Massage Parlors

Re: Here is a link
milatequila 21172 reads

some girls are probablly just as miserable but keep it inside.

LAUREEN21638 reads

Like i have read sahar review of Cleo - would you behave same? try to finish fast and "not causing pain"??

"...........She basically was almost crying as soon as my cock when inside her. One other revewer mentioned something about her crying too. She was not enjoying it at all and had zero eye contact with me. I asked for doggie. Again she started acting like she is in pain and I just finished as fast I could because I did not want to cont causing pain..... "

The girl doesn't speak English just few words....

My nut isn't that important. If you have sex with a woman you think may be trafficked, you are raping her. If I had any proof trafficking is going on I would try to get the place shut down and the scum abusing these ladies behind bars. But there is lots of things that can cause discomfort with penetration and that by itself is not proof.

Now if I was a simple fact of discomfort I would end the session or turn it into an honest message session. My nut isn't worth the suffering of the lady I am with. I read that review and there is no way I would do what he did. No way would I repeat.

If at any time I feel the lady doesn't wish me to proceed for any reason I wouldn't. Even if I know there is no trafficking, or physical issues. I want it to be enjoyable for both me and the lady.

the possibility of human trafficking, I would get out of the situation as soon as possible.

milatequila17266 reads

i see you quoted part of it...
can the review be linked here or is that a no-no?

i would like it linked so everyone can see that the human trafficking is happening NOW and continuing to endorse these type of facilities will only continue the trafficking.

**again, as i said in the previous thread replies: i have NOTHING against AMPs however it confuses me why someone would risk going somewhere if there is a chance the lady doesn't want to be there or do what she is expected to do. NOT ALL amps ARE BAD, but let this be an eye opener to those who thought all AMPs were safe and non enslaving.

LAUREEN17817 reads

Of course not all are bad - but if its trafficking than is the one of the most horrible businesses...
Always remember that movie "Human Trafficking" and my skin goes goosebumps :-( besides very good and strong movie one of the best i have seen

Alright he's a sick fuck himself to continue the session!
No, I'm not sorry. That review disgusts me.
When I see reviews like this, I put the person who wrote it on my DNS list.
Anyone that sees the woman is obviously not enjoying herself or her work
Yet continues to press on with his requests contributing to her misery is just as bad as the people whom brought her here and has no business saying anything about it.

Another thing workers that are trafficked don't have to be foreign .

milatequila21173 reads

some girls are probablly just as miserable but keep it inside.

That point is moot.  The Guy obviously took advantage of her and didn't really care much, like the guys who think we're all drugged out uneducated desperate objects with no souls.

Posted By: milatequila
some girls are probablly just as miserable but keep it inside.

People also gotta realize its not just at amps
some nail salons have trafficked workers too :(
I can tell by the way they're doing the manicure or pedicure on me, no.eye contact no genuine personality.
Especially when you ask a somewhat personal question like about family or when they get days off. They just shut down or look sad.

kgirl_loverboy14469 reads

Although I do agree with the insensitivity of the reviewer continuing if he thought the girl was in pain, but c'mon:  

HUMAN TRAFFICKING?  You are making a HUGE leap from some reviewer saying a girl was "ALMOST crying" when he tried having sex with her.  I've been with some k-girls that are cock-blockers, and I think this is just the same thing.  She's already taken the money, and she just wants the guy to get it done and leave.  These kinds of girls don't stick around long, they figured out they made a mistake thinking this job would be easy, and they'll go home on their own accord.  K-girl agencies are NOT forcing girls to come here to work as escorts.  I've made friends with many of them and they stay for a few months, go home, and even come back several times as their visas would permit.

Don't throw out "human trafficking" with absolutely no basis of understanding of how the k-girl escorts services work.  Please.

Are you an undocumemted korean or other citizen ?
Do you work as an escort?
Do you own a  massage parlor?
Are you here because you need money to send back home because your family is bad off?

Ok you can be quiet because you don't  know how the game really works other than on your end of it, paying for play.
Sorry to burst your bubble but, not every little  story you hear from a more fortunate girl is true.
Plenty of basis,  first hand experience.
If a girl is obviously in pain and not happy with whats going on during a session
you stop doing it, no questions, no debating it.
otherwise it essentially makes you a safe sex rapist. Just as bad as any rapist
except you pay her. Does money all the sudden make it ok?  No.

Assumptions?  A few times it says she has a problem with what's going on & not enjoying it.

I also checked a couple other review sites, yup. there's a definite problem there.

You're fitting the type who thinks because you're paying them
that it gives you the right to do as you wish no matter how disrespectful it is
to another human being and that they have zero choice in the matter so they can't complain.

Again I'm pointing out those clients who think we have no souls and no real life of our own.

So do you also go to a restaurant and treat the wait staff like crap too, Just because you're paying?
I bet they aren't on those refills or prompt on service after awhile huh...

kgirl_loverboy15811 reads

Ms. Dynamite,  You COMPLETELY missed my point.  I was responding to the assumption of the original statement that this girl was a victim of HUMAN TRAFFICKING.  Do you understand that term?  Slavery.  I also said that the reviewer was insensitive to the girl (I certainly would have stopped).  

Because I made this statement, now you're accusing me of "fitting the type who thinks because you're paying them, etc."   When I go to a restaurant, I treat waitstaff with respect, I treat everyone, including sex workers, with respect, as I wish to be treated.  Don't go flaming me because you're been burned by other assholes.  Who's making assumptions now?  Fuck you.

GaGambler12989 reads

you have no more credibility than an alias yourself. We don't even know for a fact that you are even a provider.

and before you counter that I have no reviews myself, let me remind you that I have well over ten thousand posts spanning almost eight years and I moderate several TER boards, so I don't think we want to get into a credibility battle here.

Got That Right16415 reads

V from Minneapolis.  Also known as Ms. I'm smarter/better than everyone else.

-- Modified on 9/5/2011 9:06:52 AM

Oh btw had you done the research on the place in question like I have before posting & believe me I am very resourceful in finding info ...
You would know there's definitely something awry.
I'm not going to debate further but your earlier posting implies that because someone's paying for it, that its ok to just do as you please regardless of what you meant.

kgirl_loverboy16378 reads

I never said "it was ok" to do what the guy did because they guy was paying.  As I said earlier, I was responding to the "human trafficking" assumption.

Sorry, but your posts imply that you are an idiot.  No need for "debate", since I never said anything to you, you came after ME when I responded to the "human trafficking" nonsense.  I didn't say it was right that the guy kept on fucking that girl.

EasyBreezy16722 reads

I would've stopped. Wouldn't have been able to continue even if I wanted to. I'd probably try to find out what's wrong, over some help if I could. If trafficking was involved, I'd be visiting the authorities shortly there after. Doing so would of course be awkward and possibly self incriminating, but that's too serious a situation for me to just walk away from.

Generalisimo14459 reads

I am not trying to belittle the topic just I always found it weird that some of the Asian porn has the girls crying, now some are well known porn girls who play these roles where they whimper, cry or that they are in pain. I just don’t get it. And I watched a few clips on a free site; I was first attracted by the image of a large breasted Asian. But the first clip startled me because of the crying and whimpering, so I clicked on others hoping to find some that did not have this element. I did find a few but there seemed to be a theme over there (Asia). And how do I know there were established porn girls, some of the clips had tags of the actress’s names which I Google-ed.

Are those porn with the crying in it trying to skirt the edge of being rape, or are they catering towards some kind of "deflowering of a virgin" scenario? Where the girl is crying because she realizes what a mistake she made? That "deflowering" ties into that whole "Japanese" schoolgirl" porn thing they have going on over there.

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