Los Angeles

You're a joke, dropping hints about OTC time w/ K-girls...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 669 reads

...talking to them in the car; seeing them with no makeup.  You really think anybody believes you?  I repeat - "you're" a joke.

I've heard from three providers that business is way off.  What's up?  Are they just playng the sympathy card for more action from me or is the economy impacting this last bastion of free enterprise?
What say you?

You can't tell by the number of reviews coming in...though the vast majority seem to be of K girls (note I did not do a count - just my impression)...wonder if the K girls are taking all of the business...me I am taking a new purpose to seeing some of the ladies with higher donations....

swish44691 reads

Well maybe they need to lower there prices . I mean some of these providers think there worth like others but theres a big difference between the very  very few elite and others . Maybe with buisness slow they will wake up and get a reality check.

Harpman60824 reads

Spot on , irrespective of how much they pay clients want value for money , in service ,cleanliness and attitude. Unfortunately too many providers who  live in cloud cuckoo land and carry super inflated price tags  end up without business and end up rely on the generosity of others.

In my previous post " toners " should have read " others " , blame it on Ipad spell correct and lapse in my oversight.

Posted By: swish44
Well maybe they need to lower there prices . I mean some of these providers think there worth like others but theres a big difference between the very  very few elite and others . Maybe with buisness slow they will wake up and get a reality check.

Actually one of the K-girls told me business
was slow. Now slow for them is maybe 4 or
5 a day. Still not bad.

I agree.  K girls set the standard.  Anyone over their price had better have some justification

Well, let's see...how about a conversation in English for startes?  Or am I out of line?

If conversation was our priority then you would
have  a point.

KGirlCrazy519 reads

The top two k-girls, Kami and Lohan, speak very good English and so do many others. The ones who don't, well, they speak the language of love, which is universal!  :)

Adora is the exceptional that proves the rule...if there is a rule.  She's smart, sexy, good communicator, has a great business sense...and if we're going to reduce this thread to "value for the money", she wins hands down.  Please excuse the editorial.

Newto1000534 reads

Or to put it another way_  things have never been better for the 1% ers and never worse for the remaining 99%.

Harpman601016 reads

are booked solid but toners complain of slow business , but that may be because  consider anything less than 8 or 9  clients loss of potential income. It depends on the criteria they use to describe " way off business". Lohan is more elusive than ever to book,  Kami, Halle, Hosi ( before leaving foe vacation) , Amber only slightly less elusive .

Posted By: Dakdog
I've heard from three providers that business is way off.  What's up?  Are they just playng the sympathy card for more action from me or is the economy impacting this last bastion of free enterprise?
What say you?

JimmyHenson818 reads

Guess it was luck when I scored sameday/second appointment of the day with one of your top rated and then got moved to #1 when the guy who booked in advance didn't confirm his appointment.  And the girl "complained" business was slow.  Didn't ask what she considered slow, but you might need to rethink who you call a toner.  My experience - if your schedule is such that you can book in advance, and if you have such standing with the booker, the top talent can be booked easy enough.  Spur of the moment/sameday, you can probably forget about the early appointments, but one of those late day or into the night volume slots might still be available if you call early in the day and are willing to take whatever appointment you can get.

Harpman60667 reads

You prove my point , you either book in advance to avoid  settling to, possibly, being  last of the pack and the beneficiary  of sloppy left overs. Ofcourse  you can avoid all that if you have enough pull and influence over  the Booker/ K-doll to heartlessly bump a fellow traveler off his spot.

"toner" should have read "others" mistakes by Ipad auto correct which I missed.

B310 do you always get your preferred time ?

The bookers have ALWAYS given me my time, irregardless of when I request. Of course
there are exceptions when due to cancellations on my part or the girls, I have to change time or see another girl instead. But otherwise when I do call, I am always slotted in my preferred time.

Not sure what "way off" is, but I think the problem right now is that there are simply so many k-dolls (over 100) that supply is now greater than demand.  Now if they consider busy to be 8-10 booked hours a day x 100+ then you can do the math and I don't think there is that much demand on a daily basis.

KGirlCrazy470 reads

Yeah, I think that's the reason. For the first time in many years, I wound up owing money this year. Thanks a lot, Obama. You got bin Laden and now you're killing me, too!  :(

Hyori754 reads

couple of girls were whining to me about how slow the business is in the car.  some asked if i could help them change agencies.  so i guess business is pretty crappy.

i think its combination of economy and the current talent level.  latest girls are pretty avg looking.   seeing them with no makeup made it worse:-(  oh well..i guess its a cycle.  hopefully the better talent cycle will come back soon!

...talking to them in the car; seeing them with no makeup.  You really think anybody believes you?  I repeat - "you're" a joke.

I have to agree with you on this one. The unfortunate thing is that he does not know it.

I don't know if he does or does not go out with some of the girls but the way he puts it in the past, he treats them terribly or takes advantage of their situations. that is probably why in his own words, he afraid of industry people beating him up if they ever found out his real TER handle.

Hyori, go chase your BBQ truck and keep living the fantasy. This "old geezer" loves a good laugh every now and then.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...talking to them in the car; seeing them with no makeup.  You really think anybody believes you?  I repeat - "you're" a joke.

Posted By: Hyori
couple of girls were whining to me about how slow the business is in the car.  some asked if i could help them change agencies.  so i guess business is pretty crappy.

i think its combination of economy and the current talent level.  latest girls are pretty avg looking.   seeing them with no makeup made it worse:-(  oh well..i guess its a cycle.  hopefully the better talent cycle will come back soon!

.... No thats all, just wanted you to know you made me look and check out your ter.

