Meet and Greet

Re: Bummer
bond007 31 Reviews 13857 reads
1 / 26

So, as many of you know, I used to host the LA M and G's.  I don't do them anymore (covid or not), but thought it would be fun for those who have attended M and G's across the country (including mine) to reminice about some of the good times, funny times, awkward times at the party. I will chime in a bit I have a couple of them.


uandmeas1 55 Reviews 412 reads
2 / 26

I'm not from LA so I only visited two of your M and G's. They were very well done and enjoyable. I was a little concerned before the first one that it would turn out a little slutty and raunchy. It was not, everyone was well behaved and fun. I met I think three ladies that I then visited at later times. Sorry I don't have any funny experiences to share I mostly wanted to thank you for your efforts and I would certainly try to make another one if you should come out of "retirement".

Blofinger 12 Reviews 408 reads
3 / 26

I always had fun (except for the one in Pacific Palisades that was so busy I couldn't park or get in so left).
I remember a sweet semi-pro Korean American girl I met at one in the Valley who agreed to let me interview in my car during the party and she passed with a nice BJ.
One in Santa Monica was memorable when I started chatting up a drunk, tall skinny, big man made boobs, I think blondish, and very tattooed girl in the outside room not too far from the bathrooms.  a few seconds later she unzipped me and gave me a nice BJ out in the semi open!  Then we went inside and danced.  She moved to or was from Denver.  
Yep, those were the days.

nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 392 reads
4 / 26

yes Bond's meet and greets were great.   met some ladies that although i never met them afterward it was fun to share stories and exchanged lessons learned.     thank you again for all the time and work you put into those     ... guess its going to be while before anything like that happens again.  

although does anyone here remember the Haley Heston M&sG in vegas ,,..  those were amazing .  like out of the movies!

tozer 72 Reviews 393 reads
5 / 26

I would love to attend an NYC meet and greet when this is over. Have been to many but it has been a while as I have an ATF with whom I spend much of my time these days.  

Octavia used to have some lovely small M&Gs at a friend's apartment or hotel; I met at least three women at these with whom I had long term relationships. Other events were great as well, fun to catch up and to meet new friends, although some were so mobbed that one time I got home and discovered that two buttons were missing from my jacket -- they had torn off just from trying to move through the packed crowd!  

There was one notorious event where the organizer thought it would be smart to invite a reporter who then emailed everyone who had RSVP'd. Luckily it was not a disaster but the potential was there and the idiot organizer found himself banned. At another large gathering, a woman I thought I knew pretty well offered me a young Asian woman to take home. I didn't -- it just felt too much like trafficking and I've had a bad feeling about it ever since. Overall, though, my experiences have been positive.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 386 reads
6 / 26

I was on my way to the bathroom.  As I remember it, you guys were on some kind of elevated platform, so you could be seen by everyone in the back area.  She was sitting on your lap and you two were engaged in some of the most vigorous DFK'ing that I've ever seen.

Blofinger 12 Reviews 385 reads
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uandmeas1 55 Reviews 374 reads
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Yes. I went to one. Smaller crowd, but wonderfully done. She even had a little entertainment show!!!

Blofinger 12 Reviews 393 reads
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Now I remember, the girl I had fun with during one of Santa Monica parties was Amsterdam!  Cool girl, we had fun dancing.  I had more fun getting the BJ!

inicky46 61 Reviews 399 reads
11 / 26

she was on the subway in NYC and had a vibrating egg up her twat. Then it came flying out and shattered all over the floor of the subway car. She said the looks on the faces of the other riders were priceless.
I wonder what happened to her?

impposter 49 Reviews 414 reads
12 / 26

Do you mean THIS story?:

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I remember her, too. Saw her once. She told a story on the board about the time
she was on the subway in NYC and had a vibrating egg up her twat. Then it came flying out and shattered all over the floor of the subway car. She said the looks on the faces of the other riders were priceless.  
 I wonder what happened to her?
And she is recently active on P411 and posting to TER Colorado Ad boards.

EveAlexander See my TER Reviews 386 reads
13 / 26

2 distinct memories:

1) So, I have a thing for being nude on balconies. Years ago, I co-hosted an upscale M&G in Vegas with now retired lady friend. Being the ingredient obsessed amateur chef I am, she let me design the menu. My carry on bag was even stuffed with produce from Chicago's best farmer's market. (Vegas boast many things, but quality e local/sustainable foodstuffs is not one of them!) The morning before the event, my friend wakes up to find me stuffing and wrapping dates naked, save for a pair of socks, out on the balcony of our suite. She nearly peed her self laughing.  

2) A group of 4 other ladies plus myself ran off to have an impromptu girl-only orgy at one M&G in CT. Despite the fact that we paid for our own travel, lodging, etc, the host took it upon himself to reprimand us for "abandoning the guests" at his party. Wait what? Can't speak for the host, but I go to M&G to meet other gorgeous women! ;-)

-- Modified on 8/21/2020 8:38:28 PM

LaylaVargo See my TER Reviews 348 reads
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I always wanted to attend one out here in LA!!! Think it'll be possible again before the end of the year?

bond007 31 Reviews 371 reads
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Layla, Nope.  My guess it will be quite awhile if ever.

LaylaVargo See my TER Reviews 374 reads
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Foodyguy 29 Reviews 375 reads
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Wish I had been at that one.  I was at several of Radar's and they were extremely well done.

Loved the Chicago ones whether Kelly's Diamond Jim's and especially Kwasi's

Was part of theBeantown group for quite awhile.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 363 reads
18 / 26

Stay posted......I may do a M&G Party soon, but rules will definitely set in place. And Thanks for the idea Bond007

bond007 31 Reviews 394 reads
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Do u really want to do an M and G in the environment we are in?  Good luck!!

josulli 15 Reviews 401 reads
20 / 26

Hosted by she who cannot be mentioned (Agency busted)...really great.. wonderful.. a flat out orgy.. with open bar and food.. I was with 6 different women including the hostess that night.. great memories..  
About 12 guys or so.. more women..

nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 350 reads
21 / 26

well put  HHPC parties were like out of the movies .. i went to all three !   i brought one of my $100Mil + worth clients to ne and he wound up hooking up with the Olympic runner who wound up destroying the agency ..    he did say she was great though  LOL  

ronf 25 Reviews 316 reads
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and specially those they held during the mid day ones.  Met great people then.  Hopefully these can be back soon as we normalize.

ExoticX See my TER Reviews 321 reads
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I may have been one of those ladies...

I don't remember being reprimanded, but I was probably just lost in the afterglow ;)

~Mme X~

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 312 reads
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She did throw great parties.  Even the luncheons were filled with a terrific group of women.

josulli 15 Reviews 322 reads
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I have seen several if the women that were there. Talked about the experience. It was unique. I still smile when I think about it.

Rondo9 312 reads
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I **never** post or review, but I'm glad you guys brought this up as its driven me to post.  I remembered one event where I asked the host/her very lovely and COLORFUL assistant ( like what I did there?) To set me up with ANYONE of her girls, but NOT tell me who.  I was able to play out, blindfolded naked in a robe on the bed getting seduced fantasy.   I kept the blind fold on as LONG as I could (more like as. LONG as I WAS) before it came off and then I did! (DAD JOKE!). I'm in Houston now and LONG for the days of 4 hours of flirting in a food court for the gods.

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