
As a trouble maker and pot stirrer, I will comment...teeth_smile
phildunphey 561 reads

I agree with your assessment that the grades can be very inflated. There is not much you can do about it, but I have a strategy. First you have to have seen many women so you have a pretty good judgement of what you like/don't like. Then when you are looking at the reviews, check out how the reviewer reviews other women. If he says girl X is a 10 and  a girl we both saw was a 10 to him but a 7 to me, I will plan on girl X not being a 10 as well.  

All 10s (An avg of 9.5 or higher with at least 15 reviews) will be pretty damn hot- maybe not a 10 to you but not an 8 either. Of course girls with that score are few and far between...and pricey. The tougher area to gauge is the 8.0-8.3 average looks rating. Many are just plan average but some in that range are very hot (for example Bianca Rolle is very underrated, I think prettier than many girls that are rated way higher than her). I also think there is some grade momentum- when everyone else says she is a 9, you feel bad giving her less than a 9 even though you think shes an 8.

As far as that bodybuilder, I also saw a touring provider this week that was very fit but the pixs were definately better than the real deal. Wonder if it was the same one- PM me

Colleen, I had the good fortune to meet you and had a great time and will see you again, and your assessment of yourself is spot on. I know I'm not a 10 as a guy but I know I am not Shrek either

JakeGordon963 reads

So the thread below on cheap assholes booking 2 hours then leaving after and paying for only 1 was certainly entertaining. (Not that i have an opinion on the subject lol)

I doubt this topic will be as inflammatory, but I will toss it out here anyway.

I have been enjoying this hobby for quite a while and have always relied on reviewers scores to help me decide who to see. Lately it seems either a) scores are being inflated or b) I simply no longer have the same tastes as others these days.

I recently spent several weeks/months trying to setup an appt with a lady with incredible reviews. 9'a and 10's in both appearance and performance. Her website photos while not centerfold material, are none the less easy to look at.

I have to admit that when the door opened, i actually thought that the person who opened the door could have been a transexual. Attractive? Maybe if you go for the heavy bodybuilding type. Being the gentleman that i am, i remained for the appt but have to admit to not enjoying it at all.  

So the question is not about this lady - she was very nice and seemed to enjoy my company (asking to make sure i returned on her next stop in the area).

Has anyone noticed either inflated scores and/or have your preferences changed as you got older ?

Yes - this is posted under an alias - i don't need the lady referenced above to be able to figure out i am writing about her. As i said she was very nice but just not my cup of tea

I find that to be the case for me.  I would never consider myself "model material" or "once in a lifetime", in terms of my looks, as my reviews state.  Don't get my wrong, I am attractive & certainly no one would kick me out of bed.  I would rate myself between a 7 & 8.5, depending on what I'm wearing, but never a "once in a lifetime".  I think men in general have a sliding scale of looks, based upon certain activities.  Let's face it.  All women look damn hot, when they are sucking whatever.

I think in the case of reviews, averages are your best friend.  For example, my average is Looks 8.5 & performance 9.25.  I think that's fair.

As George Carlin said - "Remember when a cock sucker was a good woman and not a bad man."

phildunphey562 reads

I agree with your assessment that the grades can be very inflated. There is not much you can do about it, but I have a strategy. First you have to have seen many women so you have a pretty good judgement of what you like/don't like. Then when you are looking at the reviews, check out how the reviewer reviews other women. If he says girl X is a 10 and  a girl we both saw was a 10 to him but a 7 to me, I will plan on girl X not being a 10 as well.  

All 10s (An avg of 9.5 or higher with at least 15 reviews) will be pretty damn hot- maybe not a 10 to you but not an 8 either. Of course girls with that score are few and far between...and pricey. The tougher area to gauge is the 8.0-8.3 average looks rating. Many are just plan average but some in that range are very hot (for example Bianca Rolle is very underrated, I think prettier than many girls that are rated way higher than her). I also think there is some grade momentum- when everyone else says she is a 9, you feel bad giving her less than a 9 even though you think shes an 8.

As far as that bodybuilder, I also saw a touring provider this week that was very fit but the pixs were definately better than the real deal. Wonder if it was the same one- PM me

Colleen, I had the good fortune to meet you and had a great time and will see you again, and your assessment of yourself is spot on. I know I'm not a 10 as a guy but I know I am not Shrek either

twsani461 reads

In the end, it's about what floats your boat. I've been with high scoring looks/performance that I left thinking it was just so so. I've seen high scores that are right on the mark. And, I've have an ATF type for me who has lower scores than average... Some of the reviewers said some really untoward things about her looks, but I think she's cute as hell. And the chemistry we have when together is amazing. In the end, that's really what is going to make for a good visit... Whether you have that chemistry or not. As such, I find reading the reviews more helpful than the score itself.

phildunphey438 reads

I always thought 1-10 was kind of ridiculous so I have come up with my own rating system
(7 catagories) :

10- Model Material, A list Movie Star looks- ( Once in a lifetime/million is stupid). The model could be a Victoria Secret or JC Penny model but she still looks fantastic. Instant attraction  Sex comes to mind instantly but you know she is  SOMEONE YOU  COULD NEVER SLEEP WITH IN REGULAR LIFE.

9- Extremely attractive- Think b list movie star, TV star. Someone that would definitely turn your head in public. Sex comes to mind pretty fast.  SOMEONE YOU ARE PRETTY CERTAIN YOU COULD NEVER SLEEP WITH

8- Attractive- The girl next door or at the office. You notice her when she is in the room. you are strongly attracted to her and think you have SOME CHANCE, THOUGH REMOTE OF EVER SLEEPING WITH HER.

7- Average. Think this is someone that doesn't rock your world. Sex may or may not come to mind. YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF HAVING SEX WITH HER if you feel like pursuing it. There may be times when other features (smart, funny, rich, mutual interests) could push her into the Attractive category

6- Below Average- Would only consider after a night of drinking

5- Ugly-Would only consider after a night of HEAVY drinking

1-4= Shreck. You don't consider. You passed ou

providers in general are not model material. if they were they'd be models. duh?

They are VERY attractive and usually above average.Some would be a 9 on your scale, some not.

We're just talking the physical here. Many of the providers I've seen have above average personalities.  

Does that come from the envelope? Maybe, maybe not.

...Good subject and good responses,this is the type of post that generates good dialogue and enhances the experience in the Hobby and on the boards.
...My two cents, while checking the reviews,check the reviewer to see his track record for posts,comments,and reviews this is also very subjective,but can shed a little light on the subject.

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