No Dakdog business is off and yes it is causing some problems for some providers.  Yes I do feel sorry for some of them.  There is a reasonable amount of overhead cost for many of them that we guys are not aware of.  K-girls do charge less but are managed.  This spreads the cost out over more than one K-girl but we must wonder how much is really left for them per visit.  

I suspect the slower business is nation wide but not sure.  K-girls have an impact in areas where they are located, that's for sure.  Some say places like Denver is still a good market for providers, but not sure I buy that.  I know of two providers who just bailed out of the Denver area and came to California.  So I will have to ask them why if the market was good there.

Harpman60598 reads

Not all the K-dolls are working for agencies for instance  my top 5 favorite dolls are independent , there are several semi independent  and the rest are working with agencies.

Without going into the revenue sharing details , let's say the agency dolls keep more than half the donation.

Again some do complain that things are slow, but do not define what slow means. Almost every review with Lohan starts with how difficult it was to book her because she is always booked up and she is not alone . There are several up to 10 reviews in April. Agency dolls that do not meet a minimum quota don't last long.  

If business is slow it is slow, what does it matter to us who have no financial interest in the business. It could work to our advantage because competition should bring out the best of the K-dolls.

A thread that starts out on a general query about the slowing state of provider business gets hijacked
and turned into another Boring treatise about K-Girls.  It's gettin' old this endless shilling for  K-Girls and
their differences (good & bad).  Perhaps the administration needs to create a K-Girl Board so the contributors could
wax endlessly about the merits of K-Girl providers and spare the rest of us these continuously long threads by 3 or 4
K-Girl Enthusiasts.  As for the original thread :  It seems there have been a number of discounts being offered by
many Top Notch Providers. This is a good thing for Hobbyists.  Maybe some of us will move up a notch & secure time
with previously unaffordable encounters.  Works for me  :)

Posted By: Dakdog
I've heard from three providers that business is way off.  What's up?  Are they just playng the sympathy card for more action from me or is the economy impacting this last bastion of free enterprise?
What say you?

Are not the k girls providers as well? Are they not in the LA are as well? The second poster made a valid point in his post that is relevant to the topic.

Like it or not they are part of the boards, especially the LA boards. If there is a drop in business, the kgirls may feel it as well or they may not.

Hmmm....I do think this is why the larger % of LA providers rarely post here. Why post when their always going to be taken over & ran by others. And its always the same ones, sooooooo tiring and old.

Posted By: SensualGent
A thread that starts out on a general query about the slowing state of provider business gets hijacked
and turned into another Boring treatise about K-Girls.  It's gettin' old this endless shilling for  K-Girls and
their differences (good & bad).  Perhaps the administration needs to create a K-Girl Board so the contributors could
wax endlessly about the merits of K-Girl providers and spare the rest of us these continuously long threads by 3 or 4
K-Girl Enthusiasts.  As for the original thread :  It seems there have been a number of discounts being offered by
many Top Notch Providers. This is a good thing for Hobbyists.  Maybe some of us will move up a notch & secure time
with previously unaffordable encounters.  Works for me  :)
Posted By: Dakdog
I've heard from three providers that business is way off.  What's up?  Are they just playng the sympathy card for more action from me or is the economy impacting this last bastion of free enterprise?
What say you?

Harpman60662 reads

Because there are 3 or 4 K-doll enthusiasts .

I do not know what you are ingesting or where have you been hiding, but for your info the K-dolls are a most dominant part of this  business. CV , on average has 110 Asian ads, on the LA board. They represent an importnant segment of the Angeleno market which you  may or may not realize.

It was a general question but to answer it correctly you can not ignore the K-dolls yet the K-doll haters  keep insisting that K-dolls should exiled into wilderness.Is it envy or jealousy ? is it resentment or hate ? Bigotary or racism ? We as a nation have already decided that separate was not equal so why would it be any different on this board.

For better or worse , love them  or hate them  the K-dolls are an integral part of this community and  this board so you better learn to live with it.

Given the number of posts about them that are generated it is obvious where the posters interest lies, and before you point accusatory fingers do a search and see who starts these threads . If you are tired with K-doll related threads , why don't you and your ilk post about your own interest , nothing to stop you from posting other than your apathy , lack of motivation and the absence of anything you feel redeemable or relevant to say.        

Posted By: SensualGent
A thread that starts out on a general query about the slowing state of provider business gets hijacked
and turned into another Boring treatise about K-Girls.  It's gettin' old this endless shilling for  K-Girls and
their differences (good & bad).  Perhaps the administration needs to create a K-Girl Board so the contributors could
wax endlessly about the merits of K-Girl providers and spare the rest of us these continuously long threads by 3 or 4
K-Girl Enthusiasts.  As for the original thread :  It seems there have been a number of discounts being offered by
many Top Notch Providers. This is a good thing for Hobbyists.  Maybe some of us will move up a notch & secure time
with previously unaffordable encounters.  Works for me  :)
Posted By: Dakdog
I've heard from three providers that business is way off.  What's up?  Are they just playng the sympathy card for more action from me or is the economy impacting this last bastion of free enterprise?
What say you?

there instead?
Time to put those post where they belong by "report this ad" oh yeah.
You k lovers can spew off out of your ass all day..I have all of you on ignore...HA..!

My business is stagnant.  Not that I am short on cash cash, but money that I do not have to account for is tight. If you get my meaning.

So I have laid low for the past month or two. I used to see three girls a month or a girl three times a month.  Last two or maybe three months...none.

Lets say it's been three months x three girls is 9 bookings.

9 bookings from me alone out of the system.

-- Modified on 5/2/2012 12:29:15 PM

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