Los Angeles

You STILL don't get it. I love my business model, it's these POSTS that are every 5 minutes...
CapoMandamento 530 reads
1 / 32

Not all hobbyists are concerned with economics LOL..
I am picking the blonde or brunette..

Posted By: bumpthat
If I can see one hot blonde who provides a great service for $500, or I can see two hot k-girls who provide as good a service for the same price, which do you think I will pick?  Simple economics ladies and gentleman.  

bumpthat 1115 reads
2 / 32

I know my opinion might not carry much weight seeing as though I don't post reviews, however I am a fairly prolific hobbyist.  I don't post reviews for privacy reasons (i.e. paranoia).  I decided to break my silence because of the obvious and annoying business practices of some providers on this board.
I've seen all types of girls.  White, black, latina, asian.  I've seen them through CV, BP, and HX.  Why do I love k-girls?  In a word: value.  Some times I seem to get into a rut, and think "I need to branch out and stop seeing k-girls."  But then I'll see another race, and find that I want to go back to k-girls.  Why?  Value.  I love women of all races, truly.  But what k-girls offer is quite simply the best "bang for the buck" (no pun intended).  Yes, sometimes it's highly scripted.  Yes, the language barrier can make it a bit impersonal at times.  But everyone, both hobbyist and provider let's get one things straight: this is a business.  In a business, whomever provides the best value has the most successful business model.  For a reasonable price, you can get an often fantastic looking k-girl who will provide a great (albeit it sometimes predictable) performance.  You don't like Asian chicks?  Ok, that's one thing.  But setting race aside, and looking at these women as women, k-girl value is second to none.
To me it truly seems like the providers who are insinuating that we're bad hobbyists for seeing "victims of human trafficking" like Republicans calling Obama a Communist.  It's insulting and obvious mud-slinging.  Ladies, imho, it's counterproductive for what you think you're trying to accomplish.
I've seen girls with lower rates than k-girls, and it is what it is.  I've seen girls with rates higher than k-girls, and again, it is what it is.  But at the end of the day, what sets the k-girls apart is value.  Yeah I could see girls for less money, but it feels like I'm getting less for my money. (Again, let's look at this from the business perspective).  I could see girls that are more expensive than k-girls, but I don't feel like I'm getting more for that dollar.
So ladies, what have the k-girls figured out?  It's not their race.  It's that they've figured out how to provide a quality service at the right price.  Plain and simple.  Honestly, this isn't even about k-girls.  It's about the business model.  To me, it just seems that whomever runs the k-girl scene has figured out what the sweet spot is between price and service.
Providers, if you don't feel the need to lower your price, more power to you.  It's your business, you decide how to run it.  But please, don't post or respond to posts by trying to guilt-trip hobbyists. It's getting old and it's quite transparent.  Providers are in this business because it's a way to make great money.  If you don't think you're getting enough business, figure out how you can provide more value.   Truth be told, if these hot blondes or latinas or black girls could provide the same value as k-girls, I would see more non-k-girls.  But money is tight.  If I can see one hot blonde who provides a great service for $500, or I can see two hot k-girls who provide as good a service for the same price, which do you think I will pick?  Simple economics ladies and gentleman.

whenhookersbabble 599 reads
4 / 32

So you are again insulting the K-Girls with your analogy.
I am sorry, but after your recent babbles, I have to question YOUR class, or lack thereof.

You can only write better then they can. That's where it all ends.

rdhiii 44 Reviews 724 reads
5 / 32

I have to disagree with you on a couple of points.
1. I think it's also some of the hobbyists try using K-girl pricing to bring down everyone's price. I see as many complaints from hobbyists about girls rates being too high as I do from providers about girls ruining business by not charging enough.
2. What you see as value is totally subjective and your perception. A Kia is a good value and half the price of a BMW but that doesn't mean I'm going to but 2 Kia's when I really want a BMW. I like knowing a provider makes enough per appointment that she isn't busy all day and can be more personal with me, also I do like being able to hold a conversation with someone I am going to be intimate with.
3. my other thing is my perception I know, but the higher volume that K-girls agents push makes me feel like I'm bound to be passing the next or previous guy in the hall or sidewalk. Don't like the feeling of that and nearly always have the provider come to me which most of your Asian providers don't offer.
Of course these are just my opinions and everyone likes what they like. I had a favorite that was 700 hr so I could only see her occasionally which was fine by me, until she gave what seemed to me, a very scripted performance and that was the last time I called her. I enjoy feeling that it's a friends with benefits relationship albiet my benefit is sex and hers is money instead of feeling like I'm seeing a brothel worker.

