
Re: I like to look at the pictures. The freaky ones are the best.
tastyallison See my TER Reviews 1090 reads
1 / 19

Whenever I post an ad on BP I poke around, and it never amazes me the amount of just super blatant fake ads there are. I usually travel, so I see these photos posted everywhere. Here's the kicker ... There is always a "100% real" tagline. It makes me wonder, how often do guys just bite the bullet and play Russian roulette? I know a lot of guys use both sites, so when you are there how do you personally choose who you will be spending time with? Is it the photos? Ad text? Or are you super addicted to the hottnes that is twerking videos

joelrick 27 Reviews 800 reads
2 / 19

I window shop a lot and read reviews daily. I know who the players are. This has been enough to keep me from getting busted but not the occasional underwhelming date.

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 666 reads
3 / 19

.....gentlemen I wish to entertain.  Words such as mature (I am mature, and prefer to visit gentlemen over 45) reviewed, downtown, travel redhead, credit cards, newbie friendly, etc.


Bennycecil 500 reads
4 / 19

Pictures are misleading as even on TER professional pictures are always doctored. The picture drawls you in but then checking references and reviews seals the deal for me as well as over 30 but really prefer over 40

JakeGordon 637 reads
5 / 19

Way way too much risk there - from bait and switch, pretenders, too young, too old, and always the risk of LE..

I will browse just to look at pictures but it has been years since I responded to a BP add - just way too many other ways to scratch the itch with lower risk of an infection lol

tastyallison See my TER Reviews 604 reads
6 / 19

This is how I pictured a lot of TER members who used BP would go about it, but I was definitely curious. I'm glad you play safe, and smart!


tastyallison See my TER Reviews 586 reads
7 / 19

That is a wonderful strategy! I typically do the same. I find that staying away from sexual innuendos helps to keep undesirable guests from contacting me. It happens every so often, but for the most part guys are pretty respectful. Good stuff Miss Kelly! ;)


tastyallison See my TER Reviews 495 reads
8 / 19

That is a good strategy, and makes the most sense to keep yourself safe. So have you ever taken a dive on photos alone?

tastyallison See my TER Reviews 566 reads
9 / 19

Lmao well I figured there were definitely gentlemen who do not use it, with this being TER and all! If there was a board somewhere else on the net to ask frequent BP users I am sure the responses would be different. I still chose to ask because in many states I have visited I know there are a lot of men who use both.


HidingBehindMyAlias 592 reads
10 / 19

This girl could be something out of Hell Raiser, maybe even Pinhead's girl.  BBBJ must be just diabolic.  Surprised the ad is still available for viewing.

joelrick 27 Reviews 582 reads
11 / 19

I remember the nose rings and studs from the nineties, but what is with the studs in the face? Hiring for young people needs to pick up so that all these amateur tattooists and piercers can get real jobs, if they want them.

HidingBehindMyAlias 610 reads
12 / 19

Got to admit, I find it kind of fascinating and sexy on a taboo level.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 450 reads
13 / 19
BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 450 reads
15 / 19

...cannot access adult sites such as this one from their place of employment, such as a government agency, etc. and they will not risk checking these sites at home; too much to lose.

   I include my ter id in my BP ad, so gentlemen can read that I am for real.  

   Many high end ladies are jumping over to BP, becauae another well known advertising site is becoming a nightmare to deal with.  Scroll through the Spotlight Ads in different cities, and you will now find many well reviewed ladies.


ron56789 18 Reviews 854 reads
16 / 19

I love the ads that say "100% guaranteed to please".  Guarantee of what?

HidingBehindMyAlias 468 reads
17 / 19

Yeah, it sounds good.  Maybe she will guarantee to 100% make it up to you next time if she doesn't 100% please you the first time.

-- Modified on 2/8/2015 7:17:43 PM

tastyallison See my TER Reviews 513 reads
18 / 19

Those are hilarious. Perhaps it is a 100% guarantee SOMEONE will open the door, but the who is up in the air.  

This really being the reason for my OP. I wonder how many guys really just go for it! Judging by the amount of dishonest ads, somebody isn't speaking up! Lol or maybe they just have not found TER yet. Because if there weren't responders, there wouldn't be ads like that, IMO.

-- Modified on 2/8/2015 5:06:19 PM

MasterZen 33 Reviews 470 reads
19 / 19

There are a ton of ads, and as you say many are fake (or worse). I'll take some risks, but calling without researching and feeling reasonably safe about who I am meeting is not something I'll do.  

I am much more likely to even OPEN a simple, well-written ad without all of the "BP-esque" icons and crazy fonts. Life is too short to look at every eye-straining ad.  

I want to see a TER/P411/Date-Check ID, review link, web site link, etc... on the ad. More info to cross-reference and see who you are quickly and easily.  

I want to know your rates without having to ask over the phone! Please, please post them in the ad or be sure we can find them on your website, TER, etc...

I prefer to see pics that also appear on your P411/DC profile, website, etc... Consider watermarking them with your phone # instead of placing the phone number in the ad text. Also consider googling them yourself to make sure they haven't been stolen and used in ads that are not yours.  

If you've changed your phone recently and the new number doesn't link to your reviews, website, etc... then please say so in the ad and provide the old #.  

Please put your name somewhere in the ad heading or ad body. We all know that an ad with a name is required for us to post a review. No name screams "I plan to deceive you and I don't want you posting a ROB-review after I do."

Some would say that advertising on BP is "ghetto". I disagree. BP is just an advertising venue like any other. It is your ad that tells us who you are, and it is your ad that is either classy and professional or... not.  

I have met quite a few well-known providers after seeing their ad on BP, using a few simple rules and common sense. I've also met a few great newbie providers who were sharp enough to put together a good ad that made me feel safe and comfortable enough to contact them.  

How do you BP

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