Bailar con Los Fantasmas de Zona Roja: Part 1of last chapter of Book 1
ABeautifulMind 31476 reads

I went back to TJ over 4th of July weekend to see my girl again.  I don't know whether it’s now expected that I visit every weekend, or whether she expected it to be just  a fling.  Never asking me when I might be back the next time, we part ways with her possessing an aura of confidence and dare I say, indifference.  Was I nothing more to her than a disposable, living, breathing comfort doll, good for only a couple of uses?  I don’t know much at this point nor what to really expect.  But I knew I was losing control over the situation.  All I knew was that I had to be back there for more -- in her room, in her arms, kissing her, with her heart palpitating next to mine.  And so I left the night of 7/3/03, skipping dinner and making the journey down.
They say that people in love are never hungry.  I went to Target before embarking on the highway south (how metaphoric) to buy her boxes of SlimFast mealbars -- she never ate because she was in love with money.  But I’ve seen her crave something more that just water and SlimFast shakes.  I gave her a mealbar once and she devoured it.  
The trip took almost 4 hours due to the traffic.  All along the way I wondered about the endgame, since I figured it had to end sometime, somehow.  Even if I had the means to continue this affair indefinitely, the circumstances were all wrong -- I had a life in L.A.  I have my work, my school, my family, my dreams.  Was I going to give it all up for a TJ hooker?  And my work, the basis of my existence, was starting to show the emotional strain I was under.  After my first week back from vacation, my boss had to sit down with me to figure out what was going on -- she noticed I was very distracted and not my usual focused self.
What I needed was closure.  But even as I descended into the border valley on the 805 in the middle of the night, facing the thousand "eyes" that looked upon me from the hills of Tijuana, I left my decision for "closure" open for improvisation.  Even as my usual logical self began to reassert itself, my emotional side fought back.  I wasn't surprised it did, having been repressed for so long.  But my logic is dominant, and all I needed was the slightest provocation to end it all.
I checked in at the Leyva at around 1:30 am and given a room that required me to pass my girl’s room.  I knew she was in town still because of a momento she placed on her window sill.  I arrived at CC at 2am sharp and immediately inquired about my girl.  She was upstairs working no doubt, what a surprise.  So I sat at the short bar and had me some XX’s.  I pounded down two within a half hour and smoked my Dunhill’s as I enjoyed the music and the scent of panoche abound.  
Finally, I spotted her.  She was sitting at the middle portion of the long bar, but it took me a full minute to recognize her even though I was staring her way all that time.  She must have thought I was ignoring her, and her suspicions were confirmed when she moved to within two seats of me at the short bar.  At this point I was already turned around and pounding another cerveza, still not having acknowledged her presence.  She just stood there looking at herself in the mirror as she stood literally 3 feet from me.  But I ignored her still and just pounded– my third in 45 minutes and I was buzzing.  My girl finally moved after about a couple minutes of being ignored and situated herself at the other end of that bar, at which point I asked the bartender to get her a drink.  I finally acknowledged her and she came over to me.  She proceeded to situate herself on my lap and we looked intently into each other’s eyes.  Soon our faces were mere millimeters apart as we nuzzled our noses together.  But at least I refrained myself from kissing,  for fear of being overtly conspicious.  She was, after all, working.  We asked each other “Como estas?”  “Muy bien,” was the mutual answer.  Then she asked me what I was doing in TJ and I blurted out, “ Para you.”  Her response was not what I was hoping for, but perhaps I was thinking too deep into it.  It was an “oh?” look, a possible burden instead of explicit delight.  Upon that perception, I immediately covered the first answer with, “para relax.”  But still the same, “oh?”  Not a word was said after that for the next minute until she thanked me for the drink and excused herself to go to the bano.  
Upon return, she was sat again at the other end of the short bar from where I was sitting.  I thought she would be back to sit with me, and so I perceived this to be a slight, a possible rejection.  Remember, I know all about rejection.  I have lived through to many.  The thing is, I knew she was working. I knew it then, before, and now.  Yet still, when she was approached and went up with a man, it stung deep in my heart.  Reality had landed a solid right cross and I began to reel from it.  “Dos mas cerveza, por favor. XX.”  I downed another two in the next 15 minutes to drown my pain.  Five beers in 1 hour – yeah, I was wasted.  I saw her come back to the bar in a half hour and was immediately approached by another hombre.  Again, she was gone, and so was I.  This was the provocation I needed to enter the end game.  After I finished my 5th beer, I went to the bathrom to get a hold of myself.  I looked at the mirror and I was beet red from the alcohol, I was ore than tipsy.  I wet and slicked back my hair and went out of el bano with as much dignity as I could muster.  As I walked out of the bano, to my right was the perfect tool for my end game, my girl’s best friend at CC.  I introduced myself to her and then sat down for a coupe of drinks and some chit chat.  She spoke pretty good English and was a wannabe model/actress supporting herself as she waited for her big break.  She was tall and gorgeous, but I knew right away there was no connection, even with her pretty good English.  But still I placed my arm around her as we smoked, chatted and drank.  We talked a little about my girl and we agreed that she was a special and beautiful person.  My girl “had a great heart,” she said, and I readily agreed.  
I had bought this new girl a few drinks by now and spent an hour talking with her, since it was 3:30 am when my girl came back to CC and made her way towards to ladies bano, but not before walking past us.  She must have noticed that I had my arms around her best friend, laughing and having a good time.  As she walked past us, she would not make eye contact with me.  As soon as she came out of el bano, she was propositioned by another hombre and again she went up.  When she came back down and finally called it a night at 4am, I was still with the company of the best friend.  As she left for good that night, there was nary a farewell or a goodnight to me, just to her best friend.  I think my end game was working then.  After my 7th beer, who was I to care.  Closure indeed.  