Ginger Spice See my TER Reviews 706 reads
6 / 32

With your alias, i can't PM you!   (Send it out on SOS)

Very intresting Point i have practiced for a good amount of years.

And the economy just gets worse........

I will leave it at that for now !

We are all Human Beings and should just get along!

No matter what color, gender and.............etc.

Oh! and age you are!
We should all be good poeple and be Fair amount us!

whenhookersbabble 426 reads
7 / 32
rpd1952 113 Reviews 477 reads
8 / 32

Sounds like your post is more about the price of hobbying than about K-girls.

And while I would disagree that when I see 2 K's I'm seeing 2 Kia's instead of one BMW, that's another story.  This "value, value, value" mantra that keeps being repeated over and over in these posts got old fast.  Yeah we get it.  You want to stop the bashing?  How about just letting the other posts die out and don't start a new one?  In addition, I think the K's are doing all right and don't need all the pom pom waving.

As far as bashing, or not, it comes down to how you choose to interpret another's motivation for posting.  One person's bash is another's insightful observation.  And one thing that never seems to be lacking on the board is people jumping to conclusions.

Brennan_Blake 1037 reads
9 / 32

That are irritating and transparent.  It's like the men here are posting constant ads for their fave girls that only include ONE race of woman.

That is NOT the best business model for me or many girls or we would take it on our selves.  At 700 an hour I can see 3 clients in a day and make more than a girl at 250 can make in 2 days, assuming the house is taking a cut and you know damn well they take a fat cut.  I also earn enough to turn down clients I find unsuitable, and I'm sure there are one or two lurking around here. Under 30? Forget it.  A few other criteria I will also pass on.  None of my clients have ever posted a "bad experience" post like was posted here about a K girl just a few days ago.  That girl wouldn't let her client suck nipples, FIV, etc..because she hated what she was doing and didn't like him enough to want his fingers in her vagina!   Or her body was worn out from working, it happens to the best of us, not just high volume girls.

I have plenty of business, even for August, in fact I am taking off til next week for some personal fun and I referred a request for a date this morning to 2 other local girls. Unless you've been in our bank accounts, don't make insinuations of which you have zero basis for.

If you think my post had anything to do with hating or disrespecting those girls, you're a self absorbed fool. It's the posts I am sick of and if I could show those girls how to "Brooke Song" their business, I WOULD!  Brooke is Asian, rates are possibly higher than mine and THAT is a successful business model.
Small hours, high pay is successful, not long hours, little pay. At least that's my theory.

You're comparing Chanel to Marshalls, honey.  Don't get me wrong, I love Marshalls (Loehmans, Nordstrom Rack)  and Chanel but I'm not ignorant enough to compare their business models, when I want one the other is NO competition!

PS. Sorry to feed the alias trolls but I can't not defend myself being accused of racism and/or having negativity toward women. I am a feminist, I support all women and their lifestyle decisions.

RTowers 35 Reviews 621 reads
10 / 32

At the risk of repeating myself, if you don't like the posts, don't read them.  Nobody asks it of you.  But you are subliminally suggesting that hobbyists tailor their posts to your requirements.  If these guys -- me included -- want to post about the KGals, just ignore the posts, but stop suggesting there is something wrong or nefarious about the posts themselves.

Until TER wises up and starts a KGirl/Asian board, there are going to be posts about the girls because a lot of the hobbyists see them.  They make up a majority of the advertisers on CV and are wildly popular with hobbyists for a good reason.  Thus, hobbyists will quite naturally post about them, because, well, they are the subject of a large part of the hobbyists' hobby.  QED.

