Media & Erotic Literature

Any Game of Thrones fans here?
GaGambler 984 reads

It looks like HBO is running EVERY single episode this week.  

I know I have watched "most" of it, but there were a couple of seasons where I know I missed a few episodes that I never caught up with. I think I am going to record all of it and skip through some of the episodes I have seen multiple times. I mean who doesn't have 60+ hours to waste? lol

I read the books, too.  I think the books are a little better than the series.

I was already a fan of Martin's writing before he started Game of Thrones, so I started reading this series 20 years ago. The books have been great, but it seems like Martin won't finish writing them before he dies. I've heard that there are some significant differences between the show and the books, so to avoid getting mixed up between the two, I have been avoiding the show so far. My plan is to stick with the books until they are all published or Martin drops dead, then watch the show after I've read all of the available books.

Martin has also written three novellas in the same setting, but set about a century earlier. They are now collected in one volume called A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. They feature the adventures of a hedge knight and his squire as they travel about the southern half of Westeros. The first and third stories are good, and the second one is great. Martin has plans to write several more stories with these characters, and there is talk that HBO will eventually do a season of these stories.

GaGambler479 reads

I had to quit reading novels many years ago as I no more have any self control when reading than I do running my mouth here on TER. When I pick up a good book, I don't want to put it down until I finish it, and if that means staying up all night, or reading while I should be working, so be it. I am sure you can see how that could become problematic.

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