
Re: Too Far
cageyboy 26 Reviews 382 reads

Posted By: Linesquire
I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.  Sir, I think never having a fresh crab cake as we have all advocated here or resorting to frozen swill available in a grocer are the same thing. ;-)
Yes, you certainly have a highbrow palate, but I could have sworn I saw you recently at the 7-Eleven picking up a few beef tacitos and a Slurpee......


Ya know, I just had to share to all you visitors and Maryland transplants, to become considered a local, you Must indulge in a Crab cake from G&M.  Just finish one with their fine cole slaw and apple sauce.  
Any body else got one better?? Be prepared to defend your suggestion.

being from DC, I rarely get up that ways but G and M is more then worth the drive.  Best crab cakes and slaw that I have ever had!  YUM:-)

you should run to Eastport and have one at Davis' Pub. they regularly get cited for the best in the state!

I haven't had the opportunity, but I hear Faidley's Seafood has the best crab cakes according to the locals. Top of my list next time I visit Charm City.

Posted By: Linesquire
Ya know, I just had to share to all you visitors and Maryland transplants, to become considered a local, you Must indulge in a Crab cake from G&M.  Just finish one with their fine cole slaw and apple sauce.  
 Any body else got one better?? Be prepared to defend your suggestion.  

I had to think to remember where I've heard of em and remembered Lexington Market.  I may venture , but I have to say that any business must grow and expand if it's the best.  (Same stall at Lexington for years) and almost all their rave reviews were out of town publications. (Southern Living?!?! Come on. ) They do ship, it might be neat to have several crab houses ship me cakes and cooked all and compare.

I would have to agree with Mike, but keep in mind everyone's idea of a GREAT crabcake is different as someone who has grown up in Md. and has had my fair share( plus many) of crabcakes.  Great crabcakes have very little or no filling, they are made of Jumbo lump that is folded together NOT mixed up they are broiled not fried and they are not too big so the center gets cooked as well.  In Harford county there is Box Hill Pizzeria considered by many very good, Jimmy's seafood is also well known.  The key is to find what you consider the best...LOL

Posted By: mistermike2001

Box hills are good Port House in Northeast MD has good ones too

Box Hill is one I must try.  There is also By the Docks near Bengiies Drive in on Eastern Ave. and a surprising close fav of mine is a Mo's Seafood. Several restaurants around, and each serves a very nice consistant Crab Cake.   Down town at their restaurant on Presidents street they used serve a Platter with 8oz crab cake, crab imperial, snow crab legs, steamed shrimp baked potato and broccoli.  
Bon appetite'!

its been a while since I've been there , but KoCo's Pub on Harford rd. had very good Cakes. But again it's been a while so if anyone knows let us know...

Posted By: Linesquire
Ya know, I just had to share to all you visitors and Maryland transplants, to become considered a local, you Must indulge in a Crab cake from G&M.  Just finish one with their fine cole slaw and apple sauce.  
 Any body else got one better?? Be prepared to defend your suggestion.  

Had them couple weeks ago when visiting parents still yumm

Thanks Mike...

Posted By: mistermike2001
Had them couple weeks ago when visiting parents still yummy  

Next time your there, we can exchange stories and have a crab cake!!!

Posted By: mistermike2001
Had them couple weeks ago when visiting parents still yummy  

At Deven's Deli the mom and pop market has amazing crab cakes. I have even done a taste test with G&M... I go their every time I visit the BWI area. You might see me there next week

luckily i looked over her shoulder and took a mental photo of the recipe!!

I'm sure the crab cakes listed are delicious, but the drive is too far for me and not worth the aggravation. I stick to the crab cakes in the frozen section of my local supermarkets. And they're not bad either.

I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.  Sir, I think never having a fresh crab cake as we have all advocated here or resorting to frozen swill available in a grocer are the same thing. ;-)

by mail order/online. Are they not frozen?

Posted By: Linesquire
I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.  Sir, I think never having a fresh crab cake as we have all advocated here or resorting to frozen swill available in a grocer are the same thing. ;-)

Yes for the sake of your taste buds order Crabcakes from one of the establishments listed above and forego the swill you pickup at the local grocer.  
We need a new thread on Crabcake intervention ;-)

I'm watching gordon ramsey and the manager of the restaurant he is trying to fix just referred to something as "frozen fresh" hahaha... we all laughed!!

Posted By: Linesquire
I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.  Sir, I think never having a fresh crab cake as we have all advocated here or resorting to frozen swill available in a grocer are the same thing. ;-)
Yes, you certainly have a highbrow palate, but I could have sworn I saw you recently at the 7-Eleven picking up a few beef tacitos and a Slurpee......


Nay nay sir,  
Not since my college days have I partaken the swill from 7-11.  But that was the Beef and Bean burritos I so devoured after a late night out.  , Taquitos hadn't been invented yet  😆

Posted By: cageyboy
Posted By: Linesquire
I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.  Sir, I think never having a fresh crab cake as we have all advocated here or resorting to frozen swill available in a grocer are the same thing. ;-)
 Yes, you certainly have a highbrow palate, but I could have sworn I saw you recently at the 7-Eleven picking up a few beef tacitos and a Slurpee......  

Some people try to over do it when it comes to crab cakes. Many add too much CRAP to them thus overpowering the crab taste. Keep it simple and the crab cake will be awesome. I always mix crab meat with backfin lump and lump. Sometimes I even mix the backfin lump with special. I keep mine very simple with mayo, Dijon mustard, eggs, and old bay and maybe a hint of Italian bread crumbs depending on how moist the mixture becomes. I don't measure anything and do it all by eye. Using this as a judging tool I have had the best result at Pappa's, very moist and little to no filler. Great crab taste.

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