Meet and Greet

Summer Time 3 Somes
OctaviaNyc_NJ See my TER Reviews 8987 reads

3 cities to meet in one location for a M&G in the summer.

Sound interesting?

New York


(as examples)

Not sure what you mean, Octavia.  Please elaborate.  I can meet in NYC this's my home turf!  DC...maybe.  Please don't forget Philly, either!

How about a series of M&G's in succession in geographically adjacent cities coordinated over a bi-weekly, monthly, or even quarterly schedule?  That might work in fostering a closer sense of community, and maybe result in an increase in attendance at these events.  If that's the idea, count me in...great excuse for making road or business trips to Boston, Philly, or DC...    

-- Modified on 3/26/2009 5:08:17 AM

I think she meant to have one large party from 3 different cites.

I think that's a great idea Octavia, as long as it's held in NYC!

I had a great time at the last thank you Octavia :)
Let us know if there will be another , NYC loves you:) Kendall

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