-- Modified on 7/10/2003 7:46:52 AM

ABeautifulMind27187 reads

The best friend wanted her $60 and pushed hard to go upstairs, but I was in no mood, so I gave her $25 for her time and a goodnight kiss on the lips.  She offered herself to me for tommorrow, and I said maybe.  I said good night to Jessica, as she partied on with her usual group of 5+ Vietnamese hombres, and I asked her to meet me at CC tomorrow during the day.  
To confirm my closure, I walked to my girl’s room to see if she’d let me in.  She seemed pissed.  She woud not let me in: “No.  Yo puedo dormir, por que sueno, “ she proclaimed.  Even after much cajolling by me, she stuck to her guns and explained to me, “porque sueno. Adios.”  Yeah, right.  “Por que sueno” my ass – por que jealous is more like it.   But I let it be and  moved on.  After a Vicodin drop, a little rest and a bit of freshening up, I went  to Adelitas, where it was still kickin’.  Damn, there were more than a handful of superstars at 6am on a Friday morning and the place was simmering.  The girls were getting desperate for a last score and I negotiated a superstar to $50 for a half hour – her name was April (bleach blond, 5’5’’, 115, natural d cups, 21, and an attitude to match).  Now she was a great fuck.  Moaning like a slut the whole time and pretending not to like it.  She liked it when I told her I was going to cream all up inside her with my scalding baby juice.  She kept telling me to cum inside her.  Of course this was all play since I have a jimmy on the whole time.  Fucked her for a good 30 minutes until it was time and she really put on the squeeze.  The only down side was that she didn’t want to blow me for only $50.  Tried to hustle me for another $20, but I had already nutted. Too bad.  That was down and dirty sex, but it felt like I’d just fuck the high school primadonna.  
Anyway, I went to bed at around 7:30 am and all my emotions came crashing in on me -- what with the Vicodin, the alcohol, the end game, the dirty sex, and of course the godforsaken setting that it Zona Roja.  I balled for a good half hour  -- telling myself throught out that "I was a good person.  I was a good person."  But I sure didn't feel like it.  In no time I fell asleep exhausted.  The Fourth of July account to be continued…….

-- Modified on 7/10/2003 7:47:26 AM

-- Modified on 7/10/2003 8:20:46 AM

juanstijuana30074 reads

This is probably the thing I hear the most in my nine years in TJ.  Mongers getting hooked on bar girls.  99% of the time it doesn't work and it's about the money.  I do personally know of several mongers that maried bar girsl and are still happily married.  It can happen but it is extremely rare.  Also be prepared for a lot of heartache and games till you win her over and she quits her job if that is what you are looking for.

Too many single mongers may be lonely and many do not get the adoring and attenion we get from the chicas in TJ.  Remember, it's their job and they are good at extracting dollars from our pockets, especially at AB and CC. (Adelitas and chicago Club)  The best axiom for most would be to leave your heart at the border.  Of course some mongers like the drama and the emotion of all of it.  It makes some guys feel alive.  I can understand both sides of it.


It's easy to get hooked on local talent as well.
I have the best GFE experiences when during my time
with a lady I am able to suspend reality for the time
I am with her and we "make believe" we are bf-gf during the
hour(s) we are together.  Of course the train pulls into the
station eventually and I have to 'get off' but no pun intended
sometimes it's harder to get oriented back into reality after some of my experiences with ladies.
Thats when I take a week or more off from this hobby of ours and
reflect on how I can make the transition easier next time.
Of course some of you are going to say 'get back on the horse' as soon as possible but that doesnt always do the trick for me.
(another pun not intended)


so why are you calling hobbyists "mongers?"

Hey amigo, I am a hobbyist and nothing more.

juanstijuana29166 reads

Zorro, monger is just a word used for many years by TJ guys that do chicas.  It's a word and nothing else.  No positive or negative meaning behind it when used.  I'm just used to saying monger.  I am a monger and proud of it.  You could say hobbyist, john, client or anything else you want to call us guys who do chicas (women) in TJ.


Does she love me, does she not, does she love me, does she not, does she love me, etc., etc., ad nausea.....
  Will she approach me, will she not?, etc., etc., ad nausea.....
  Will she treat me different than just another John, will she not?....., etc., ad nausea....
  WAKE UP, man! Don't you realize that you're becoming more of a pain in her hardworking ass than even your occasional generosity is worth?....
  Go listen to the Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love" before you bring yourself down completely! Get both heads working! There's no closure to this morbid tale until you start putting things into some perspective!
  Nobody here begrudges you a good f**k, but don't make so much more of it than it is.... I think that it is time for you to leave her alone, simply and without any ceremonies or fireworks, let her be and see to it that you continue to make enough dough to keep sampling the honey in TJ.... and also keep your job and your family!

A Spectator33524 reads

going upstairs with another man.  It would rob you of your spirit and it takes a long time to heal those wounds.  Since you can't detach yourself from the situation, you need to stop it right away.

Since it is not that easy to go to TJ, it is time to do things on this side of the border and stop driving down there for several months.  Otherwise, you are bound to looking for what she is doing and in turn cause more pain to you and more anguish to her.

-- Modified on 7/11/2003 2:35:36 AM

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