Meet and Greet

don't worry
FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 445 reads

Don't worry- clients with your mentality are not my target client base.  I'm very bisexual, love meeting other sex workers, and expect to be compensated by clients who want my personal attention (ie. I don't spend massive amounts of time talking to men at M&Gs and it's nothing personal).  My target client base isn't offended by these basic facts and I don't care if men who fall outside my target client base have a problem with my priorities.  ;)

And FYI- not every move we providers make is geared toward getting insta-bookings.  Sometimes networking with other providers is more important, more profitable in the long run, and more fun!  Anyways I am usually booked solidly for visits to LA before I even arrive into town.  But I hope/expect to have more leisure in my schedule this time since I'm spending 4 nights... the last time I visited I had no free time whatsoever for personal adventures, only meals showers and naps!  But it sure made me wanna come back to LA for even longer this time around!  :D

I think you're being a little facetious though... I *sincerely* doubt there will be a line to talk to me!  But I might be so busy chatting up hot ladies that you have to watch for an opening... it's been known to happen in the past at M&Gs.  ;)

I actually do really like getting the chance to meet potential clients in the flesh at M&Gs.  It's actually really fun to get a taste of your chemistry with someone IRL in advance of a booking.  And a little flirting always makes me blush in the best way.  But if you really want my personal attention for any length of time, you gotta book me!  Even if we have good chemistry and I like you, I sell my time and companionship, so why give it away for free just because we are at the same event?  If that offends you, oh well!  I don't care LOL.

I finally got that dang RSVP button to work!  I'm in!  See you all there... :D
Posted By: 6-pack_abs
 This woman will be there to meet ladies, BUT if you stand in line and be brief about it, she may bless you with her presence.  Maybe ladies will book you during your 3-4 day stay afterwards.  
 ZZ-- Not the most well thought out post of the week, but thanks for the heads-up about your state of mind going into the MNG.  

Hello, LA Community!

Lorelei Leigh and I are so excited to bring you another night of mingling, music, dancing and delicious eye candy! Mark your calendars for October 12th; invites to previous attendees will go out on Tuesday, and RSVPs will also be open then. If you have not yet been to a Meet and Greet, beginning next week, please email [email protected] for an invite, and then please *click through* the steps to officially RSVP! We so look forward to seeing a bevy of beautiful, shining faces at our event in October!


Posted By: HarloweDahl
Hello, LA Community!  
 Lorelei Leigh and I are so excited to bring you another night of mingling, music, dancing and delicious eye candy! Mark your calendars for October 12th; invites to previous attendees will go out on Tuesday, and RSVPs will also be open then. If you have not yet been to a Meet and Greet, beginning next week, please email [email protected] for an invite, and then please *click through* the steps to officially RSVP! We so look forward to seeing a bevy of beautiful, shining faces at our event in October!  

Jayden702449 reads

Looks like tons of fun..

Please check your mail- the title says 'ChiMnG' but everything else is correct, including the RSVP- please click through the appropriate RSVP buttons, add your website if you're a provider, and check the website periodically for the list of attending ladies!! :D  

In honor of Halloween, our theme is 'masquerade!' Bring on the sexy masks and the costumes- can't wait to see everyone!

**If you have not previously attended the LA MnG and would like to do so, send an email to [email protected] to request an invite! Please remember, an invite is NOT the same as an RSVP- you must click through the buttons on your invite to get on the attendee list. Thank you!

If you're on Twitter, please also follow @LAMnG for updates!

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 9:12:47 PM

If anyone has successfully registered, I could use a little assist in how to do it.  The RSVP page eventually asks me to "Please click the "RSVP" button to the left to confirm your attendance," but I can't seem to find where this mysterious button is, just date and location fields.  Tried via Firefox, Internet Explorer, System 7, browsers and OS updated.  Thanks!

Looking forward  to seeing everyone there, thanks for including me in the FUN!

With Appreciation,


I want to go. The last one was really fun, but it was pretty packed.

A lovely surprise for sure- but this venue will be bigger and more accessible- we are aware there were only stairs at our last venue and we want to make sure people of all abilities can join too.

I am also in the camp of having-trouble-finding-the-RSVP-button no matter what browser I use, but definitely count me in!  I'll find that dang RSVP button eventually to submit my official reservation... :D

Dear guys, I apologize in advance but I'm mostly coming to meet all the sexy ladies who are my peers as providers.  But come meet me and say hello briefly anyway!!  I'll be in town for 3-4 days afterwards.  ;)

6-pack_abs484 reads


This woman will be there to meet ladies, BUT if you stand in line and be brief about it, she may bless you with her presence.  Maybe ladies will book you during your 3-4 day stay afterwards.

ZZ-- Not the most well thought out post of the week, but thanks for the heads-up about your state of mind going into the MNG

Don't worry- clients with your mentality are not my target client base.  I'm very bisexual, love meeting other sex workers, and expect to be compensated by clients who want my personal attention (ie. I don't spend massive amounts of time talking to men at M&Gs and it's nothing personal).  My target client base isn't offended by these basic facts and I don't care if men who fall outside my target client base have a problem with my priorities.  ;)

And FYI- not every move we providers make is geared toward getting insta-bookings.  Sometimes networking with other providers is more important, more profitable in the long run, and more fun!  Anyways I am usually booked solidly for visits to LA before I even arrive into town.  But I hope/expect to have more leisure in my schedule this time since I'm spending 4 nights... the last time I visited I had no free time whatsoever for personal adventures, only meals showers and naps!  But it sure made me wanna come back to LA for even longer this time around!  :D

I think you're being a little facetious though... I *sincerely* doubt there will be a line to talk to me!  But I might be so busy chatting up hot ladies that you have to watch for an opening... it's been known to happen in the past at M&Gs.  ;)

I actually do really like getting the chance to meet potential clients in the flesh at M&Gs.  It's actually really fun to get a taste of your chemistry with someone IRL in advance of a booking.  And a little flirting always makes me blush in the best way.  But if you really want my personal attention for any length of time, you gotta book me!  Even if we have good chemistry and I like you, I sell my time and companionship, so why give it away for free just because we are at the same event?  If that offends you, oh well!  I don't care LOL.

I finally got that dang RSVP button to work!  I'm in!  See you all there... :D

Posted By: 6-pack_abs
 This woman will be there to meet ladies, BUT if you stand in line and be brief about it, she may bless you with her presence.  Maybe ladies will book you during your 3-4 day stay afterwards.  
 ZZ-- Not the most well thought out post of the week, but thanks for the heads-up about your state of mind going into the MNG.  

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