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QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1819 reads

1 instead to watch the trailer.

I watched it & was fascinated to say the very least.  I must say we are truly blessed to be providing in the USA!

Looks interesting, I'm going to try and find the whole thing. A lot of people need to see how bad it is outside of America to appreciate what we have. My generation (1986) is really shitty in terms of manners and respecting elders and women. I always think I should have been born in the 60's or so.

The dark side of the business... Recommend watching just to give thanks for what we have.

I have such admiration for the filmmaker, it's a great film not only for the subject matter but also as an amazing piece of intimate documentary and cinematography. The stories are dark but the resilience and valor of the women depicted was stunning.

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