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fanoftheo 251 reads

while it can, it doesn't always.

I have been with many ladies who charge more than others and while some were worth it, others were not. I have also seen many ladies at more "normal" rates who provided an experience so good I returned several times.

I would say the quality of the experience lies more in the chemistry you have with the provider than the cost of the experience itself.  

Remember that just as in any other business, there are many different professional levels out there and some are better values than others

I've been wondering whether the quality of the experience with a provider is determine by the cost? Recently, I've been bored/disappointed with the lack of professionalism for their craft on the part of many providers. (I am not condemning all providers) What happened to the fantasy, the allure...its all so in your face at the moment. Thoughts?

___________366 reads

The good ones I found out generally raise their rates.  

I've also noticed that some ugly porn stars raise their rates due to entitlement.  

But if you rule those anonomolies out,  in general the hotter the girl the pricier she is.  

I'm sure TER scores mean something to a girls bottom line too,  why else would a girl strive for good TER profile?    

Well reviewed good looking girls would thus be pricier than mediocre back page girls

Then as their reviews/public profile builds the number of requests start to increase and at a point most girls start declining more clients than they are able to see. When you raise your price point you will get fewer date requests and I think that usually makes you a better provider (as in you aren't rushing out of one $300/hr date to get to the next $300 one because at $500/hr you only need to see 1 client per day (depending her own personal financial needs).

By raising your rates you also reach a different type of client (notice I didn't say "better") not that someone who can pay $500/hr has extraordinary different expectations of service than someone who can pay $300/hr but it seems from the research I have collected the $300/hr guys typically expect more "bang/s" for their buck (because they have saved up for that date or can't afford to hobby more often). Whereas the clients who pay $500/hr are typically satisfied with one pop, and more focused on the things that add to the overall experience (kissing, conversation, a real connection).

Just my .2!

but here's my opinion of the day...
damn! there's so many angles, I dunno where to start!  

I'll be right back after I consult my magic wand;

fanoftheo252 reads

while it can, it doesn't always.

I have been with many ladies who charge more than others and while some were worth it, others were not. I have also seen many ladies at more "normal" rates who provided an experience so good I returned several times.

I would say the quality of the experience lies more in the chemistry you have with the provider than the cost of the experience itself.  

Remember that just as in any other business, there are many different professional levels out there and some are better values than others

EskimoSoldier275 reads

Having hobbied for just under a year, my experiences have been this:

BP - Cheaper but YMMV may vary on the experience.  Consider it the Wild West.
P411 - More expensive but you generally get what you paid for.  No surprises.

This is just my experience so take with a grain of salt.

determine the quality of the experience, in the end. You may find a fantastic woman with no TER/Review history on BP for $150, but the likelihood is much lower than when you can do a little research and find someone you "know"(?) something about. And that probably starts at a slightly higher $$.

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