Massage Parlors

Re: Dude, Queens/Flushing is puntang central.
CaptainRenault 5359 reads
1 / 10

Visiting friends in Queens/Brooklyn; from LA  — had no idea how big this county is, so my question is: any AMPs in or near a neighborhood called Howard Beach?


impposter 49 Reviews 157 reads
2 / 10

I can't help with a specific answer to your question.  
I'm not sure if a visitor not familiar with the NYC MTA subways and buses is up to it, but the A Train services Howard Beach. The A train can connect you to the entire transit system and get you into Manhattan or anyplace else in Queens and Brooklyn. And, it gives me a reason to post a link the Duke Ellington's "Take The A Train."
Take the A Train - Duke Ellington

Posted By: CaptainRenault

Visiting friends in Queens/Brooklyn; from LA  — had no idea how big this county is, so my question is: any AMPs in or near a neighborhood called Howard Beach?  

CaptainRenault 143 reads
3 / 10

….had no idea I was near THAT A-TRAIN…….

That said, where do I go in Queens?  LOL

impposter 49 Reviews 161 reads
4 / 10

I'm sorry I can't help you out with a specific place as I don't know the Queens AMPs. If I DID know,  
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Posted By: CaptainRenault
Re: I know the song…..
….had no idea I was near THAT A-TRAIN…….  
 That said, where do I go in Queens?  LOL
Search TER Reviews for "Queens, NY" "Asian" set a price range for AMPs and not Indies, etc.
I'm getting a lot of hits that look like Manhattan -- an easy subway ride from Howard Beach. The A train gets you to some AMP areas in Manhattan w/o changing trains or anything (e.g., Canal St. = Chinatown, 34 st, etc.)  
There is a site where you can search for geographic MAPS of places to get a RUB and tug. There is another site where you can HUNT for SPAs that you can even narrow down the search by zip code, Howard Beach = 11414.  
Good luck!

vigerous 20 Reviews 151 reads
5 / 10

Throw a rock and go there. Seriously, you are at the US Asian-girls motherlode. East Coast style. Chinese. Enjoy!!

impposter 49 Reviews 172 reads
6 / 10

I have to confess that I was hoping for something a little more specific and helpful.  
But back to the OP, NYC has TWO Chinatowns: Manhattan, down around Canal Street, and Flushing, Queens
While walking along the sidewalks of the Chinatowns, I have sometimes been greeted by pretty young ladies standing in or near doorways of spas and massage parlors asking, "Massage?" (or "mah-sa-gee?, mah-sa-gee?"). The ones I remember and could assess from the outside were second or third floor walk-ups with some kind of business (jewelry store; dumpling store) on the street level. I have NEVER gone upstairs (always for a lack of time and also because I had other, more certain options). With that, I can't guarantee a specific outcome, but you might go sightseeing through the Chinatowns with a horny look on your face (and crotch) and see if someone asks if you want a mah-sa-gee.
Good luck!

Posted By: vigerous
Re: Dude, Queens/Flushing is puntang central.
Throw a rock and go there. Seriously, you are at the US Asian-girls motherlode. East Coast style. Chinese. Enjoy!!

vigerous 20 Reviews 146 reads
7 / 10

I was being very dry and ironic, I guess that didn't work for you. I tried. If he was looking for a hooker I could have been more helpful. Your answer should suffice, because:
My answer wasn't much different from yours..... there isn't some one AMP in Flushing that is the go-to place. He's going to have to take a chance ("throw a rock"). However, remember, They are street girls. Don't let that exterior they put on for us make you forget that. They have a lie and steal mentality, deep seated, and that's just part of the experience.
Even reputable places can be a problem. On the high-end side of things, I gave a girl $900 at the start. After a shower preview BBBJ and a half minute BJ/HJ on the bed, I went to penetrate her and she came unhinged. (I'm not going to provide additional details, not in MG anyway.) I left with $600 and pissed.

CaptainRenault 154 reads
8 / 10

Met a civvie gal — Chinese American — at a restaurant.  She was solo as was I.  Not bad looking, good in bed and pleasant.   Cost differential insignificant.  LOL

DeClemente 48 Reviews 159 reads
9 / 10

Posted By: CaptainRenault
Re: I lucked out….
Met a civvie gal — Chinese American — at a restaurant.  She was solo as was I.  Not bad looking, good in bed and pleasant.   Cost differential insignificant.  LOL
She’s doing God’s work. A special place will be reserved for her in heaven.

Mrbowtie30 11 Reviews 137 reads
10 / 10

I've used Pink Angel in flushing before and had good experiences. @pinkangelsnyc is their Twitter

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