HOTTIE HUNTER 55 Reviews 633 reads
12 / 32


Let me start by saying I have never seen Brennan...... oh but based on the info I should ......I can't agree more ...... When I first started reading this post I wanted to agree with the initial thread, also because I have a liking to petite women and Asians fit the bill, however I have avoided the Korean places because of the reasons here.  I have been member for over 9 years but have been away for quite while and just recently started seeing ladies.  I actually have met a young lady who is a wonderful provider and provides an amazing service.  I got lucky and her donation is so low its unbelievable.  I know the guys here are gonna want to kill me for this but I feel like taking her under my wing and showing her the ropes she could easily do $$$$+ and this sweet young thing is doing less than $$.  I kid you not she is one of the warmest ladies I have met through the hobby.  I have done it before some you may remember  Leslie and Jade/Lilly the two VN friends......I became good friends with one of them and hated seeing her be a pin cushion in one of the Chinese places. When I met her she was doing $1/4 , then I showed her how to do this before she left the business she was at $$$$.5.   Shot her pics and helped with her presence.No I didn't get any extra benefits we had become such good friends I couldn't see her anymore it just felt strange.  Lets see all the negative email I get for this admission.

cupteecup 22 Reviews 492 reads
14 / 32

I do not agree with several points in your post but as far as I am concerned if I want to see a kgirl I look in this forum, if I want to see a mid-range providers I hit the search, and if I want to see a high-end I hit Eros as none of them are on this site..

Let's end the hate and let's end the shills that many hobbyists post.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 511 reads
15 / 32
Harpman60 576 reads
16 / 32

Give a break BB , move on , what ever you motive are your  posts do not reflect well on you. Live and let live 
with a  gracious , compassionate and generous attitude toward Korean peers.

There is no correlation between cost and quality of service, as far as looks go that is a subjective personal choice. Having been with women of all ethnicities I have concluded that  I am mostly attracted to Asians . If my ATFs quadruple their price I will continue to see them because I enjoy being with them. They are not just channel but couture.
FYI many of the Korean providers , have been to university, speak English and are permanent residents. Not all are attached to agencies .   

You keep equating  referring to "one"  ethnicity to racism , I find that a disservice to those who suffered and still suffer from racism. In this community K-girl is a form of identification or brand.

I sympathize with providers who are concerned about their ads, the solution is to remove these ads from the discussion . page. No  matter how redundant , petty and tiresome  you find K-girl posts you can not place yourself as the arbitrator who determines what constitutes  good post. BTW it is your recent post that started the last fire ,and you seem to want to put it out by adding more kerosene . Let go ,step back , and move on.       

Posted By: Brennan_Blake

That are irritating and transparent.  It's like the men here are posting constant ads for their fave girls that only include ONE race of woman.

That is NOT the best business model for me or many girls or we would take it on our selves.  At 700 an hour I can see 3 clients in a day and make more than a girl at 250 can make in 2 days, assuming the house is taking a cut and you know damn well they take a fat cut.  I also earn enough to turn down clients I find unsuitable, and I'm sure there are one or two lurking around here. Under 30? Forget it.  A few other criteria I will also pass on.  None of my clients have ever posted a "bad experience" post like was posted here about a K girl just a few days ago.  That girl wouldn't let her client suck nipples, FIV, etc..because she hated what she was doing and didn't like him enough to want his fingers in her vagina!   Or her body was worn out from working, it happens to the best of us, not just high volume girls.

I have plenty of business, even for August, in fact I am taking off til next week for some personal fun and I referred a request for a date this morning to 2 other local girls. Unless you've been in our bank accounts, don't make insinuations of which you have zero basis for.

If you think my post had anything to do with hating or disrespecting those girls, you're a self absorbed fool. It's the posts I am sick of and if I could show those girls how to "Brooke Song" their business, I WOULD!  Brooke is Asian, rates are possibly higher than mine and THAT is a successful business model.
Small hours, high pay is successful, not long hours, little pay. At least that's my theory.

You're comparing Chanel to Marshalls, honey.  Don't get me wrong, I love Marshalls (Loehmans, Nordstrom Rack)  and Chanel but I'm not ignorant enough to compare their business models, when I want one the other is NO competition!

