Massage Parlors

Re: tipping
slotso 18510 reads

thanks for the info and advice. i do tip in private, although i always thought the provider received all the proceeds.

slotso21016 reads

i noticed a post on this board that seemed to strongly hint that many AMPs have girls that need to pay off a loan, and that they were being closely watched by the mamasan or papasan. how common is this type of practice? from what i've seen, the house seems to get the entry fee, while the lady keeps the tip. is this true or wishful thinking? also, i've never noticed an environment where it doesn't seem like the providers couldn't leave if they wanted to walk out the door.

i'm still new to the AMP world, so i'm curious to hear what others have to say about this.

milatequila19158 reads

will they want to leave without their passport/visa? um, no.
those are in the mamasan's safe.
and where would they go with no funds and minimal knowledge of this country?
most of these ladies are non-english speaking or have limited communication skills.


who arranged to get them over here, and I wouldn't be surprised if they have to fork over a good amount of their "tip" as well.

But what were their alternatives back in Korea?

Working 80 hours a week for a few cents/hour assembling all our electronic toys while subject to the whims of their shift foreman, and that's if they are lucky.

I've gotten to know a few K AMP gals pretty well, and they all seem to feel that they were very happy to fall into that line of work.

GaGambler16955 reads

Most AMP workers have homes in different cities than where they work.

I have know literally hundreds of AMP girls that I have seen both inside and outside of "work"

Don't be so eager to listen to the sensationalist bullshit put out by the MSM.

The girls at most AMPs are very well paid, but in all fairness, they work very hard for their money, and it's a life I certainly don't envy.

To give you an idea, one of the AMP girls I dated briefly really didn't like what she did for a living and was constantly looking for a "way out" The problem was, she had to make a "minimum" of ten grand a month to keep up her lifestyle and send money back home to help support her family back home. Last I heard she had saved up about a hundred grand and had started her own store. Sound like a sex slave to you???

Not every AMP is the same but it is most common for the girls to work two to three weeks at a time, during which they spend 24/7 at the spa, followed by a vacation where they go back to their "real" lives, usually in a different city, said "vacaction usually coinciding with the arrival of "auntie flow" lol

True some are paid well, but there's tons that aren't.
a small percentage of what the media says is true the rest is exaggerated
just like the subject of human trafficking and underage sex workers.
I've worked for both types.
Much better being Indy IMHO.

GaGambler21480 reads

Human trafficking does exist, what pisses me off are people who look for it under every rock. AMPs are easy targets, especially when the girls either don't speak English, or pretend not to, to avoid stupid questions. lol

and yes, I am asian, and am told a lot less lies than my caucasian counterparts. lol

Of course being an Indy is better, just like owning your own business in any industry is better than working for others. It's just that not all people, both men and women, sex workers or otherwise, are capable of running their own show.

That's so interesting - I always pictured you as a Kenny Rogers "Know when to fold them"  kind of guy because of your name on this site lol!

In all my AMP visits I never got the feeling that the girls were 'sex slaves"; the one girl I did develop a friendship with worked hard, but would always go back to Korea for a couple of months at a time.  I assumed that she did quite well, and needed to leave the country to renew her visa, although I never asked her.  

I totally agree that AMPs are easy pickings for LE & the MSM, who target them because of that.  And with all the busts how many times have they announced that they have found any underage girls, or women being held as 'sex slaves'?  Almost never!  

Posted By: GaGambler
Human trafficking does exist, what pisses me off are people who look for it under every rock. AMPs are easy targets, especially when the girls either don't speak English, or pretend not to, to avoid stupid questions. lol

and yes, I am asian, and am told a lot less lies than my caucasian counterparts. lol

Of course being an Indy is better, just like owning your own business in any industry is better than working for others. It's just that not all people, both men and women, sex workers or otherwise, are capable of running their own show.

GaGambler18964 reads

Thanks for adding a voice of sanity into a discussion that so often ends up descending into hyperbole.

milatequila18094 reads

being asian may help you earn trust at an AMP but i know AMPs that will not cater to asians or blacks or mexicans (totally WRONG to turn anyone away if u ask me). if being asian helped you get "truth" then good for you and your luck to be born asian. however, i doubt it was your race that helped you get this "truth" you speak of. you probablly just went in there all the time so they felt they could tell u a little more than they generally share (but still not thw whole truth as for safety the smart ladies will hush-up).

if given the chance most of these asian women could run their own shit but sadly they need to pay off their debt for being brought to this country (as well as boarding costs, boob job, sometimes supplies fees and other shit to keep the ladies from making enough to quit).

AMPs are good if u don't know of the tool like TER where u can see indy women who are just as good (or better) for an upfront fee. no paying the mamasan/pimp/papasan, just one fee to the lady or t-girl.


