Meet and Greet

Havin A Party :) In The ATL :)
SecretAgent_PT See Agency Profile 8418 reads

Okie Dokie Im looking for some insight for my next party end of this month. I can do an earlier 5 to 9pm type thing with REAL food come and have a nice dinner not just appetizers OR we can do another night clubby type thang and do karaoke..

Which would you prefer? Last time I did a poll and many of you wanted the after work earlier type deal...
Please post your preffference here so that I can get busy :) :)


count me in for just about anything but karaoke....I would prefer earlier and not too heavy a dinner.After all, I'm sexier when hungry...Lol.

I would lean more towards the cocktail party type of experience. I love having sit down dinners with the ladies but it limits how many ladies I get a chance to meet.

Either way, I know if you throw it PT it will be great!


itsron4012 reads

I guess I'll break the ice in responding.  I would prefer the later time with Hors d'oeuvres, so long as I don't have to sing. :-)

they over cooked everything and the way people show up at all different times will make doing a sit down meal difficult.

I think folks can eat before showing up, but would like a 6pm start vs 7pm.

-- Modified on 1/4/2012 11:34:11 AM

After work and earlier in the evening works better for me. Hope I can be a part of this one.

I would like the 5 to 9, it would be easier to pass off as a dinner with one of my clients which is not out of the norm, but either way I’m in. I would love for this to be my first M&G.

I,m good for either one, just hope I,m off that day.

I am fine either way, just as long as there are plenty of beautiful women in attendance :).

utrdude5638 reads

Posted By: Shaft1
I am fine either way, just as long as there are plenty of beautiful women in attendance :).
gee Shaft, that's what I was going to say.  See you there.

Ladies, More Ladies and Beautiful Ladies.....  Shaft you always have your priorities straight.  See you then.  I won't be insulted if you did not say hello.


PS: FYI... my vote in order of priorities are:  Ladies, Location (traffic issues), Time, ... then food.  Or is it Ladies, Ladies, and Ladies First!

I think you did a great job last time so either will be great. And appreciated .    Belowpar69

food is the least important issue in the m and g and probably the biggest headache and most expensive part.  I would say diss the food.  5 to 9 suits people the best.   that's my vote.

Lemme get to plannin.. and as the govenator sez... Ill Be Back!


You would need a few reviews and a few refferals.. you can email [email protected] and we can talk about it.


Unsure who will arrive by 5pm with commutes and Atlanta traffic so I am unsure whether 5pm is realistic or not. For me anytime after 6pm is doable and I can actually be there by 6pm.

Bar food/Finger food is fine for me; I am not there for the food.

Some pre-arranged discount on drinks would be great.

If held on a slow bar evening (monday night?) with a drink discount this may still be a good/attractive arrangement for the proprietor.

Unsure about Karaoke thing; unsure how comfortable folks are with singing in front of a unknown audience.

What might be fun is a sort of speed dating thing where folks are forced to meet each other and be introduced which is the point of the meet and greet anyway. Now should there be 50 guys and 5 ladies that may not work out so well. No need for the guys to speed date each other-just male v. female. One minute per greeting. Perhaps good idea perhaps lousy but certainly something to get folks to meet each other.

There has been some chatter out there about a rape or mugging after the last 1 or 2 Meet & Greet.

Perhaps some security measures can be put in place where ladies leave two at a time or something to address a concern which may cause the ladies to not attend.

This is a non issue at her M&G's

There has been some chatter out there about a rape or mugging after the last 1 or 2 Meet & Greet.

Perhaps some security measures can be put in place where ladies leave two at a time or something to address a concern which may cause the ladies to not attend.

Looks like you can't help but try to make things better!  I have enjoyed the last one.
As I see it….. for us M&G is about the providers, more ladies the better.  What does it take for more ladies to show up?  Non of us will be there without them. Conversely, what does it take for more hobbists to show up, thus this discussion. But, I think its about announcing it far enough ahead so that we can plan on it.  Little heads can not multi-task in this hobby; so, it need to take more time for processing (e.g. acquiring services ahead more than 24 hour notice).  As for consideration about time and food; well, as long as it accommodates “to go menus”,  adults can take care of ourselves.  Does that mean earlier the better?  For me at least it give me some time frame for reservations.  But you know sometimes we just need help.

BonneChance to your planning...

PS: Priorities for me:  Number of ladies, number of indies, location, time then food.  I do not remember what was served in the last M&G, but I remember who served me. LOL  (even how I was served!)

-- Modified on 1/5/2012 2:40:41 PM

After work but vote for simple appetizers.  Last one in November was my first so can't wait for this one!

light apps in the beginning. Karaoke as night goes on.

You were kind enough to put me on the list for the last M&G, but I couldn't make it.  I'd like to try for this one, but I understand the cost of these things and understand if you'd be reluctant to extend another invite.  Anyway, I'm not into karaoke.  I'd probably prefer heavy hors d'oerves with a chance to converse with the ladies.

I'd be interested in attending depending on the exact date...

Let me know if you Atlanta Gents might enjoy the company of myself and a girl friend or two!!


It's been almost 2 years since I've been back to Atlanta, and what better way to return than to meet all you sexy people.
Can't wait,
Gabby xox

I'm coming in from out of town so either type works for me. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Atlanta is one of my favorite cities to visit and let my hair down!

Passionately Yours,

about a different M&G happening tomorrow.. so as not to look like Im pissing on that one.. I delayed mine till Valentines :) :) Yall will be getting an email about it soon  IF I have your email? If not please email [email protected] and Ill put you on or screen ,as it goes....


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