Media & Erotic Literature

A taste of things to cum…
tshare7 3 Reviews 11877 reads

I can’t stop thinking about my beautiful tigress. Rubbing up against me, daring me to groom her, purring as I pick her up and set her on the bed. I pour cream over her shoulders and watch as the contrast of the white liquid against her soft skin slowly covers her erect nipples. It drips onto her stomach and I am compelled to lap up this liquid gold with long… slow… slippery… flicks of my tongue.

I wonder, for a brief moment, if my feline friend is aroused by my attentions. As if reading my mind she answers with a stronger deeper purring. A guttural rumbling emanates from within her soul. This musical melody calls to me as if a siren calls from the sea and I no longer have control over my own actions.

I slide my tongue across her belly, and then I feel insistent pressure placed at the top of my head urging me to move farther down to find the center of her pleasure. I begin using my lips in combination with the tip of my tongue and discover a mixture of sweet perspiration and cream combined into a honey like sensation of pure magic.  I can both smell and taste her goodness as I hear and feel the rumblings from her core get wilder and more insistent.

Driven by my attentions, an “O” forms on her face and her lips begin to quiver. Then without warning, a roar erupts from the feral depths of her soul.  I can feel her muscles contract in silent waves. She has transformed into the newly risen Queen of the jungle. The crescendo finally ends with a fevered collapse into a combination of panting and contented purring. Now unable to move, she has experienced the sugary fruits of nature.

to be continued...

Several minutes passed with no movement except for the steady rise and fall of her beautiful breasts. Her eyes remain closed and I took pleasure in the smile that continued to light up her features.

Then, a powerful signal had been unleashed by Gaia. An order designed to interrupt her rare peaceful nature, a look of pure pleasure crossed over her lips.  She looked up at me and fireworks lit up her eyes as she gazed deeply into the depths of my soul. She was now ready to attempt to establish herself as the true ruler of this realm.

With a burst of speed and a wicked smile she pounced upon me. I heard an insistent snarl as she grabbed the heat I have been displaying since the moment she first brought her radiant soul into contact with mine.

Her gaze fell away from my eyes. A heated breath passed down my chest and over my belly. Her hair tickled the sides of my arms and chest. I felt her tongue moisten the spot just below my belly button. I am being slowly transported into a state of nirvana. A feeling of pure ecstasy envelopes me as she devoured the essence of my humanity. I attempt to remain in control of my own body, but her insistent nature allows little room for cognitive thought. One simple concept crossed over my mind and allowed me only a tiny modicum of control... “not enough!” The selfish part of my spirit wanted more and I held back with what seemed like a Herculean effort.

I struggled to regain some discipline...

in the hopes that I can attain a higher level of indulgence. I looked down, caught her gaze and her eyes
continue to melt at my soul. She recognized my questioning intent without words and her attentions
paused momentarily as she gracefully shifted her legs out from underneath her body and passed her right
leg over my thighs and hips. She paused for a moment and rewarded me with a wicked look, then slowly
descended on top of me.

At first she set the rhythm of our new dance... then, as if my hips had intentions of their own, I felt myself
matching her cadence and beat. I started to arch my back upward with every new movement until the
only points of my body touching the sheets were the souls of my feet and the top of my head.

As I formed an arch she could only stand while our connection remained intact and in tempo. A look of
both surprise and unexpected pleasure as a new experience was added to her existence. As I lowered
myself back onto the bed her lips again formed an “O” and her eyes slid upwards and back.

Her right knee remained elevated as I grabbed it with my left hand. Her left knee bounced rhythmically
against my arm. Trapped as my right arm was between my body and her beautiful leg, I could only grab her
left ankle with my hand. Her left hand fell roughly on my abs just below my ribs. Her right hand grabbed
urgently at my left thigh. A new wave of pleasure rewarded me as it passed through her body.

This time I made up my mind that I would not give her the opportunity to rest...

I would not give her the opportunity to rest. I quickly sat up as she was still straddling my heat. I grabbed her waist with my left arm and planted my right hand on the bed. In one smooth movement, without loosing my grip on her waist, I swung her supple form around and underneath me.

This time I was in control. I felt the hand of Zeus on my shoulder directing my every movement. With the first bolt of lightning I withdrew a simple moan from her lovely lips. Then the thunder struck, as if the ground was forced to vibrate in counter rotational waves of earthly proportion.

Wrapping her hands around my neck, she pulled at me in rhythm with my quaking movements. The first drop of sweat fell from my forehead onto her right cheek. It slid down toward her earlobe in a zigzag motion charged by the power of the moment we were in. She then used both hands to wipe the sweat from my brow.

This is what I was hoping for, a crescendo of ultimate purpose intertwined within the true meaning of life. She grabbed my arms and screamed my name as if she owned me. We shared a deep and unspoken desire to count time heartbeat by living heartbeat. As one, we both challenged the nature of the universe to a dual of temporal defiance.

From the depths of my being a rush of emotion and challenge rose up to answer her scream. With one final effort I became King of the living jungle and successfully challenged my Queen to a shared existence in the kingdom of purpose on the wheel of life.

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