PS. Sorry to feed the alias trolls but I can't not defend myself being accused of racism and/or having negativity toward women. I am a feminist, I support all women and their lifestyle decisions.

bumpthat 704 reads
17 / 32

Posted By: rdhiii

2. What you see as value is totally subjective and your perception. A Kia is a good value and half the price of a BMW but that doesn't mean I'm going to but 2 Kia's when I really want a BMW. I like knowing a provider makes enough per appointment that she isn't busy all day and can be more personal with me, also I do like being able to hold a conversation with someone I am going to be intimate with.
Your analogy is completely incorrect.  And that's my point.  Try it this way.  You have 2 BMWs, they're identical in every way.  Every single way.  Only, one is twice the price.  Which would you buy?  And this is my point.  You, sir, assume because something costs more, it is better.  Why would K-girls be Kias and other providers be BMWs?  If you just aren't attracted to Asian girls, that's fine.  But don't assume that because say, a BB charges so much more her service is any better.

Yes, maybe I should've ignored the asenine posts by someone in particular.  Wait, since she insulted me, I'll just come out and say, Brennan Blake.  She and other providers are obviously trying to instill doubts in hobbyists about k-girls, playing on our collective conscious by insinuating these girls are the victims of human-trafficking, even going as far as using subtle racism.  It's a thinly veiled attack on the competition and nothing more.  I might just be adding fuel to the fire at this point, but as it's been said many times, if you're tired of seeing a post on a certain subject, simply don't read it!  Why should posts on k-girls be segregated?  Please, to you certain providers who are knocking others, whatever their ethnicity may be, just realize you're accomplishing the exact opposite of what you intend.

Migs1224 491 reads
18 / 32

Posted By: Brennan_Blake

You're comparing Chanel to Marshalls, honey.  Don't get me wrong, I love Marshalls (Loehmans, Nordstrom Rack)  and Chanel but I'm not ignorant enough to compare their business models, when I want one the other is NO competition!

Again, why exactly do you think you are Chanel, and k-girls are Marshall's?  You seeing less guys a day doesn't make you any better at what you do.  This whole "elite VIP provider" stuff is garbage.  Of course some providers are better than others both in looks and service, but price has nothing to do with it.  In fact, I know some providers purposefully don't charge more because higher prices tend to attract guys that have more money than brains and treat women like garbage (not that I'm insinuating hobbyists that see higher priced providers do this, it's just what I've heard).  I've been told this by a provider who could charge double what she does.  
Or maybe you think you're Chanel and they are Marshall's because you're Caucasian, and they are not?  Food for thought.

carlhungus 54 Reviews 513 reads
19 / 32

I don't see any k-girl hate on here, at least not from what I've read.  Maybe a little frustration on the part of some posters.

I've seen all kinds of providers.  The ones I like the best are fun to be with, have a great personality and they are certainly attractive in my eyes.  Being fun and open translates to great service and great service is key.  Even if a provider isn't a 9 or 10 or even an 8 in my eyes, she can still rock by offering stellar service.

I have seen some porn stars who charge more and much more.  I had great times with them and had little to no complaints.  And, I can certainly come up with complaints with some k-girls too, but not a lot either.

My experiences with k-girls, in terms of fun/great service, to me, are above and beyond what I have experienced recently and in the past.  It's just a bonus that they do not charge as much as other providers.  There are a couple of other providers I am very interested in seeing who both charge more.  But, if I can get the same quality for less, why would I pay more?  

If there were, for example, a  great selection of blondes or white girls in general/latinas, etc., who were hot and had great reviews and charged what a typical K-girl charges, I'd be seeing them or mixing it up more.  For me, money is an issue and I'm not here to whine nor would I whine about prices that providers ask for that I consider above what I feel comfy donating.  They can charge what they want and if they get it, more power to them.

I understand that as a provider charging more means more money in less time with less work.  It also allows them to be more choosy who they see.  All good.

As a hobbyist, I don't see what more I would be getting from any well regarded provider by donating 2x or 3x what a k-girl asks for.  I suppose you're paying for more discretion and the idea that the provider hasn't been with as many guys before you.  And, it does seems that many who ask for high 3 figures and low 4 figures certainly seem to be in a higher category in terms of looks.  I am certainly very tempted to try out a higher end provider and experience for myself what the difference is, but for now I'm on a holding pattern on doing that.

