Meet and Greet

Re: I am dying to start another Mixer. Lina, darling....
joethehammer 7 Reviews 7728 reads

Please put me on the list for the next M & G in NYC, topbossman.  I believe I have been screened previously.

everyone talks about them but who would do something about one? :)

How about we finally get together for much needed holiday cheer?



I see in another posting that the California M&G is also collecting toys for the Toys for Tots charity Christmas drive. I think this is a wonderful idea that we should do here. Maybe the people in LA can help us out on this one. I'll do everything I can.

LA's event is an annual affair that is organized and planned in advance.  Since there is nothing going on in NYC this year, if you or anyone else wish to organize something, I'm sure there will be many that would attend!

I would love to attend. that sounds exciting.

It would be a first for me but it sounds like fun and I would certainly like to be included.

But to do this properly takes a substantial amount of time and effort.
I am sure if you wish a small gathering for the holidays, you will find some takers.
I am happy to hear that interest in another NYC M&G is strong. It is just a matter of time now ;)

-- Modified on 12/11/2008 8:51:24 AM

I think that who ever has the most experience with this type of gathering should assign some tasks to the people that are currently posting and are demonstrating strong interest in getting together.

If you would like to PM me with two provider references, I would be happy to explain further.
[email protected]

I also started the first Meet and Greets in Boston back in 2005. It is a lot of work but can be a ton of fun.
However, living in Boston...I might not be your first choice no matter how often I visit.


I've been interested in organizing a M&G in Connecticut. This would be a first for me. It doesn't seemn easy to organize.

Any help would be great!


I would love to organize one .. but would need a mentor :)

Seriousy, with both Xmas and NYE being in the middle of workweek, we need something fun in between them !



Please put me on the list for the next M & G in NYC, topbossman.  I believe I have been screened previously.

Maybe the west coast folks can help us out to make a NYC Toys 4 Tots an annual event here also. I'll throw $100 to whoever knows how to organize this to help defray any start-up or organizational costs. I think this is a great cause; and I am happy to help out!

Seems like quite few people are interested ... so what do we do now?  



Please let me know as well. I'd love to participate!

im new to this board, but id luv to attend....

Lmao:) I know it is sooo much work for you Boss and it is a busy time of year:) But i was wondering. ARE you giving it?:) lol I would go :) If you were going to be there:) Happy Holidays Boss:) I have a present for you:) Kendall

Kendall, you will come to the next Mixer if I have to drag you by the hair in handcuffs.
I think a rehearsal is in order ;)  
I am scouting locations already, but the next big party but it is not going to be ready for a couple of months.
I am soooo looking forward to that present, Kendall. :)

I am braiding my hair now:) lol Ill get the cuffs:) Drag me Man! lol Kendall
PS pleae pick up your gift with Kendall @ your earliest convience It is located in my panties:) Kendall:)

just moved here from seattle would have loved to come

I am in preliminary planning for a N.J. M & G but will hold off IF there is a NYC event to avoid any conflict.

Nothing planned in NYC to date that I know of...  

Last big M&G in NYC was at the beginning of summer.  There was a smaller M&G during the fall in honor of a now late friend, but it was an invite only event open to a certain select few...

As for an M&G in CNJ a few weeks hence, seems like a localized event, mostly.  PM if I am wrong...

Happy New Year one and all. Hope to meet everyone soon. Keep the discussion going and let's see what develops.

Absolutely. If there's anything I can do to help out, don't hesitate to let me know. Let's give LV a run for their money and show that NYC is where it's at!

How about end of January?  So people will get a chace to recover from LV and play in NYC? :)


I attended the LV M&G mentioned in other posts here.  One hell of a party!  :)  Wish we did that in NYC!

End of January?  Any suggestions!  I have a few!

Suggestions need to be made.  I know of a place in midtown that works.  Perhaps it's time to make thing happen?

I am working on the most suitable location now, and will have a date set within the next week or so.
I also have a new, and hot;) co-host to help make the Mixer a big success.
Stay tuned.

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