Meet and Greet

The Tampa Soiree'..............
TampaMG 1305 reads

ince returning from a long hiatus from this community, I have been asked by several people if I was going to resurrect the Tampa Soiree' series of cocktail parties.

The answer to that question lies in whether you, the ladies and gentlemen of Tampa, Orlando, Florida and the TER community, are interested in the Soiree' coming back.

For those who don't know, the Tampa Soiree' was a series of casual, no stress, no drama, safe, secure, and very discreet, cocktail parties where people from our community could get together for a couple of hours over drinks and some food, meet new friends, put a face to a name, and greet old friends they may not have seen in a while.

After the last Soiree' in 2012, all the guest information and mailing lists were destroyed and would need to be rebuilt.
So, if you are interested in seeing the Soiree' come back, have ever attended a Tampa Soiree', might be interested in attending one, or just want to get some information, please send an email to...

[email protected]

and as I begin to rebuild an email list I will be able to get a sense of the amount of interest.
If there is enough interest, I will CONSIDER resurrecting the old gal sometime early next year.
No promises, though. I will keep those interested appraised of any progress.

I have enjoyed Hosting these events for you and would, if there is enough interest, again enjoy being your Host.


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