The other thing I hate about stereotypes is how people will assume all amp girls have zero education in massage and aren't legal citizens .
I have worked in amps in Toronto and California and yes a few of the mamasen like to steal tips from us.
This is why I always advise clients to tip in the room.
The split is usually 60/40 so keep that in mind too when going.

slotso18497 reads

so the girl doesn't keep the whole tip, it's split 60/40? that would change my approach to tipping.

60% in the workers favor is the usual.
that shouldn't affect your tipping unless you're going in there
paying mamasen's the door fee and tipping masseuse in advance.
Tip your massuse in the room, in private always.

Posted By: slotso
so the girl doesn't keep the whole tip, it's split 60/40? that would change my approach to tipping.

Tipping in private is also good because if you see more than one gal at a particular parlor that reduces the chance of cattiness between them. Harmonious work environments enhance customer service :).

slotso18511 reads

thanks for the info and advice. i do tip in private, although i always thought the provider received all the proceeds.

I would like to know what a decent tip is for an AMP one hour session?  I usually just leave the change from my $100 bill.  Is that enough or too much or too little?  Please don't say "It's up you"...

The "going rate" usually varies by locale.  In the DC metro region, the house fee is usually $60 (though some try to up to $80) then for tip its generally considered to be
$20 or zero for nothing but massage (but better do $20 if you plan to return in hopes of a better session as a known customer - something that often happens as many are cautious for new clients)
$40 for HR
$60 for CBJ
$80 for DATY and BBBJ/HR/CBJ
$100 for FS ($120 if you plan to return and want to be remembered)

Anything less and you'll not be a favorite regular, more and you'll definitely get remembered.

Posted By: libraries
I would like to know what a decent tip is for an AMP one hour session?  I usually just leave the change from my $100 bill.  Is that enough or too much or too little?  Please don't say "It's up you"...

That's pretty much the standard almost everywhere.

milatequila18742 reads

with every good business there are bad.
not every AMP girl is a sex slave HOWEVER there are many who are.
why risk lining the pockets of slave drivers when u can see someone who is indy and know they are making their own decisions and not being forced or coerced into work they didn't necessarily agree to when coming to this country (meaning working 12 days in a row, 9-9 and keeping a fraction of their tip).

they have these ladies trained not to speak of the quality of their lived (often rooms they work out of at the AMP are bugged or the mama is listening in - especially for new clients).

to say you "heard" she had started her own biz is nice, but is in fact only hearsay. we can hope tho.

slotso22747 reads

mila, just curious if you've had any experience with these AMP girls that are in this dilemma? have you interacted with them or heard from another source? i don't doubt that there are providers that are as you describe, but i'm just trying to see what's fact vs fiction. truthfully, i'm on the fence about AMPs, and i'm thinking of seeing only escorts.

milatequila19327 reads

all u need to do is look at a schedule for an agency (not every one) but i looked at one and saw some poor girl with 9 12hour days back to back, 3 days in each city. agencies are higher volume so she is likely seeing between 5-9 guys each day with no time off. then comes in the question of how much tip the lady gets to keep. i mean really, if u have to "tip in the back" away from the mamasan then the girl likely has to fork over a sizable chunk of her tip to cover her "marketing, rent and supplies" (as well as line the pocked of her mamasan/papasan/pimp basically).

i personally worked for an agency and i found out the hard way they did ZERO screening. every agency has their own agenda. my "madame" was a white woman in her 40s and still chose business over our safety and comfort. its sad but true. i would possibly not have quit had we not been sabotaged by a lack of reference checking and verification. my situation is DIFFERENT than AMPs but the example i am making is that EVERYONE who owns/runs a business is in it for the. the ladies working for them are tools for them to keep earning money, not people.

My experience working at AMP'S & ones owned by Caucasian is
the Caucasian owners just let anyone in, we had to screen ourselves which can be hard for some girls if they don't have access to those resources, they also over worked the girls and put our mental health in jeopardy.
Either by yelling at us or talking down to us in some way especially if owned by a guy.
they have you bring your own linens and products because they're too greedy to buy anything other than pay rent and for ads. That's not every Caucasian owned parlor though so not generalizing.
The Asian ones worked us to death they didn't screen too much either but the mamasen had a way of knowing who's ok to offer extra services to and whom to just give legit massage. as long as you got tipped in the room and not in front of her the mamasen didn't touch it at all and we did get weeks off for R&R.
I was never yelled at once or had to supply my own products .  Just ripped off occasionally.

GaGambler21253 reads

and the last time I saw her she took me out to dinner, picked up the tab, and was driving a brand new Lexus convertible. So, yes she is doing just fine for herself.

You really need to stop with this AMP bashing, you obviously don't have a fucking clue. I can understand how you consider them competition, and an easy target since so few of them are even aware of TER, but spouting off untrue loads of bullshit only makes you look petty and jealous IMO.

