Cops everywhere lately in the zona...
juanstijuana 21424 reads

I have never seen so many cops in or near the zona in the last couple of weeks. They have been everywhere with paddy wagons stopping a lot of people.  One night at midnight as I crossed the bridge walking, there were 10 cops just standing there.  Not what I want to see.  

These are the blue uniformed cops who carry guns and either walk or drive cars.  They do most of the random searches, where you are against a wall or against a car with your hands up as they go through your pockets.  They say they are always looking for drugs.  The brown uniformed zona cops without guns have been the same as the norm.

Lately, many zona people are being hassled and searched.  I don't know why this is happening so much lately or what is going on.  With all the sidewalks being redone in the zona maybe they will turn the zona into a tourist friendly area.  Will the bars be closed down and be forced to move towards La Mesa?  

Rumors continue to fly about a new bridge and casinos opening in TJ.  Many say this might happen when President Fox is out of office and the old opposing party gets voted back in.   No one knows what's going to happen.  It's a shame there is so much corruption.  Instead of feeling safe with the police in TJ, you are just trying to avoid contact so you aren't searched for no reason.


I agree I took a few of my friends this am saturday and Im latin. Speek perfect spanish and was pulled over for no reason!!!! I understand the mentality of the cops there as their job exist so they may get extra cash!!!! So all you gringos (white) guys watch out! Also Im not predjudice but I know as a latin man the Mexican people for the most part especially in that area of town are less liberal with accepting Blacks, and whites. Asians they tend to accept and tolerate because a large concentraion of asian businesses ie sony, etc. So guys PLEASE be careful going there is fun dont get me wrong but no understanding their culture and CORRUPTION would be a rude awakening for you!!!!!!!

Be careful your american comrade!

jaded I19132 reads

A friend and I were stopped on thursday night got searched by a brown uniform "cop"  It was kind of suspicious to say the least.  We were just sC hopping.  It started out as "want to check out some beautiful women.  Come up to the Penthouse."  As we were walking up to the joint, We were stopped and asked to show id.  At one point our "guide" decides to tell us that he's got cocaine.  As he got searched he threw down a spit wat size piece of paper.  The cop asks he threw it.  My friend and i said we didn't know.  After awhile our guide admits it's his.  The cop asks him if he was trying to sell us some.  He said yes, lying out of his ass of course. That's when the shake down went full bore.  Conveniently a friend of his comes around the corner and joins in the conversation.  He said we can do it the easy way and started to flash some cash.  A moment of silence as they looked at us.  Sorry we weren't coughing up anything.  The cop seeing that i had only a few bucks on me decided to end the sharade and "let" us go.  So we hopped up the"penthouse" Lots of girls but nothing to pay $5 cover charge.  We took the elevator which was supposed to be broken down.  

The whole scenerio seem like a setup to me. Just turned out they stopped someone who was broke.  I guess the logic was that I was suppose to know that a spit wat size of rolled up paper can contain enough cocaine for distribution...enough for ten crack addict ants perhaps.  And why his buddy was allowed to join in the fruckus without being search was kind of an interesting oversight.

My friend got spooked and wanted to boog out of dodge but i really wanted to check out AB. WOW what a great place with at least 4 9's at place so many 8s and I'm pretty picky.  Ended up with a 9 forgot her name. It was fun i hadn't been in the hobby for over two years.  It was a hott hot time. Although her techniques needed work.  If I come up with another stash of money soon i'm going back to try catalina, diane and another tight body chick.

Whoever said thursday nights have the best girls are right on the money.

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