Re: I failed
ARCANE5236 3930 reads
1 / 12

So had only used the service once before with a great result so decided to attend their fiesta on may 18th based on that. Needless to say it wasn't what I expected and now I know why the beer was free. I got there around 8 or so and there were no chicas there yet. I don't think too much of it. I sit down and find out only coronas are free; order one and relax. I notice off the bat that the room the party is in is split between 2 groups of guys one one side chatting and having a good time and about 4 or 5 guys on the other side sitting alone talking to no one. Curious? Indeed. Long story short, I stayed until about 11:30, watched a raffle where 1 or 2 guys got a free hour with the chica of their choice, which nobody asked me if I wanted to buy tickets for?! Not one girl came and talked to me because they were obviously talking to their regulars. One girl was pregnant, 3 others had braces that I saw, the room was small and run down with dirty tables. I left completely disheartened and unwelcome to be honest. So to put it mildly, if you're not a regular with the service don't even bother - unless you actually like corona, being the invisible man, and a guy to girl ratio of about 4:1. Stick with the other services like cumintj or hottijuana. Hell, stick with the bars, at least their you can get good beer, watch a ballgame and the girls will come talk to you. Cheers.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 6147 reads
2 / 12

Sorry you were disappointed.  

There were over 30 chicas there and many came as the night progressed.  I wish they would have arrived earlier.  I worked the entire room selling tickets however and when I brought the line-up on stage announced that tickets were still available and Big Lou sold them right in front of me.  

Many of the clients there, have never used our service, but like to come and visit with the chicas, etc.

I will see if we can improve it a bit the next time.  Of course there was no 4 to 1 ratio as that would have put 120 guys in the room.

Thanks again for visiting.

ARCANE5236 6500 reads
3 / 12

I'm not trying to intentionally come down on you. In all fairness I didn't stay all night and I don't know when the party ended but for the time I was there I counted no more than 11 or 12 girls and infinitely more men. The guys who are new didn't make any attempt to visit with the girls because as soon as the girls arrived they made a b-line straight for the guys who were obviously their regulars. I didn't think much of it, I figured they would chat with them first and then come and mingle with the rest of us. Unfortunately, they sat with their regulars the entire time and made no attempt to meet us newbies and network and make some new friends. It appears they are quite happy just seeing their few regulars and they get by just fine with that. In all honesty though if you took away the regulars it would have looked like a 6th grade dance with all the guys on one side and all the girls on the other with everyone keeping to each other. This is because if all the girls go and sit with their regulars and never leave the newbies don't want to be rude and make themselves feel uncomfortable by walking over and interrupting them.  So when the majority of the girls left with their regulars for the night it was obvious it was time for me to cut my losses and leave.

I think it is great to have these parties for charity, it's a wonderful thing. If that is all it is intended for and it has been working for you than there is nothing to improve. From what I've heard the service has been around for a long time so you obviously have a niche carved out that you have settled into and are happy with. I'm just one man with an opinion based on observation. I'm letting the public know that these parties aren't for new people to the service, they are geared towards the regulars. I simply want to help others avoid the same mistake. Cheers

Posted By: bonitachika
Sorry you were disappointed.  

There were over 30 chicas there and many came as the night progressed.  I wish they would have arrived earlier.  I worked the entire room selling tickets however and when I brought the line-up on stage announced that tickets were still available and Big Lou sold them right in front of me.  

Many of the clients there, have never used our service, but like to come and visit with the chicas, etc.

I will see if we can improve it a bit the next time.  Of course there was no 4 to 1 ratio as that would have put 120 guys in the room.

Thanks again for visiting.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 3330 reads
4 / 12

We had a lot of first time guys there and 4 clients did their first ever date with us that night.  I visited with a guy that came in from Vegas just for the party and a couple of guys that were in town from other business from Chicago.

I can assure you there parties are not only for our regulars.  They are intended to introduce new folks to our agency and make new friends.  I understand I failed in you situation and for that I am sorry.

Nothing for you to apologize about as you reported your experience and that is all anyone can ask for.

Three of our top chicas are now pregnant and although there are guys that seek out pregnant chicas, they are not for everyone.  We were missing some of our top requested chicas and in addition to that one chica brought a bunch of her rather large friends....I was quite disappointed in the quality of her friends.  

I will work harder next time at getting chicas there early.  

Thanks for your review and reply.

-- Modified on 5/23/2012 3:57:49 PM

luckybulldog 29 Reviews 4802 reads
5 / 12

I have been to two of the fiesta's so far.The first one I had a date set up already for a overnight with the escort agency.Yet a few guys came around to talk I felt like you did.But The second time I was part of the party just because I got off my ass and walked around and talked to every one if they were alone or not.I met a lot of nice guys and some nice chica's .Don't be a wall flower it is a party.Yes the girl want there regulars to be happy there coming back weekly or monthly to see them.But I know for a faxed that they want new guys all so.Like I said I met a lot of hot chica's at the one in March.Remember this is a party not a strip club in the zone like HK or LC or AB.It is more like a house party you have to mingle with the others.

