Meet and Greet

ok ok ok... Mohnk, Joi'CHU eomteeth_smile
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 515 reads


A recent ISO referred to the Star Trek convention coming in July... and of course, your friendly nerd geek trekkie and occasionally outrageous Doctor GonZo immediately thought of the idea of having a Sci-Fi themed Meet n Greet... take it as mild or wild as you want to go with the concept.

Me personally, I've always fantasized about Rishathra but other than a few sessions over the years that were truly other-worldly (grin) its remained an elusive and otherwise improbable concept.

But considering how many space cadets we already have within the hobby community, it seems like a natural...

The Cantina at Mos Eisley?  How about 10-Forward?  
Maybe a revised version of Quark's Bar?

What say you all? And what do the current crop of **SouthWest Meet n Greet Hosts and Hostesses think of the idea?

Live Long and Prosper and May the Force be with you all.

-- Modified on 5/9/2014 2:26:18 PM

RokkKrinn563 reads

And don't forget about that apostrophe!  That there apostrophe is a real live letter in Klingon (Oh no, I'm admitting that I have some small degree of fluency in Klingon!  The shame!  The embarrassment!).

I'll take one green Orion slave girl, please.  Or Counselor Troi.  Or Seven of Nine.  Or T'Pol (word is T'Pol likes to paaarrrrr-tttaaayyy!  And we *know* Seven of Nine used to par-tay really really hard--ask me how I know--send me a PM). Or the new Uhura.  Or....

I could probably go on all day.

Make it so!  :)

-- Modified on 5/9/2014 8:10:56 PM

It is pronounced the same almost everywhere, but in fact, it is spelled differently depending on which dialect you are speaking.

Different spellings I have seen include:

A similar example is the Hebrew toast "L'Chaim". TO LIFE. It is the same in every language, but not everyone can pronounce it correctly

RokkKrinn584 reads supplied by the Klingon Language Institute!

Ditto ditto on the L'Chaim thing.  For some things, ya just gotta be a Member of the Tribe. :)

Whether it would be cool to have a Trek related M&G in Vegas in mid-summer?  Count me in if that's where we are going.

Bean me over, Scotty!    My intel is that this event is July 31 - Aug. 3.  

Being that it's summer time, I'd throw out that it would be appropriate to throw in a pool party.  

The seed is planted.....I'm sure there's some fertilizer available.  Let it grow

Is there a meet and greet in Vegas before July . I just moved out here 2 weeks a go and thought this would be a great way to meet the girls and some of the crazy guys. Also meeting with a hottie tomorrow and will post about her. she is ready to come and meet the gang

So When is the next official TER meet & greet I would like to go

I'm planning to become more visible (I might even write some reviews again) and this sounds like a cool way get back into the swing of it. But, shit man, ....costumes?  Uh..............

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