Meet and Greet

Updated the list of ladies who have sent in their RSVP...
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My 15th Annual Halloween Meet and Greet is only a month away!  On Oct. 26th come and have a spooky good time with some of Chicago's most sought after ladies and a few under the radar ones as well.

If you have attended my past parties, check your email for the invitation...  

If you haven't attended you can visit the website and request an invitation. Be prepared to provide solid references or be a member of (the easiest and fastest way to receive one).

Some of the lovely ladies who have sent in their RSVPs already are Miss Alexis, Calliste Camu, Corinna Cash, Jeslyn Cantrell, Josie Qu, Mara Rose, Margot Darling, Marie Simone, Marilyn Redd, Maxienne Robey, Monica Deluca, Mya Michelle, Savannah Sultry, Sitari Devi, Stephanie Sinclair, all of the 2kg Collective including their under the radar providers and many more.

And Ladies, if you have never been to one of my parties and would like to attend the longest running Chicago Meet and Greet, please request an invite on the wesite.  

The Halloween Party website has more information, photos of ladies attending, links, and is always being updated.

Get a costume and come on over!

-- Modified on 9/26/2023 6:33:22 AM

-- Modified on 9/26/2023 6:33:57 AM

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Additional RSVPs came in the last couple of days.  

It's a constantly growing list as the date gets closer

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Many more lovely local, visiting and new ladies have RSVP'd since my last post here.

See them over at the website.

Register Now!