride parade with men dressed up as women in beauty queen outfits.  In fact Revolution has been completely taken over by the gay crowd.  I get so upset by the government crap that is always going down.

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