Meet and Greet

How can I get a M & G started in Boston?
HONEYDEWS 15212 reads

love to have one some time in july

Then maybe suggest what you might have in mind, and ask for some support.

If you got one started up, I'd love to help...

Search for my name in this Discussion board for a lot of info on the history of MnG in Boston. I kept asked who the coordinator for Boston was and got some interesting replies. People here are a little more careful about MnGs than in other parts of the country.  I will be happy to help out in the organization of an MnG (but may be limited in how much help I can be).

Good luck.
(PM me rather than discussing plans here)

will gladly help spread the news and show with friends clients and providers. hope you get things figured out and when you do please let me know

I would be happy to help.  I run in Chicago.  From 40 people at my first one, they have taken on a life of their own and now are running 70+ people/  I have actually been thinking about franchising them out.  They are the most succesful thing I have ever done.

If you would like to talk about it, please email me at:  [email protected]

I'm sure the Chicago VIP operation does solid work, there's been some good anticipatory buzz about their  upcoming get-together.  I have to wonder, though, whether this is the sort of event that would benefit from centralized planning and economies of scale.  For one thing, however sound their modus operandi, doesn't the success of Chicago VIP's events have a lot to do with their intimate first-hand knowledge of the Chicago area?  Even aside from the attitudes of local LE, there's a lot of variation from market to market, which it seems to me a one-size-fits-all franchise model would struggle to accomodate.  Also, doesn't an organization operating so clearly across state lines welcome unwanted Federal attention?  Aside from tax evasion, RICO would seem to be one of the more troubling sorts of prosecution that could ensue from certain types of organizations which pertain to the hobby.  Also, if I were to attend an M&G, I think I would feel more secure if I knew that only locals, carefully screened by other locals, were involved in the planning and execution.  I wish Chicago VIP well with their endeavors, but, for my part, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable attending an M&G run on such a grand scale.

MnG should be run by the locals, not outsiders.

Agreed. Locals, men or women, or/and together, should work together in these types of meetings. Grand scale parties draw un-needed attention. Especially in Boston being a Puritanical Idealistic town. ;)
The M&G's I did, when in the hobby, were in conjuction with full screening on both sides and from all angles. Surely, outsider/known travelers were welcome. IF they knew a lady or gent when passing a screening and many other things.
End all is, Boston isn't a large city like NYC, ChiTown,Orange ect.. Where I lived for many years, in Manhattan, things go noticed easily, however this advice for people to throw a party/meeting isn't the best idea.
I always say: Know your demographics.
the former ar

No posts since May....  No reviews at all....
A little strange for someone gungho for a July MnG!
This may be why people become so "circumspect".

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