Media & Erotic Literature

The Lady Eve with Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda
bdb6 24 Reviews 538 reads


MediaAdmin1995 reads

Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.

"The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."

For fun I looked on Bing, the search function that doesn't always find .  
 Amazing , google wasn't necessary, Bing surprised me with a quick answer.

  It must have been an easy answer or perhaps the World is following Orwell's lead.

   Is anyone listening out there, other than  the watchers ?  

Posted By: MediaAdmin
Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.  
 "The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."

I thought the person who posed this question must not use a computer much.

what the hell, free days are free days

MediaAdmin764 reads

Which 1940s film is this still from?

Posted By: MediaAdmin
Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.  
 "The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."


Posted By: MediaAdmin
Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.  
 "The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."

Posted By: MediaAdmin
Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.  
 "The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."
Rats.  Cat in the Hat was 1950s.  Dick and Jane was 1930s.  

Is it a thoughtcrime to have suggested that

published in 1948 it was 1984 G.O
"We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now

Posted By: MediaAdmin
Which book is the quote from? Hint: it was published in the 1940s.  
 "The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime."

MediaAdmin761 reads

The correct answer for the literature question was 1984 by George Orwell.
The winner of this round is camote16

The correct answer for the film question was The Lady Eve, directed by Preston Sturges.
The winner of this round is raygun2525

Congratulations! 3 VIP days will be added to your profiles.

Don't forget, the game is still on, we will be back with new clues today!

Woo hoo! Thank you

Posted By: MediaAdmin
The correct answer for the literature question was 1984 by George Orwell.  
 The winner of this round is camote16  
 The correct answer for the film question was The Lady Eve, directed by Preston Sturges.  
 The winner of this round is raygun2525  
 Congratulations! 3 VIP days will be added to your profiles.  
 Don't forget, the game is still on, we will be back with new clues today!

MediaAdmin597 reads

No, your answer was completely acceptable ;) But the winners are always chosen randomly. Keep on playing, you might be luckier the next time!

guess i was busy with family and am a late comer to the party

MediaAdmin657 reads

There is a new game every day, check the newer posts ;)

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