ARCANE5236 4522 reads
6 / 12

I can understand your view. I was just under the impression that the point of the these parties was, beside the charity thing, to stimulate more business and make more money for the girls. I actually had a conversation with a group of guys there; they were TJ veterans but very ignorant. They suggested I shout out to the girls that I have money and wave it around if I want any attention and I thought to myself there's no way I'm gonna be an ignorant disrespectful gringo like that. I know this wasn't one of the bars, but also I felt like I shouldn't have to. The limited girls that were there in the time that I was immediately headed straight for the group of guys they knew, sat down and didn't move. I don't know about you but I wasn't about to go interrupt a group of guys I don't know and I ask to take up their time with the girls they want, starting up drama and all that. You wouldn't go up to a girl in a bar who is chatting with someone else and interrupt them? Or would you?? Lol. It's just rude. On top of that, when most of the girls left to go on their 'dates' it was obvious their nights were already planned before they even got to the party, so even if would have been acceptable to go break up the group of guys who undoubtedly knew each other well from past parties andf what not, I couldn't have had a date with any of the very few girls I wanted because they were already taken anyway. My friend who mentioned the agency to me had told me he's had many problems in the past with not being able to schedule dates with the girls he wanted because they were 'unreachable'. That's exactly what those girls reminded me of - get a request for a date from someone new and they don't feel like going for whatever reason (i.e. stick with my regulars). I was convinced after I left that the only reason I did have my only date with the service was because I was the girl's first time. So in closing the service is not for newbies. Oh well, there are other agencies out there that I have had better luck with anyway. Stay safe out there. Cheers.

Posted By: luckybulldog
I have been to two of the fiesta's so far.The first one I had a date set up already for a overnight with the escort agency.Yet a few guys came around to talk I felt like you did.But The second time I was part of the party just because I got off my ass and walked around and talked to every one if they were alone or not.I met a lot of nice guys and some nice chica's .Don't be a wall flower it is a party.Yes the girl want there regulars to be happy there coming back weekly or monthly to see them.But I know for a faxed that they want new guys all so.Like I said I met a lot of hot chica's at the one in March.Remember this is a party not a strip club in the zone like HK or LC or AB.It is more like a house party you have to mingle with the others.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 4225 reads
7 / 12

Again I failed in your case.  We get 4 to 5 first time clients every week, and of course we want them to return.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I will work to see that other newbies feel welcome.  I know we had several new guys at that party and they scheduled with us right there at the party.  

I also agree that waving money around to get attention is not too cool, and you should not have to do that to get the attention of a chica.

foad 4687 reads
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I went to a couple of your fiestas & pretty much had the same experience.  There seemed to be 3 groups, the guys with girls, the guys that knew each other and the guys that sat alone, I would have been in the alone group but I was with a buddy.  The only opp to check a girl out was when she went to the bathroom.  Looking back that was probably the best place to hang out.  It was still nice seeing person and in most cases they looked much much better in person.

One suggestion.  Have a girl who speaks english act as a hostess, she can approach us lonely guys and see how were doing, explain how it works (I didnt know u could just grab a beer) and she could ask if we wanted to meet a girl, if so she could bring them over, do an  introduction and then take her back if she was with a guy.  If shes alone, she could stay and sit with a potential new client.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 4636 reads
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We have been discussing this.  I am working on something like this right now.

ARCANE5236 4031 reads
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Damn, I wasn't trying to start a revolution here ;}. Like your website says, 'you found your niche' and if you're happy and it works for you then great. I doubt you'll even miss my business... or that of the 300+ guys I work with :). Cheers.

luckybulldog 29 Reviews 3048 reads
11 / 12

(I doubt you'll even miss my business... or that of the 300+ guys I work with :). Cheers.)

The 300+ guys you work with.I doubt that he will miss it to.If you have 300+ guys you work with and are willing to go to TJ with you? Then why were you alone at the

ARCANE5236 2342 reads
12 / 12

I said 'guys', not friends, nor did I write anything about any of them coming 'with me' to TJ. Te agency has been around for awhile successfully, but the party just wasn't very welcoming to new faces, so that's why I assume they won't even miss the business.

Posted By: luckybulldog
(I doubt you'll even miss my business... or that of the 300+ guys I work with :). Cheers.)

The 300+ guys you work with.I doubt that he will miss it to.If you have 300+ guys you work with and are willing to go to TJ with you? Then why were you alone at the

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