By deciding, lately, to see primarily k-girls I don't feel like I am slumming it or getting a lesser experience by donating less.  There are so many Asian women out there and the majority of them are very cute to super hot and the majority of them provide excellent service.  When I like the scenery and action where I'm at, I'm not going anywhere else in the near future.

jessebell See my TER Reviews 516 reads
20 / 32

I may be jumping into this conversation late, but I'd like to add my opinion.  

I feel that the RACISM (or is it SEXISM) is on the side of the men that are bulking women into the category of "K-girls."  No one is posting up about "White girls" or "Black girls."  This is a objectification of women in my opinion, to bulk them into the category of their race.  I'm not a girl to shy away from objectification.... heh, everything between consensual partners is splendid with me... but talking about women like they are just a branded animal on a farm is a bit too misogynistic to me.

If men want to post up ads about their favorite provider, hey, do it, but maybe we can just stop calling them K-girls!  Using the term K-girl takes the face/identity off of these women.  All the sudden you've got your "value" but lost the provider's identity.  How much hole can you get for an hour??  I mean, I guess we aren't talking about GFE here when you've reduced a woman to a fleshlight (google it).

To each his own, but if you think as a hobbyist you are not judged when you love "value" as opposed to human experience, think again.  Sex is supposed to be connective, otherwise you'd use your hand.  I get that this profession treads away from that idea, but the objectification of an independent woman with freewill is sexier (to me) than the objectification of a woman who can truly be no more than an object to any man she sees.

P.S.  I believe Brennan's comparison of Marshalls to Chanel is a comparison of business models not the "value" of what is sold in the store.

beautifulmind68 156 Reviews 438 reads
21 / 32

PS: The original Chips version did not worked for my purpose::))

Beemer310 35 Reviews 546 reads
22 / 32

Sigh.......Sometimes it is not just simple economics...seeing the Kgirls is not just a cheap fuck session that many of you think. These girls have lives outside of this and honestly they could really give a rats ass about the boards..but in improving their business model, the bookers will of course gage the winds as they may.

Unfortunately it is not people hating on the kgirls but certain providers who want to fan the fire they are trying to rouse. Seriously all the ads I see here are mostly irritating. This is a discussion board and if the flow of the topics go towards the K-girls that is what the market is dictating.

If for example the topics start talking about R-girls (Russian / eastern Europe) would we want to then minimize their value to the hobby?

All I see here is a cheap attempt to monopolize the boards by some few providers so that their ads dont get on page 2 by the second day. Maybe it is time for just an ad board. If that happens then you would probably have the same providers saying it is being overun by this group or that group....it will never end.

So whatever highhorse I am is not taht bigger than the high horse that you are on. You wonder why the k-girls dont have to have ads except on CV? Maybe you should doing some research and try their business model..It's wonderful you can have 3 clients and make as much as a girl who works for 2 days..it works for you but then who are you to say they have the wrong business practice..

So...there we have it...IMO just a few providers with nothing to do. If you want some advice..look up the K-girl superstars..they can give you a couple of hints...all in the bank..

and one more thing...I love you all..muah!

Beemer in Venice

-- Modified on 8/12/2011 7:01:06 PM

kingofthekop 394 reads
23 / 32


I think you are spot on, ultimately it's desire, if you are interested in a specific woman, you'll pay whatever the going rate is. I have been with a woman I adored who 's going rate was 300/hr and also one whom I couldn't get out of my head who's rate was 1000/hr. Both experiences were fantastic and I can't put a price on it.

I am partial to blondes and I can't say I have been with a K-girl, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't if the right one came along.

CapoMandamento 566 reads
24 / 32

It is not that price and quality relates it has to do with Disposable Income. A person with high disposable income drives expensive cars, lives in expensive houses, and hires expensive escorts...such person is not interest in getting 4 dates for the price of 1 because he can afford it. It is as simple as that..I wish everyone would stop the thinking that they are smarter because they can see 4 girls for the price of 1 because the guy that get that one does not give a damn about it.

