Meet and Greet

Be sure to wear your toga EOM
splunge 72 Reviews 16484 reads


MnG_Incorporated18749 reads

The location of this month's M&G has been sent to those who have passed the screening and who have confirmed their attendance.
Please do not give this information out to anyone else. Period.

This is for the security and discretion of everyone involved and out of courtesy for those who HAVE taken the time and energy to be screened.

Needless to say, if you are not on the list we will not let you in.

For those of you who may feel left out, don't try to elicit the info from your friends here on the boards, that's tacky and distrustful. Email us to be included for the next M&G.   [email protected]

It's pretty easy, 90% of the new people that wanted to be invited are coming.

Oh darn, I wanted to bring all the guys and gals from the bus station and from the local bar(grin)

Oh well, guess I will just come alone, I hope to meet all, but doubt if I can and surly will not remember all the names(grin)   See ya later, JimmyPW from Atlanta

He Jimmy , Are thoes your legs or did you ride in on a chicken?   Just kidding...actually, with his salt n pepper hair; If you wraped Jimmy in a Toga fron his forehead to his ankles He'd look like a joint with feet.

-- Modified on 3/15/2007 7:15:54 AM

Woody,  you missed it, I was Ceasar this time and not Howard Stern (grin)  Funny how the toga kept having a bulge in it. (grin)  JPW

would like to be invited to the next M&G in DC

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