Media & Erotic Literature

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ~ What crazy stories have you recently heard?
MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 2393 reads
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Since this is the general discussion board, here's some general discussion of a different flavor.   :)

Many moon ago, I learned about "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" as a "safe for work" version of WTF.  lol

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...crazy stories.   *Today* on YouTube,  I watched a video that told a truly crazy story.  Here it go:

A woman driving a truck gets pulled over by the police.  She stops just past a railroad crossing.  One of the police cars (SUV) stopped behind her truck, parking *on* the railroad tracks.  *sigh*    

They instruct her to exit her truck and they eventually put the cuffs on and put her in the back of their SUV, parked *on* the railroad tracks.

*All* of the officers on scene are surrounding her truck, looking for a weapon.  While engrossed in that, the horn from an approaching train is heard.  When the train's light is visible, the officers look and see the train and they look and see the SUV, parked *on* the railroad tracks.

Given the speed of the train, they couldn't get the SUV off the tracks in time.   Fortunately, the woman survived but suffered _significant_ injuries.  The SUV was totaled.  I have no idea how she survived, but she did.

The video footage was provided by police cameras.


So, what crazy stories have you heard lately?  They could be "hobby" related stories or whatever.   :)

Thanks for 'playing'!  :)  lol

vgasdude 1 Reviews 134 reads
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That actually happened five minutes from my house.  It was local news.  

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