
My Turn and My opinion
lustkatrina See my TER Reviews 1356 reads

My visit was plague by the most unappealing of humans

Time wasters, white list guys who think that makes them god

Never have I every left an area because of the shear harassment of the guys who contacted me

Enough is enough

I feel sickened by the though of even driving through the State at this point

That is how bad it wa

I was very upset tying this because guys have no idea how badly they can treat someone

It is very upsetting to me

The casinos are only going to make things worse for the "ladies". All the casino does is attract road kill, to the area. Let the time wasters, waste their time.

There will always be someone to fill the void... That's why guys can get away with bad behavior.

I wouldn't even announce my visit to this state, I'd just wait for people to reach out to you, and let them figure out what they have to do, in order to see you.

Don't flirt online with MD/DC clients it won't get you anywhere.

Posted By: lustkatrina
My visit was plague by the most unappealing of humans  
 Time wasters, white list guys who think that makes them god  
 Never have I every left an area because of the shear harassment of the guys who contacted me  
 Enough is enough  
 I feel sickened by the though of even driving through the State at this point  
 That is how bad it was  

I have never started any type of negative post in my entire provider life

I always want to make it a vacation/holiday

but I had no choice..I was very affected by my visit

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The casinos are only going to make things worse for the "ladies". All the casino does is attract road kill, to the area. Let the time wasters, waste their time.  
 There will always be someone to fill the void... That's why guys can get away with bad behavior.  
 I wouldn't even announce my visit to this state, I'd just wait for people to reach out to you, and let them figure out what they have to do, in order to see you.  
 Don't flirt online with MD/DC clients it won't get you anywhere.  
Posted By: lustkatrina
My visit was plague by the most unappealing of humans  
  Time wasters, white list guys who think that makes them god  
  Never have I every left an area because of the shear harassment of the guys who contacted me  
  Enough is enough  
  I feel sickened by the though of even driving through the State at this point  
  That is how bad it was  

I'm not sure what's up with some of the people around here.

The only thing I know about you look good in purple, I can't recall you ever being a trouble maker, or doing anything to justify the way you were treated. That's not say a trouble maker deserves to be treated that way. Only that it's much worse to treat a professional lady with disrespect.'s not like the people who are jackasses get anything out of being a jackass.

no interest in every being fun or money in that LOL


Thanks for the love and support!! Johny…you can come as many times as you want with me

Sorry you had such a bad time. Apologies on behalf of the rest of us. Feel free to let me know if you come back.

Do your homework before you come to a new area.  And not all new areas are going to work for you.  Suck it up and move on.  Bitching and saying all men in Maryland suck isn't good.  I lived in Baltimore for 7 years and still have many wonderful friends I have known for many years.  And when I look at the thread below where some guys are bashing some chick named Katrina then I just laugh.

You advertised, didn't get any bookings, posted on backpage, still no results and then decide to lash out at anyone who contacted you.  Great business model. LOL..  Keep posting.

Not every area has nice guys simple as that

I make money everywhere but refuse to see guys who put me down

I am just as selective as you are

I like the chemistry of a nice guy and I like the trip to be memorable and keep lots for friends along the way

THats good business and the only people bitching are the men on this board who did not get an appointment

They missed some serious indoor sports, leg cramp and walk with a limp!!

Yeah, don't come back to Maryland.  We don't need you.

Maybe it's you?  Plenty of women do well here.  

Sad of you to say it's the state's fault!!!!!   Maybe you are the one who sucks

dam well too (wink)

yours wasnt very specific.

I've asked this before but does this happen to all ladies? People can be rude so I'm sure it happens, but does it happen more to some providers than others?  

For example, I wonder if someone famous like Sasha Grey would ever get the same response if she were a provider?



Posted By: lustkatrina
My visit was plague by the most unappealing of humans  
 Time wasters, white list guys who think that makes them god  
 Never have I every left an area because of the shear harassment of the guys who contacted me  
 Enough is enough  
 I feel sickened by the though of even driving through the State at this point  
 That is how bad it was  

Sorry this happened. Sorry you had a bad trip. But I have visited cities up  and down the east coast, and toured some in the Midwest as well and I always , always saw nice guys. Nova, DC and Maryland have treated me just fine. It's really not correct to say that some states don't have nice guys because you only saw a few. You didn't even spend time with 1 percent of Maryland's male population to be able to say that they suck.  

  You just had a bad experience. I don't know the details and I am not blaming you or anyone. Did you only advertise in BP? From talking to many providers I do know that BP can attracts some not so charming clients. Haven't read your ads so I don't know how you market yourself. I would just chalk it up to a bad visit.  

  I understand you are just venting, but sometimes it's best to vent this sort of stuff on the Providers Only board? Trust me sweetie, I have learned that from experience. ;-) I am sure you were upset and just came right on over to TER and started typing away. I get it.  Every state has great guys and not so great guys. As with women too. There are good and bad people everywhere.  

  Take care...

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