There is plenty of room for AMPs, other types of agencies, and indy's in the marketplace, no need to slam every one else to try to make yourself look good.

and if you think I am calling you out for your pack of lies. You're Goddamned right I am, You either have no idea about what you are talking about or you're a fucking liar,  I vote for "all of the above".

I don't see amp as competition because although we both do massage
Some of the places in my area are cheap intro, big upsell or DIY
I'm neither.

GaGambler16511 reads

She OTOH sounds like she thinks this board exists soley as an ad venue for herself. I don't really think she has a clue about many of the things she comments on, I think she just uses this forum to generate business, and everything she says is to discourage clients from going to AMPs, agencies, or anywhere else she considers competition.

I fully believe that everything you say here is based on your own personal experiences, and even though none of us has unlimited personal experience, your opinions add value and a good perspective here. I truly hope you continue to post here and on other TER boards. As to that other poster, I find her petty and selfish. Just my two cents, and probably not worth that much, except for the part about valuing your contributions of course. lol

Ive been doing massage for almost 16yrs and honestly don't see how an Indy can believe amp is competition.
guys go there because they like the variety and its a quick fix plus its less risky than an SW.
I specialize in trying to remedy their ailments as well as provide long lasting entertainment
The clients I want are the ones who like to take it slow and really relax in my company.

Posted By: GaGambler
She OTOH sounds like she thinks this board exists soley as an ad venue for herself. I don't really think she has a clue about many of the things she comments on, I think she just uses this forum to generate business, and everything she says is to discourage clients from going to AMPs, agencies, or anywhere else she considers competition.

I fully believe that everything you say here is based on your own personal experiences, and even though none of us has unlimited personal experience, your opinions add value and a good perspective here. I truly hope you continue to post here and on other TER boards. As to that other poster, I find her petty and selfish. Just my two cents, and probably not worth that much, except for the part about valuing your contributions of course. lol

The only ones I don't really like are the DIY , they ruin the industry for legitimate and erotic practioners,
they also complain about unwanted attention and reviews on many forums.
Imho That's like teasing a rabid dog then killing it because it bit you.
are you a strip club or a spa? Can't do both and then complain.

milatequila19028 reads

you're questioning my experience?
i KNOW the behind the scenes.

if you want to believe its all rainbows and butterflies the good on ya.
open your eyes and see that i am not saying EVERY amp is like the ways i describe BUT THEY ARE THERE and for you to pretend it doesn't happen means you are okay with it and will allow it to keep happening by endorsing them with your visits.

i get little to no business from this board as its a national massage discussion board.
my business is generated form the san diego board and other websites.

i happen to have info and input to share here (from experience as well as being observant).
u don't like it? don't fucking read my posts.
if u disagree, keep replying as we have reached an impasse. you believe as u will and i believe as i will. nobody has called u names or put you down but you seem to feel the need to do so TO ME just because i am sharing info about AMPs? i see why you go to AMPs: indy ladies won't generally see people they know to put others down for no reason.

GaGambler15586 reads

Trust me I have enough references from thirty plus years of hobbying to pass any screening. and trust me, I know more providers than you will meet in your entire life.

I will admit there are probably many rip off and lying bitches that have me on there personal DNS list because of my calling them out for the liars they were, but that has NEVER stopped me from seeing any of the women I am actually interested in.

and no I don't like what you post, and I will continue to call you out every time you post a lie on this or any other board I follow.  So either get used to being called a liar, or here's a novel suggestion, Quit lying!!!

What else I'm pointing out is that the American or Canadian (caucasian citizen ) owned parlors were the WORST and most abusive to their workers compared to the immigrant owned ones I've worked for also the most unsanitary (bleach buckets for washcloths and changing only the towel each client)  gosh if I wasn't a such germ phobe and didnt care about how the lobby looked clients wouldnt of ever come back to the places I worked at.

milatequila20711 reads

amen girl AMPs are ZERO competition for people wanting whichever they may want. people who go to AMPs do NOT see me. just as people who see me would NEVER go to an AMP (well with the exception of travel).

they are DIFFERENT services and generally with an AMP you're sticking your dick in one of her holes. NOT the case with regular FBSM ladies.

milatequila26970 reads

you are sadly sadly misinformed.
sounds like she borrowed "daddys" car (or mamasan/papasan) and bought u dinner as a treat for being such a great client, helping daddy/mama make lots and lots of money. true, its POSSIBLE but if so she is only one of a very small percentage who can do well and not be treated as merchandise by her agency.

nobody said AMPs need to go or they are no good.
i just ask why a gent would want to support the lady AND her pimp/mamasan/papasan.

it makes me wonder if u run an AMP somewhere coming to defend them this way. are you a pimp/papasan? bashing me and my knowledge only makes u look like a manager, not a real client. plus, u have zero reviews up so essentially your opinion weighs very little (having no proof you even hobby at all here).

you have called out ZERO lies. just my opinion and things i have learned on the provider side of the business. you are seeing the front of it. not the dark evil underbelly we deal with on a regular basis.

