Media & Erotic Literature

Nah. There are plenty leftover in the Republican Clown Camp that fit the bill. -e-
lopaw 29 Reviews 438 reads


...after they announced the hiring of its first female ringmaster.  GaG thinks this is no coincidence.  He believes the circus went belly up because the ringmaster they hired is a member of what he likes to call the "OTHFBC."

Enough of animal abuse!  
We DO have control over who runs this world, by refusing to financially support those who profit off of suffering, destruction and death. Thank you to the people who protested against them, refused to invest in them, and stopped attending their events once they realized what they stood for. It was no longer financially viable for Ringling Brothers to remain in business.

I  vividly remember my feelings of excitement when my sixth grade  class was going on a trip to the zoo.
  When we arrived all I could feel was sadness for the caged animals and  horror looking at their sad faces, subjected to  living in extremely close quarters with sub par sanitation.
  I couldn't wait to get on the bus back home.  

  IMO  The circus is much worse, a traveling torture show to amuse Humans, transporting captured and caged, beautiful animals across our land in loud, shaking, dirty  trains, to serve the Human  lust for cheap amusement.  
      Fortunately my parents never took me to the circus.  
  A year or two before  my class went to the zoo I asked my Mom if she would  take me to the circus when it came to town.  
     She said the circus is not a  good place for children to learn how to be happy.

  She  said the circus was one of many ways the Germans discovered  to torture the innocent.
 In the German's defense my Mom discriminately blamed a majority of agony in the World on Germans, but that's a completely different topic.

 If I want to find  a happy show with shapely Gals and luscious breasts to enjoy, I know where to go without contributing  to animal abuse, more so after I visited your site, Veronica :-D

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
Enough of animal abuse!  
 We DO have control over who runs this world, by refusing to financially support those who profit off of suffering, destruction and death. Thank you to the people who protested against them, refused to invest in them, and stopped attending their events once they realized what they stood for. It was no longer financially viable for Ringling Brothers to remain in business.

The unethical treatment of animals is appalling. Wild animals shouldn't be forced to amuse a bunch of sniveling, snot nosed kids.


Posted By: VuittonNeverfullGM
The unethical treatment of animals is appalling. Wild animals shouldn't be forced to amuse a bunch of sniveling, snot nosed kids.

All that guaranteed food and water, daily health care, temperature controlled work environment, etc. Those damn animals have it better than most PEOPLE on the planet. Should they have a union with paid maternity leave too? ha ha! Personally, I love animals. I love them with horseradish, barbecue sauce, A-1, etc

now we all can sit back and watch the Trump Circus..

FatVern362 reads

... and of course save the elephants, and all that jazz. The downside a lot of people will now be unemployed.  

This goes to show that Americans are spending less money on frivolity, such as live entertainment, ladies this isn't good news for your profession.

Just not the circus kind.  There are plenty of other ways to burn money:  Gambling, amusement parks, on line this or that, etc.

I'm not surprised the circus is over.  I recall going to them (or being dragged, more to the point) and thinking "big whoop".  They are a relic of an earlier time when people thought that watching paint dry was fun.

As for sex, maybe gals should worry, but only on account of virtual reality which, IMHO, in a matter of about 50 years, will be able to replicate the entire experience of the hobby through a combination of animatronic and holographic technology.

Until, then, party on.

that the lion tamer would be much more impressive if he were to walk up to a pride of lions in the wild with his whip and chair and tell those cowardly creatures that they have been tamed.

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