Posted By: carlhungus

As a hobbyist, I don't see what more I would be getting from any well regarded provider by donating 2x or 3x what a k-girl asks for.  I suppose you're paying for more discretion and the idea that the provider hasn't been with as many guys before you.  And, it does seems that many who ask for high 3 figures and low 4 figures certainly seem to be in a higher category in terms of looks.  I am certainly very tempted to try out a higher end provider and experience for myself what the difference is, but for now I'm on a holding pattern on doing that.

rpd1952 113 Reviews 440 reads
25 / 32

I think the point of most is not that the guys that are getting 4 for the price of 1 are smarter than the guy that's paying more.  It's that the 4 are not of lesser quality than the 1 just because they are priced less.

GuyFawkes 463 reads
26 / 32

I completely agree with the above.  Provider posts are just annoying.  Furthermore, providers judging other escorts or anyone else for that matter is a joke.  It would be fine if K-girls were hurting others, but K-girls say absolutely nothing.  Providers that clog this board attempting to regulate, dictate, or limit free expression and discussion is laughable.  It's so hypocritical.

Business model?  When your business model includes regular posts on this board, than your business model is lacking.  It's symptomatic you're in want for business.  

Lastly, I totally agree with the last sentence above.  Trust me, I'd put up any K-girl superstar in any comparison, and blow by blow they will probably come out on top or they'll battle to a draw.  Money has absolutely nothing to do with it.  How ignorant, misguided and arrogant to label a hardworking gal 'Marshall's'.  Perhaps it's more than just that, but I'll bite my tongue.

rdhiii 44 Reviews 507 reads
27 / 32

Your analogy is completely incorrect.  And that's my point.  Try it this way.  You have 2 BMWs, they're identical in every way.  Every single way.  Only, one is twice the price.  Which would you buy?  And this is my point.  You, sir, assume because something costs more, it is better.  Why would K-girls be Kias and other providers be BMWs?  If you just aren't attracted to Asian girls, that's fine.  But don't assume that because say, a BB charges so much more her service is any better.

I don't really think a high volume provider is the same in every way as one who is lower volume. That is my point. I prefer not to see high volume providers whether their rates are high or low and prefer independents over agencies. Which is MY CHOICE and between the BMW that is driven everyday vs the BMW driven on weekends or special occassions is the latter. I was not trying to get into the apparent pissing contest that has been going on but just meant to comment on your statement about value. We each have our own desires and ideas as to value. We should just be happy that for the most part there are providers that fulfill what we each of us wants.

Brennan_Blake 445 reads
28 / 32
lovea See my TER Reviews 364 reads
29 / 32

Everyone has own right to choose ( Price & Spend )
About dscussion - no one is forcing K-girls to evaluate themselves for that price...

GUYS, GIRLS how about a little RESPECT for each other ???

   "sometimes fills like in kindergarten" XOXO to all.....

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 1:51:46 AM

carlhungus 54 Reviews 442 reads
30 / 32

That is definitely my point.  

No matter how much money one has, everyone likes a deal especially when you are getting exactly what you want and perhaps a little bit more.

Posted By: rpd1952
I think the point of most is not that the guys that are getting 4 for the price of 1 are smarter than the guy that's paying more.  It's that the 4 are not of lesser quality than the 1 just because they are priced less.  

LAPAX 429 reads
31 / 32

I agree with you 100%. LAPAX stands for love Asian Pussy and Asshole. Don't bother trying to change anyone's opinion. It is a master value.  History will look back on this time and tell us we were some lucky mf'er's.

LAPAX 460 reads
32 / 32

All the guys who agree with you simply enjoy what you have discovered...... silently.  By posting this thread you choose to be a champion...a Don Quixote... a Lancelot.   You are likely a good soul.  But do you think you will get support on the open forum from those whose income have been affected by this fucking incredible value.  No.  You are asking to be villified.  Those of us who agree with you would not invite the pain you are illiciting from the K girl competition.  I too have enjoyed ladies of all races for over 40 adult years.  For the past 10 years I too have enjoyed America's best kept secret; DDG 21-35 year old Asian beauties for 250 who make you think you have died and gone to heaven.  Forget the occasional dissapointments.  Those can be minimized by being a honorable hobbiest who works with repeat booker's who get to know you are a good man. Out of about 70 appt's, I have had maybe 6 bad experiences. You are 100% on target.  Enjoy the secret.  In 10 years things may change.  I am in heaven.  I suggest you continue to enjoy the value......... silently.

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