Hobbyists like to think they know how it works but are totally misinformed.
I tend to not take handles with no reviews attached too seriously (UTR providers don't count

milatequila18593 reads

totally. thanks, your sane and thought out comments brought me back to reality.

a handle with no reviews associated with is reads "red-flag" anyway when they spend all the times on the blogs.

GaGambler16456 reads

A poster with well over 10,000 posts on TER and someone who has met HUNDREDS of AMP girls, both in and out of the massage parlors in which they work.

I have also been in and around P4P a decade before either of you were born.

and yes Milatequilla is a self promoting opportunist, who often has no clue as to what she is talking about. Not to mention an outright liar. Can I be any clearer than that?

milatequila17282 reads

I PERSONALLY DON'T THINK A MOD WOULD BLOG STALK ME (but boy do i feel special now!). every mod i deal with has been with sent concerns via PM and not been DEGRADING and DAMAGING to my character here on TER. as far as i understand the rule on TER is not to bash/flame/harass/insult people on the blogs... if ur a mod u should know that.

outright liar? omg, GET OVER IT AND QUIT BLOG STALKING ME! its ur word from ur experiences against my word from my experiences. i notice u only reply to MY posts saying less than stellar things in general about AMPs but not other peoples...

there is a time to quit beating ur dead horse... i think it was 4 replies of yours ago. all of mine have been to say u need to chill and lay off and that these ARE MY EXPERIENCES and that they may differ from others and congrats to u for going to see so many and getting things others don't.

-- Modified on 9/2/2011 1:37:39 PM

K-Girls-Rock18968 reads

to get called out on it.

The only reason you are slamming GaGambler is because he had the guts to tell you that you are full of it.
It's partially my fault. He got to you before I did, lol.

GaGambler15208 reads

You have done nothing but bash AMP's ever since you came on this board, and I am here to give the other side of the story.

I don't know why anyone would give any credence to a hooker who doesn't even fuck, I know your credibility factor with me is an absolute zero.

BTW my personal experience with AMP girls spans four decades and I have met literally hundreds of AMP employees OUTSIDE of their place of employment, so while my opinions on the subject might be anecdotal, the range of my experiences does make me an "expert" of sorts.

Just how many AMP ladies do YOU know on a personal basis?

K-Girls-Rock15722 reads

girls like you.

GaGambler is correct. You are a liar.

kgirl_loverboy16369 reads

You have absolutely no frikin' idea of what you are talking about.  I've been with hundreds of AMP gals.  I've dated some.   My current girlfriend used to be an AMP gal and opened up her own massage place, I was there just today, helping her out with some cosmetic construction of her shop.  She's the "mama san".  You know how she finds girls to work for her?  Through the FUCKING WANT ADS.  The girls are ALREADY HERE.   She's not part of any grand conspiracy that traffics girls from Asia through some secret underground pipeline, and forced into slave labor!!  Believe it or not, the Asian communities, both Korean and Chinese, have these things called "newspapers" and "ad boards" at the local community supermarkets.  There are ads, just like you see ads on BP, looking for girls to work as massage girls, and in coded language for escorts, (like "hospitality girl" or "gentlemen's companion")  World's oldest profession, both in the western world and in Asia.

The girls that work for her keep ALL THE TIPs.  My GF takes the house payment, which is the room rate for the half hour or hour.   It may be different scales with other places but she says that's pretty much normal and she's worked at 3 shops.  Mamasan's not gonna fucking know how much the customer tipped!  

And she doesn't have the rooms "bugged".  What are you smoking?  Smoke less of it!

Where do you get your information?  "not every AMP girl is a sex slave HOWEVER THERE ARE MANY THAT ARE."  Your quote.  How do you know?  Did you watch a TV show on CNBC?  Did you ask some AMP girls?

K-Girls-Rock17328 reads

And self promoting.
I can back up everything you say. I know many K-Girls, and I can say that I never knew one who was trafficked or enslaved.

I know tons if girls from all aspects of it,  I happen to be mixed Asian too btw.
There's very few trafficked staffed AMP's in the US compared to American owned AMP's ,
its more common in Canada and European or Scandinavian countries
They do exist here nevertheless .
 Yes when a client tips at the door the mamasen or reception will and has taken it.
Ill also add that the chances your manicurist at a chain nail salon are trafficked is more likely.

GaGambler17963 reads

I was beginning to think this was the Milafuckingtequila board as much as she posts her fucking self promoting lies.

Thank you guys for speaking up, I was also beginning to think I was fighting a one man battle for the truth.

kgirl_loverboy18200 reads

It boggles my mind the stupid, insane shit that's being said on this board right now.  Moronic.

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