Meet and Greet

Very short notice: A "one of everything" Asian dinner in Vegas. Sat Oct 23 8 pm
boneboybob 34 Reviews 6509 reads

Well, I am in town this upcoming weekend for my birthday, and I don't want to go to the trouble of organizing a freakin' meet and greet... but I am feeling social. So.

Who: whoever shows up.

What: "One of Everything" dinner. We'll be at a local Vegas Asian restaurant (not too far from the Strip). We'll order family style- you pick a dish (or two) and pay for it, plus your own drinks. Everyone shares from the dishes on the table. Figure $15 a dish with tip, $25-30ish for two. There will likely be leftovers. Well, unless Tasha eats them all. :D We'll chat around the table, nosh and generally have a good time.

Where: I'll send the location out around noon Saturday. It will be near the Strip but not on it. I do not plan on this location serving donuts. :)

When: 8 pm Saturday October 23

Why: Eh, I want to. Why not?

How to get the invite: send email to [email protected]. Since it's short notice, I ain't screening. So if I don't know you, very sorry, try Tasha's party next week. Luckily, I know a lot of you. :D

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